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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-04-11
核心提示:IN THIS ARTICLE: Dr Andrew WI is a health guru for millions through his Internet site, Ask Dr Weil. But his central message revolves around a simple physical fact, and one of the most important is that we must breathe the best possible way we can.

    IN THIS ARTICLE: Dr Andrew WI is a health guru for millions through his Internet site, Ask Dr Weil. But his central message revolves around a simple physical fact, and one of the most important is that we must breathe the best possible way we can.


    [1] In 1999, Time magazine selected l)r Andrew Weil as one of the 25 most influential people in America. His hooks have spent 22 weeks, to date, on the New York Times bestseller list. His Internet web site, from which he dispenses even more advice, attracts 3, 000 questions a week. Among recent questions were: What is the best breast cancer treatment? How can we combat killer mosquitoes? Are apples really good for you? Can popcorn be health food? Should I drink more water?

    [2] But the message health gum Andrew Weil has is simple.

    * "Breathe," he says. Long, slow, full breaths with exhales at least as long as the inhales.

    * "Walk," he says. Briskly, that is, for 10 minutes a day, five days a week--for a start.

    * "Eat healthily," he says, "taking in more fresh vegetables and fruit and less red meat."

    [3] Weil has been travelling the world to promote his books Health and Healing and Spontaneous Healing. A new volume will be available here in September. In Health and Healing he expands on the importance of breathing, that "most" vital and mysterious function".

    [4] "Breathing is unique as the only function that can be fully voluntary or involuntary. As such it is a bridge between the conscious and unconscious minds as well as between mind and body.

    [5] "Proper breathing nourishes the central nervous system, establishes a harmonious pattern for other bodily rhythms, and regulates moods and emotions."






    [6] "Learning how to breathe and working consciously with breath is a simple, safe, effective and inexpensive way to promote good health of mind and body."

    [7] The man with a medical degree from Harvard, a magnificent trademark beard and the sort of eyes that twinkle into crescent slivers when he smiles, (which is often) does not hesitate to suggest that you bead for the nearest hospital if you have been in an accident, need a hip replacement or have a severe infection.

    [8] But he has long championed alternative views on health. He emphasises the need for "integrative" medicine, which takes the best from any number of healing methods--if they have been shown to work.

    [9] Weil began his travels around the world at 17, examining the medicines of other cultures. The experience enforced his passionate interest in botanical drugs and fostered in him a great respect for the inherent power of the mind-body connection and its potential importance in medicine.

    [10] He entered Harvard with no intention of practising in the traditional allopathic way, but with "a strong intuition that a medical degree would be useful".

    [11] For 26 years he has spoken about his basic philosophy--that the body has its own elaborate healing system that repairs wounds, renews bones and corrects mistakes in the blueprint that could otherwise result in cancer or other diseases.

    [12] And he has criticised the doctors who ignore it and focus entirely on "the disease model" instead. "But ideological argument means nothing," he says.


    “呼吸作為僅有的能完全自主或不自主的機能是獨特的。因而它是一座橋,處于自覺和不自覺之間,如同處于腦子和身體之間。 “正常的呼吸滋養(yǎng)中樞神經(jīng)系統(tǒng),為其他的軀體節(jié)律建立一種和諧的模式,并調(diào)節(jié)心境和情緒。



    但是,他在健康問題上長期以來都堅持選擇的觀點。他強調(diào)需要“整合”醫(yī)藥,即從各種各樣的治療方法中擇取其優(yōu)點——只要它們已顯示可發(fā)揮作用。 韋爾17歲就開始環(huán)球旅行,考察其他文化的醫(yī)藥。他的游歷加強了他對植物性藥物的強烈興趣,并使他越來越注意身心關(guān)聯(lián)的固有力量及其在醫(yī)學上潛在的重要意義。



    他批評那些忽視人體自身痊愈系統(tǒng)而代之以完全著眼于“疾病模型”的醫(yī)生們。他說:“思想方法上的爭辯毫無意義。” 他說,目前美國的醫(yī)療系統(tǒng)正處于嚴重困難之中。“技術(shù)實在是過于昂貴,醫(yī)療經(jīng)濟體系無法運作。醫(yī)院正走向破產(chǎn)。醫(yī)學院正不得不合并。”同時,代用醫(yī)藥的消費市場正日趨繁榮,并演變成一個重要的經(jīng)濟力量。韋爾已經(jīng)注意到越來越多的醫(yī)生正傾聽他的意見。他說:“我在這個領(lǐng)域有很長的一段時間了,因而我有些可信度。”

    [13] Now the medical system in America is in desperate straits, he says. "The technology is simply too expensive and the medical economy is not working. Hospitals are going bankrupt. Medical colleges are having to merge." Meanwhile the consumer market for alternative medicines is booming and becoming a significant economic force. And Weil has noticed more and more physicians lending him an enthusiastic ear. "I have a long history in this field so I have some credibility," he says.

    [14] Among the millions who now attend carefully to what he has to say is the faculty of the University of Arizona College of Medicine where a radical and innovative programme of his design, to "train a new type of physician for the next century" begins next month.

    [15] That is when the first trainees, already qualified doctors with some years' experience in family practice and internal medicine, embark upon a two-year post-graduate course to prepare them to be leaders.

    [16] The curriculum includes, for example, modules on Zen Meditation, medicine and culture, legal issues, "energy medicine" (everything from X-rays to the highest technical aspects of the field) and ancient "energy" treatments like homeopathy, therapeutic touch and chi gong.

    [17] Students will study in detail medical acupuncture, homeopathy. osteopathic manipulation and guided imagery. The centre will run a clinic and conduct research. And in line with Weil's principle that doctors should model healthy a candidate's healthy lifestyle is a criterion for admission--a Chicago doctor who is also a professional chef has been employed to provide "decent food" to the students.

    [18] Interest in alternative medicine is a major phenomenon says Weil, far more than a trend. It is, he says, part of a world wide reaction against technology and an urge to find a better balance with nature.




    學生們將詳細學習針灸、順勢療法、骨療手法以及暗示療法。訓練中心將開辦一個診所,并進行研究工作。而且,為與韋爾主張的“醫(yī)生要做健康表率”之原則相一致,投考者健康的生活方式是決定錄取與否的一項標準。一位芝加哥醫(yī)生已被雇用,同時他還是專業(yè)廚師,來給學生們提供“像樣的食品”。 韋爾說,對于代用醫(yī)藥的興趣是個重大的現(xiàn)象,遠遠超過一種趨向。他說,這是在世界范圍內(nèi)逆反技術(shù)并力求跟自然更好地保待一種平衡。


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