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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-12-11
核心提示:Some educational specialists point out the negative effect the Internet can bring to people, especially the young learners. 讓我們聽聽教育家們是如何論述網(wǎng)絡(luò)的弊端的。 教育專家們懷疑的3個(gè)觀點(diǎn): 1. Computers in the classroom can raise educational stan

    Some educational specialists point out the negative effect the Internet can bring to people, especially the young learners. 



    1. Computers in the classroom can raise educational standards.


    Educational specialists point out that there is no evidence to support this. Some even question whether it is a good idea to encourage young learners to have access to the Internet.

    2. Internet is a vast storehouse of valuable knowledge. 


    Educational specialists describe the Internet as a medium that has no quality control(質(zhì)量監(jiān)控) because anyone can post anything on the Internet. No editors will test their contributions. It is like a library that contains works of both the talentless and the talented, a picture gallery that exhibits both great works of art and childish scribbles, a museum that contains rubbish as well as wonderful treasures.

    3. We should give young learners increased access to the Internet so that they can get a vast amount of materials. 


    Educational specialists point out that this is a mixed blessing(好壞參半) because if the young learners are not educated to be discriminating (有辨別能力的), they may gain knowledge and genuine understanding, but at the same time they may be exposed to ignorance and foolishness as well.


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