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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-08-21
核心提示:Today we all live in an increasingly culturally diverse world. Each year thousands, if not millions, of people leave their homes to work abroad and almost every company no matter where you live, will employ people from other countries or cultures.

Today we all live in an increasingly culturally diverse world. Each year thousands, if not millions, of people leave their homes to work abroad and almost every company no matter where you live, will employ people from other countries or cultures.


Sadly, not everyone has the skills in interacting with people from other cultures. In a company, bad interaction between cultures leads to loss of productivity and can have a very bad impact on company morale.


Let's have a look at different types of cross-cultural training that exists to make sure that we can all get along in the work place:


Diversity training is not a new idea. Diversity trainers use their expertise in:


conflict resolution 紛爭解決

preparing organizations for increases in racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity 讓公司做好面向種族、民族、文化和性別方面不斷多元化的準備

preparing employees for international work 讓員工做好在國際環(huán)境下工作的準備

safeguarding against harassment and unfair employment lawsuits 防止紛爭和對職業(yè)不平等的訴訟

taking advantage of employee diversity to increase productivity 利用員工文化多元化的特點增加生產(chǎn)率

conducting cultural audits 制定公司文化制度

managing sexual attraction in the workplace 處理好工作中異性間的關系

developing competencies needed to exploit the international marketplace 發(fā)展開發(fā)國際市場需要的競爭機制

關鍵詞: 公司 多元化 培訓
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