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X射線結(jié)晶學(xué) X-ray Crystallography -生物名詞

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A technique that allows the elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of proteins, DNA, or other biomolecules at atomic-level resolution. This is achieved by first crystallizing the purified biomolecule into ordered arrays and then using X-ray diffraction to analyze the crystals. X-rays are used because they have the same wavelength as the atomic separations so the crystal acts as a molecular diffraction grating to diffract a beam of X-rays, producing a diffraction pattern that can be captured and analyzed. A computer is then used to reconstruct the original structure. In practice the diffraction pattern is iteratively solved at ever-increasing
shells of resolution; the crystallographer alternates between building a model structure (working in real space) and comparing the model’s calculated diffraction pattern with the observed diffraction pattern (working in reciprocal space). Each round of iteration brings the model structure into better agreement with the experimental data; when the difference between the two is negligible the diffraction pattern is said to be solved. The final model provides a time-averaged three-dimensional atomic-resolution structure of the molecule under study. The X-ray crystal structure of a protein target can identify the functional pockets of the protein and, when complexed with a natural or synthetic ligand, can serve as a useful starting point for rational drug design. X-ray structures of catalogs of proteins have also provided useful information on the types of protein structures, folds and domains found in nature; this is sometimes termed structural genomics.

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