(1.山東出入境檢驗檢疫局 山東 266000;2.日照出入境檢驗檢疫局;3.中國檢驗認證集團山東公司)
關鍵詞 認證有效性;HACCP;評價;模糊綜合評判;層次分析法
中圖分類號 F203
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the effectiveness of HACCP certification assessment, according to the characteristics of evaluation of the effectiveness of certification elements, selection of evaluation factors and reasonable, the fuzzy comprehensive analysis method to establish model, comprehensive quantitative evaluation of quality certification validity, and feasibility is verified by an example of the model and method.
Keyword: the effectiveness of certification, assessment,Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, fuzzy comprehensive analysis, analytic hierarchy process
1 引言
HACCP認證作為食品行業(yè)應用最廣泛的體系認證之一, 其認證有效性是食品生產企業(yè)產品質量安全的重要保障的關鍵基礎,即將于