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經(jīng)濟(jì)金融術(shù)語漢英對(duì)照表 MN

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-12-01
核心提示:M 買方市場(chǎng) buyer's market 賣方市場(chǎng) seller's market 賣出回購(gòu)證券 matched sale of repo 貿(mào)易差額 trade balance 民間信用 non-institutionalized credit 免二減三 exemption of income tax for the first two years ofmaking profit and 50% tax reduction for thef


    買方市場(chǎng) buyer's market 

    賣方市場(chǎng) seller's market 

    賣出回購(gòu)證券 matched sale of repo 

    貿(mào)易差額 trade balance 

    民間信用 non-institutionalized credit 

    免二減三 exemption of income tax for the first two years ofmaking profit and 50% tax reduction for thefollowing three years 

    明補(bǔ) explicit subsidy 

    明虧 explicit loss 

    名牌產(chǎn)品 brand products 

    母國(guó)(請(qǐng)見“東道國(guó)”) home country 


    內(nèi)部控制 internal control 

    內(nèi)部審計(jì) internal audit 

    內(nèi)地與香港 the mainland and Hong Kong 

    內(nèi)債 domestic debt 

    扭虧為盈 to turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one 

    扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources 

    農(nóng)副產(chǎn)品采購(gòu)支出 outlays for agricultural procurement

    農(nóng)村信用社 rural credit cooperatives(RCCs)


關(guān)鍵詞: 金融術(shù)語 漢英 MN
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