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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-07-10
核心提示:Results of a new study show that black people tend to be more prone to die from cancer despite receiving the same medical care as other ethnicities. The study looked at rates of death from breast, ovarian and prostate cancer and is the first to comp

    Results of a new study show that black people tend to be more prone to die from cancer despite receiving the same medical care as other ethnicities.

    The study looked at rates of death from breast, ovarian and prostate cancer and is the first to compare racial deaths from the disease when treatment is identical.

    Researchers analyzed health records of more than 20,000 cancer patients who had previously participated in clinical trials.

    Even when treated by the same doctor, the risk of an African American dying from cancer was greater than that of a white patient, but not for all cancers.

    Oddly enough, the racial gap when it came to cancer deaths was not found in cancers including; colon, certain blood and skin cancers.

    "It was a level playing field for everyone. So our findings cast doubt on a widely accepted theory that African-Americans' lower survival rates for certain cancers are solely due to such factors as poverty and poor access to quality healthcare," said lead author of the study Kathy Albain, a breast and lung cancer specialist at Loyola University's Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center.




    Loyola大學(xué)的Cardinal Bernardin癌癥研究中心乳腺癌和肺癌癌癥專家Kathy Albain說(shuō),"過(guò)去我們?cè)J(rèn)為,每個(gè)人在這場(chǎng)游戲中都是公平的。人們也一直相信,非洲裔美國(guó)人癌癥的存活率低完全是因?yàn)樨毨Ш腿狈?yōu)質(zhì)醫(yī)療而造成的。如今我們的研究對(duì)此提出了質(zhì)疑。"

關(guān)鍵詞: 黑人 白人 癌癥
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