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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-02
核心提示:Why should I hire you? 為什么我該聘用你? This is the classic question most of us hear during an interview. It's often preceded by the phrase, I've already interviewed another person for this position who looks perfect. Then comes the killer questio

"Why should I hire you?" “為什么我該聘用你?”

This is the classic question most of us hear during an interview. It's often preceded by the phrase, "I've already interviewed another person for this position who looks perfect." Then comes the killer question, "Why should I hire YOU?" 這是大多數(shù)人在面試中都遇到過的一個(gè)經(jīng)典問題。面試官往往會(huì)這樣說:“我已經(jīng)面試過另一位想獲得這個(gè)職位的人。他/她看上去很不錯(cuò)。”然后就是這個(gè)要命的問題:“為什么我得聘用你?”

Be careful to avoid clever retorts or comedic one-liners here. Your interview is serious business and a wrong answer will send you packing. This is, in fact, the one question that interviewers like to ask because the answer can so easily separate the contenders from the also-rans. Give a wrong answer and the large "Game Over" sign flashes above your head. 小心,不要用“聰明的狡辯”或幽默來回答。面試是嚴(yán)肅的事情。一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤的回答會(huì)讓你出局。這是一個(gè)面試官喜歡問的問題,答案能讓他們?nèi)菀椎貙⒏?jìng)聘者和“陪考者”區(qū)分開。錯(cuò)誤的回答就意味著“游戲結(jié)束”。

The 'Story' Approach 用講故事的辦法回答問題

What they really want to know is, "How are you different than all the other candidates who have applied for this position?" With this in mind, a good way to approach your answer here is to launch into your best "story" that answers this question, "Will you go the extra mile?" 面試官真正想知道的是:“你和其它申請(qǐng)這個(gè)職位的人有何不同?”清楚這點(diǎn)后,一個(gè)好的回答方法是用自己一個(gè)能回答這個(gè)問題的最好的“故事”:“你愿意再多做一點(diǎn)嗎?”

Why is the employer asking why they should hire you? Because there are only five areas of interest that they have about you as a candidate: 為什么面試者問為什么要聘用你呢?因?yàn)樗麄冎魂P(guān)心面試者的五個(gè)方面:

* Your skills 你的技能

* Your knowledge about the company你對(duì)公司的了解

* Your manageability 你是否服從管理

* Your affordability 你能貢獻(xiàn)什么

* Whether you can go above and beyond your job description 你是否能比規(guī)定的工作做得更多

In this day of "lean and mean" operations philosophy, employers are looking for employees who can think bigger and perform duties above and beyond their jobs. 在這個(gè)采用“瘦身”、“吝嗇”的運(yùn)營(yíng)理念的時(shí)代,雇主們要找能高屋建瓴的思考、超水平發(fā)揮的員工。(to be continued) 

關(guān)鍵詞: 面試 聘用
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