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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-03-22
核心提示:統(tǒng)籌經(jīng)濟(jì)建設(shè)和國(guó)防建設(shè) to balance economic development and national defense 完成多樣化軍事任務(wù) accomplish a diverse array of military tasks 領(lǐng)土完整 territorial integrity 人民武裝警察部隊(duì) the People's Armed Force 執(zhí)勤、處置突發(fā)事件、反恐維穩(wěn)能力 abi

統(tǒng)籌經(jīng)濟(jì)建設(shè)和國(guó)防建設(shè) to balance economic development and national defense

完成多樣化軍事任務(wù) accomplish a diverse array of military tasks

領(lǐng)土完整 territorial integrity

人民武裝警察部隊(duì) the People's Armed Force

執(zhí)勤、處置突發(fā)事件、反恐維穩(wěn)能力 ability to enforce law, respond to emergencies, combat terrorism and safeguard stability

國(guó)防預(yù)算 defense budget
中國(guó)的領(lǐng)土和主權(quán)完整 China's sovereignty and territorial integrity

一國(guó)兩制 One China, Two Systems

臺(tái)灣同胞 Taiwan compatriots

促進(jìn)兩岸和平 to promote cross-Straits peace

和平發(fā)展兩岸關(guān)系 peaceful development of cross-Straits relations

促進(jìn)兩岸經(jīng)濟(jì)文化交流 to promote cross-Straits economic and cultural exchanges

“三通”(通郵、通商、通航) direct links of mail, transport and trade

“臺(tái)獨(dú)”分裂活動(dòng) "Taiwan independence" secessionist activities

“臺(tái)獨(dú)”分裂勢(shì)力 "Taiwan independence" secessionist forces

“入聯(lián)公投” "referendum" on Taiwan's United Nations membership      


關(guān)鍵詞: 政府 報(bào)告 國(guó)防
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