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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-10-28
核心提示:Why do I need Key Skills? 為什么我需要關(guān)鍵技能? Key Skills are basic skills that affect everything else you do - they can help you achieve higher grades and do better at work. Because employers, colleges and universities value Key Skills, they can h

Why do I need Key Skills? 為什么我需要關(guān)鍵技能?

Key Skills are basic skills that affect everything else you do - they can help you achieve higher grades and do better at work. Because employers, colleges and universities value Key Skills, they can help you get into the job or course you want. Key Skills widen your job choice now and they’ll give you flexibility in job and career moves throughout your life. They’re even pretty useful in your personal life!


The six key skills are


communication 交流

information technology 信息技術(shù)

application of number 數(shù)字應(yīng)用

improving own learning and performance 提高知識(shí)水平和自身表現(xiàn)

problem solving 解決問(wèn)題

working with others 與他人一起工作


Communication is about using your speaking, writing, listening and reading skills effectively for different tasks. You should be able to understand information and give a proper spoken or written response.


Examples of communication skills:


summarizing information 概括信息

taking part in a discussion 參與討論

writing different types of documents 寫(xiě)作不同文體材料

giving a short talk or presentation on a topic 對(duì)某個(gè)話題發(fā)表簡(jiǎn)短談話或演說(shuō)

reading and understanding different styles of writing 閱讀、理解不同文體


關(guān)鍵詞: 優(yōu)秀 雇員


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