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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2015-09-09  來(lái)源:食品翻譯中心
A San Francisco fast food restaurant has opened with no waiting staff or cashiers and instead dispenses its meals using a giant vending machine.

Customers of eatsa, in the middle of the city's financial district, order their dishes on iPads, which are prepared by staff in a hidden kitchen and delivered to the fully automated 'cubbies'. The only staff that can be seen are in store to help customers with problems they may have with the software. The restaurant offers a range of Quinoa-based salads.
這家店名叫 Eatsa,位于舊金山金融中心區(qū),顧客在ipad上點(diǎn)餐,顧客看不到后廚,員工做好后會(huì)把食物放進(jìn)全自動(dòng)販賣機(jī)中。店里唯一可見(jiàn)的服務(wù)人員的職責(zé)是幫助顧客解決他們遇到的軟件問(wèn)題。店里供應(yīng)各式藜麥沙拉。

According to Tim Young, eatsa's co-founder the company 'is reinventing fast food by combining the speed and affordability of fast food with the delicious flavors and nutritious ingredients of premium fast casual. 'By developing new technology to automate every aspect of the food experience, we are able to deliver a product with the best qualities of premium fast casual at a price point that is accessible to everyone.'
Eatsa的合資人蒂姆•楊(Tim Young)表示,“快餐食品快速便捷,優(yōu)質(zhì)便餐美味營(yíng)養(yǎng),通過(guò)兩者的結(jié)合,公司正在徹底改造快餐。通過(guò)發(fā)展新技術(shù),將用餐體驗(yàn)的每一環(huán)節(jié)自動(dòng)化,我們有能力提供價(jià)格親民、質(zhì)量最好的快餐。”

The customers order their food using a virtual cashier, who retains details of previous purchases allowing tailored suggestions. When the food is ready, the dish is delivered to an individual glass door 'cubby' which shows personalized graphics allowing the customer to quickly identify their own lunch.

關(guān)鍵詞: 全自動(dòng)餐廳
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