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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-03-23
核心提示:Wiping Out Bad Memories A hot topic in neuroscience is memory. Not only increasing it, but erasing it...of the sort that Jim Carrey fools with in the movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Last week researchers from the University of Toronto

Wiping Out Bad Memories

A hot topic in neuroscience is memory. Not only increasing it, but erasing it...of the sort that Jim Carrey fools with in the movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Last week researchers from the University of Toronto published a paper in Science that shows successful obliteration of a fearful memory in mice. This study is significant in that they focused on a specific set of nerve cells that were associated with a very specific memory.

Researchers trained mice to fear a tone, by matching that tone with an electric shock to their feet. So when the tone rang, the mice froze in fear.

Then they flipped a genetically engineered-switch that wiped out a set of neurons, called the CREB-making neurons. CREB is a protein that spikes in the lateral amygdala, when we experience a scary event.

Now, when the tone rang, the mice kept on with their mouse-like activities. No other memories, nor their ability to form new memories, were affected. The effect was specific, potent and long-lasting.

We need to note we are not anywhere close to erasing memory in humans. And really, we need to think hard about which memories to squash, if we ever could. After all, memory is how we learn.

Like that time last winter when I thought it was a fun idea to test walking on thin ice. Think I want to remember that one.


記憶是神經(jīng)科學(xué)的一個(gè)很熱門的話題,就像電影《美麗心靈的永恒陽光》(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)里的Jim Carrey一樣,人們嘗試消除記憶,而不僅僅是增強(qiáng)我們的記憶力。

上周來自多倫多大學(xué)(University of Toronto)的研究人員們?cè)凇犊茖W(xué)》(Science)雜志上發(fā)表的一篇文章顯示,他們成功地把老鼠的一種可怕的記憶消除掉了。該項(xiàng)研究的重大意義在于為研究人員們集中研究了與某種特定記憶相關(guān)的特定的一組神經(jīng)細(xì)胞。






Neuroscience: 神經(jīng)科學(xué)
Obliteration: 記憶的根除
Neuron: 神經(jīng)細(xì)胞
Spike: 升高
Lateral: 邊緣的
Amygdala: 杏仁核
Potent: 強(qiáng)大的
Scary: 害怕的
Squash: 壓碎;擠壓


spike作為名詞是“長(zhǎng)釘”的意思。但是它作為動(dòng)詞的時(shí)候的一個(gè)常用意思是“迅速升高、提高”。比如利息的陡然升高, “Interest rates spiked up last week”(上周利息陡然升高)。

關(guān)鍵詞: 記憶 消除 糟糕
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