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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2010-02-09
核心提示:From the Oscars back to the slums 從奧斯卡回到貧民窟 Slumdog Millionaire child actor Rubina Ali, 9, waves as sheis welcomed back to her home in suburban Mumbai, India, on Feb. 26,2009, after traveling to the Academy Awards in Los Angeles. Slumdog Mi

    From the Oscars back to the slums


    "Slumdog Millionaire" child actor Rubina Ali, 9, waves as sheis welcomed back to her home in suburban Mumbai, India, on Feb. 26,2009, after traveling to the Academy Awards in Los Angeles.

    "Slumdog Millionaire" was the big winner at the Oscars, butfollowing the ceremony, Ali and her fellow child stars returned to slumlife. In April 2009, Ali's father denied reports that he tried to sellhis daughter, claiming he was set up. In July 2009, Ali's co-star,Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail, left the slums for a one-bedroom apartment.Filmmakers were reportedly looking for a new home for Ali as well.


    Madonna and child


    While actress Angelina Jolie's international adoptions have gone off relatively quietly, that's not always been the case for Madonna.

    In 2006, she adopted young David Banda from Malawi despite alaw that requires adoptive parents to live in the country for one year,which Madonna had not done. Then, in 2009, the singer returned to Malawi to adopt a 3-year-old girl, Chifundo "Mercy" James. That adoption was first approved, then rejected due to the residency rule.The country's highest court later OK'd the adoption. James Kambewa hascome forward and claimed to be the girl's father, but later admitted hehas never met her.


    在2006年,麥當娜從馬拉維收養(yǎng)了大衛(wèi)班達,盡管當?shù)胤梢笫震B(yǎng)人在國內(nèi)居住一年,但麥當娜并沒有做到。之后,在2009年,麥當娜重返馬拉維收養(yǎng)另一個3歲的小孩Chifundo "Mercy"James.過程一波三折。一開始收養(yǎng)是順利的,后來由于當?shù)鼐幼》ㄔ獾骄芙^。最后通過該國最高法庭的判決同意收養(yǎng)。收養(yǎng)過程中一個James Kambewa出現(xiàn)并聲稱是女孩的父親,但是后來承認他從來沒見過女孩。

    Rest in peace? Not so easy


    Michael Jackson's siblings and children are pictured at the singer's memorial service on July 7, 2009.

    While the singer's death on June 25 at age 50 was shocking andunexpected, there were dozens of angles that the tabloids seized onafterwards. From Jackson's reported money woes to the custody andparentage of his children to various family feuds and, of course, themedications the singer was taking, every angle of his life is beingshaken out and discussed in the media.



    Tale of the tape

    "粗口門" 事件

    Christian Bale, star of "Terminator Salvation," blew up at the film's director of photography, Shane Hurlbut, in July 2008. Baleclaimed that Hurlbut had walked into his line of sight twice and ruinedhis concentration, and betlitted and theatened Hurlbut in a lengthy,disturbing tirade that was caught on audiotape.

    The tape was released in February 2009 and Bale eventually apologized, saying he "acted like a punk."

    2009年6月終結(jié)者4的主演克里斯蒂安。貝爾在現(xiàn)場大發(fā)雷霆沖攝影導(dǎo)演Shane Hurlbut大聲訓(xùn)斥。貝爾稱Hurlbut闖入他的視線兩次,分散了其注意力,隨后用污言穢語攻擊Hurlbut,這個過程正好被錄像機捕獲。

關(guān)鍵詞: 雙語 大明星 背后故事
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