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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2006-09-26   瀏覽次數(shù):61

General Methods Overview

· Electrophysiology Overview

· Clinical Electrophysiology – The Electroretinogram ERG by Donnell Creel (University of Utah)

· Electrophysiological Recordings (N. Wanaverbecq, Eccles Corner Neuroscience)

· Electrophysiological Techniques - Visually Evoked Cortical Potentials (VECP) and ElectroRetinoGram (ERG)

· Electrophysiological recordings in oocytes (P. Imbrici, Eccles Corner Neuroscience)

· The Nerve Impulse (Dr. Bezanilla, UCLA)

· Laboratory Experiments: Nerve Action Potential Simulation

Buffers and Solutions

· Solutions for slice preparation, slice maintenance and patch clamp recording (A. Semyanov, N. Wanaverbecq, R. Scott, Eccles Corner Neuroscience)

· A technique of fast drug application to outside-out patches (A. Semyanov, D.M. Kullmann, Eccles Corner Neuroscience)

Brain Slice Preparation

· in vitro Slice Preparation (Medical College of Georgia)

· Brain Slice Electrophysiology Methods (Winder Lab, Vanderbilt Medical Center)

· Preparation of acutely dissociated hippocampal neuron (A. Semyanov & N. Wanaverbecq, Eccles Corner Neuroscience)

Extracellular Recording

· Recording Single-Neuron Electrical Activity in the Human Brain (Matthew A. Howard III, M.D., University of Iowa)

· Extracellular Electrophysiology (Sean M. Montgomery, Rutgers University)

· Extracellular Recording from the Stomatogastric Ganglion of the Crab, Carcinus Maenus: Effects of Dopamine and Serotonin (Sean Montgomery & Errol Ruckert, Rutgers University)

· A targeted extracellular approach for recording long-term firing patterns of excitable cells: a practical guide (Craig S. Nunemaker, et al. University of Virginia)

· Extracellular single and multiple unit recording with carbon fibre microelectrodes

Intracellular Recording

· Intracellular recording and staining in Lymnaea

· Intracellular Features Predicted by Extracellular Recordings in the Hippocampus in Vivo

Multiple Neuronal Recording

· Large-scale recording of neuronal ensembles (György Buzsáki, Nature Neuroscience)

· Using multi-neuron population recordings for neural prosthetics (John K Chapin, Nature Neuroscience)

· Multiple neural spike train data analysis: state-of-the-art and future challenges (Emery N Brown, et al. Nature Neuroscience)

Patch Clamp

· Methods for Study of Ion Channels

· Electrophysiology - The Patch Clamp Technique (Assmann Lab, Pennsylvania State University

· Patch Clamp Technique (direct electrical measurement of ion channel currents while simultaneously controlling the cell’s membrane potential)

· Patch Clamp Technique - Introducing patch clamp technique through flash movie

· Whole Cell Patch Clamp Technique (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)

· High-resolution scanning patch-clamp: new insights into cell function (The FASEB Journal)

· Patch Clamp Measurements Applied to Neurons

· Ion-selective microelectrode, sharp electrode, whole-cell clamp and gramicidin perforated-patch recordings (K. Lamsa, Eccles Corner Neuroscience)

· Combined patch clamp recording and mRNA expression profiling in individual neurons (Douglas Coulter's Lab, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)

· A Novel Method for Characterizing Synaptic Noise in Cortical Neurons (Alain Destexhe, et al. Neurocomputing)

· High-resolution scanning patch-clamp: new insights into cell function (The FASEB Journal)


· The Microdialysis Technique – The Principle (

· Introduction to Microdialysis Technique (University of Groningen)

· Microdialysis - Neurotransmitter Measurement (Emory University)

· Simultaneous Determination of Caffeine From Blood, Brain and Muscle Using Microdialysis in an Awake Rat and Effect of Caffeine on Rat Activity

· Neurochemical: microdialysis and postmortem measures of dopamine and norepinephrine release using HPLC-EC

· A microdialysis method for the recovery of IL-1beta, IL-6 and nerve growth factor from human brain in vivo

· Microdialysis methods for measuring human metabolism

· Microdialysis techniques in the study of brain and skeletal muscle

· Microsensor and microdialysis technology. Advanced techniques in the management of severe head injury

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