Our Mr. Osawa is away in Osaka on an urgent business, and will not return until the 1st May, and so if you will kindly let the matter stand over till then, we will send you a cheque by the first post on the 2nd of the same month.
As we expect to receive three large sums within the next few days, days, we will send you some money by Monday at the latest.
I shall be very much obliged if you will give me a little more time to settle your account due 1st June.
We tegret that we are not able at the moment to make you a settlement.
We are afraid it will be impossible for us to settle your account by the 16th July next--the date you mention--but we shall be willing to accept a bill for the settlement at 2 m/date.
Owing to the serious depression of trade now prevailing, we shall be unable to meet our acceptance for $1,500, which matures for payment on the 18th Oct.
Enclosed I wait on you with your account current, balance carried to your debit this day in a new account, $15.7, which Itrust you find correct.
Enclosed I now wait on you with your account current, leaving a balance of $500 in my favour, which if found correct, you will be so good as to pass to a new account.
I hand you, enclosed, your account current, showing a balance in my fivour of $500.
The customer pays the instalments direct to us, after delivery o fthe articles and we send him the receipts.
You have on hire from us a sewing machine, for which we hold your written agreement to make regular payments at the rate o f$15 per month.
As the machine was hired to you on the understanding that regular payments would be made, we must ask that in future the terms of the afreement should be strictly adhered to.
Please note that our pay day for Town Accounts is Wednesday of any Week, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., but we expect creditors to send representatives to agree to amounts for settlement at least three days prior to calling for their cheques.
The account is subject to 10% discount if settled within fifteen days of rendering, after which it is strictly net.