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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-03
核心提示:你以前聽說過穿著舒服的衣服就能治病嗎?不用吃藥更不用打針,這是真的哦,但絕非超自然能力的,這都是有科學依據(jù)的。 Try wearing a T-shirt to help against dry skin. Or use special bed sheets to help you sleep better. Such ideas might sound strange to west


    Try wearing a T-shirt to help against dry skin. Or use special bed sheets to help you sleep better. Such ideas might sound strange to westerners, but in India, these products are a new development in a very old tradition.


    Ayurveda is a system of health care that has existed on the Indian subcontinent for hundreds of years. The plants used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat illnesses are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets. The products are being created as part of a special project in Kerala, a state in south-western India. "For skin problems, we select a plant like indigo, and mix turmeric with the plant," dyeing technician Rajan Kay told the BBC.


    Companies making the cloth are quick to point out that wearing herb-infused clothing will not actually cure an illness, but can simply help as part of an overall approach. What happens to the herbs when the clothes are washed, however, is a question that's still unanswered.


    1. Ayurveda 〈梵〉阿育吠陀,也譯作“生命吠陀醫(yī)學”,是印度一門集治病和保健于一體的古老學問。Ayus指的是“生命”,Veda指的則是“知識或者智慧”,兩者結(jié)合在一起,意思是指“生命的科學”,或指“生命或長壽的知識”。阿育吠陀醫(yī)學不單是一門治病的知識,同時還是一種教導人們?nèi)绾紊、如何保持健康的學問。印度政府對于阿育吠陀醫(yī)學相當重視,因此阿育吠陀醫(yī)學在印度的衛(wèi)生保健事業(yè)上一直發(fā)揮著重要作用。

    2. indigo 槐藍屬植物,木藍屬植物,這種植物能產(chǎn)生靛藍類染料。

    3. turmeric 姜黃根粉,尤用于制作咖喱等佐料或黃色染料。

    4. herb-infused 浸入藥草的,herb指“葉或莖可用于調(diào)味或制藥的香草、藥草”,infuse有“浸漬、泡制(草藥)”之意。


關(guān)鍵詞: 衣服 治病
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