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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2007-01-23

甜辣鴿絲 Hot and Sweet Pigeon Slices

酸辣豆腐湯 Hot and Sour Bean Curd Soup

鐵排明蝦 Braised Prawns

炒什錦西紅柿 Fried Tomato with Multiple Seasoning

炒貽貝 Fried Mussel

炒雜燴 Fried Assorted Ingredients

炒章魚 Fried Octopus

陳皮炸鵝 Fried Goose with Seasoned Orange Peel

齒綠苦荬菜(苦苦菜) Herba Ixeris

蔥爆牛肉 Stir-Fry beef with Shallot

蔥辣鱖魚條 Fried Mandarin Fish with Dried Chilli and Shallot

脆皮鵪鶉 Crisp Quail

脆皮嫩雞 Crisp Tender Chicken

大白菜泡菜 Pickled Cabbage

大醬豆腐 Bean Curd with Brown Sauce

蛋白丸子 Muscle Balls

黨參燉雞 Stewed Chicken with Gensing

地棗狗肉條 Fried Common Squill Bulb and Dog Meat Strip

燉牛掌 Stewed Cattle Hoof

番茄黃燜雞塊(韓國) Braised Chicken with Tomato

番茄牛肉菠菜湯 Beef and Spinach with Tomato Sauce

翡翠雞茸豆腐湯 Mushed Chicken and Bean Curd Soup

翡翠鮮貝球 Emerald Scallop Balls

粉絲煨牛肉絲 Sliced Beef with Vermicelli

鳳凰里脊 Braised Fillet Like Phoenix

鳳凰氽牡丹 Jellyfish and Braised Chicken Breast

芙蓉蹄筋 Braised Pork Tendon with Egg White

芙蓉蝦仁 Braised Shrimp Meat with Egg White

蓋澆飯 Rice with Beef and Assorted Vegetables

干貝海參 Dried Scallops and Sea Cucumber

香酥鵪鶉 Spiced Crisp Quail

香酥雞腿 Spiced Crisp Chicken Legs

蟹黃排翅 Braised Shark’s Fin with Crab Yolk

蟹黃魚翅 Braised Shark’s Fin with Crab Yolk

八寶鵪鶉(韓國) Eight-Treasure Quail

杏仁炒豬肉丁 Fried Pork Dices with Almond

杏仁鶉脯 Braised Quail Breast with Almond

繡球蒸菜 Steamed Vegetables in Shape of Silk Ball

雪花雞腿 Snow Flower Chicken Legs

鴨絲炒鮑魚 Fried Abalone with Duck Slices

鹽水毛蟹 Boiled Hairy Crab with Salted Water

櫻桃肉(韓國) Braised Pork with Cherry Juice

油爆大蝦 Fried Prawns

油爆脊丁 Fried Fillet Dices

香辣牛肉 Spiced and Hot Beef

莧菜黃魚羹 Edible Amaranth and Croaker Thick Soup

蝦子燒海參 Braised Sea Cucumber with Shrimps

蝦須牛肉 Braised Beef Strips

蝦仁豆腐 Braised Bean Curd with Shrimp Meat

蝦仁扒海參 Braised Sea Cucumber with Shrimp Meat

煨雞塊 Stewed Chicken Dices

豌豆炒蝦仁 Fried Shrimp Meat with Pea

氽兔肉圓 Rabbit Meat Balls

清燉狗肉 Stewed Dog Meat

清炒蝦仁 Fried Shrimp Meat

青椒炒豬肉 Fried Pork with Green Pepper

薺菜炒雞片 Fried Chicken Slices with Shepherd’s Purse

蘋果燜牛肉片 Braised Beef Slices with Apple

蘋果炒牛肉片 Fried Beef Slices with Apple

平菇鯽魚湯 Mushroom and Crucian Soup

枇杷狗肉 Loquat Dog Meat

烹鵪鶉 Fried Quail

糯米全雞 Stewed Chicken Stuffed with Rice

清燉哈士蟆 Stewed Forest Frog and Chicken

關(guān)鍵詞: 韓國菜
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