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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-26
核心提示:Identifying your dream job and the path that will take you there is both a challenge and an opportunity. But by following a realistic step-by-step vacationing process (outlined below), you can pursue your interests and passions to the job of your dr

    Identifying your dream job and the path that will take you there is both a challenge and an opportunity. But by following a realistic step-by-step "vacationing" process (outlined below), you can pursue your interests and passions to the job of your dreams. 


    7. Establish Thresholds 建立“門(mén)檻”

    The biggest reason we pursue our dream job is to increase our life satisfaction. It is important to understand how much risk, challenge, and uncertainty you can tolerate before the life-satisfaction goal becomes blurred by the process. The vocationing process is as much about what you learn on the journey as the rewards when you reach your destination. 


    8. Think Big, Start Small 大處著眼,小處著手

    You don't have to quit your 9-to-5 job to pursue your dream job. Obligations and concerns may take you down a less-than-direct path. It may take months, not weeks; years, not months. If you are patient and creative, you can keep your career transition moving forward. 



關(guān)鍵詞: 理想 工作
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