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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-19
核心提示:crawling peg 浮動釘住 in constant dollar value 按不變價值美元計算 in current price 按實價計算 buying sight rate 按現(xiàn)貨價買進 safeguard practice 保護性措施 policy loan 保單貸款 slump 暴跌 decreasing returns to scale 規(guī)模報酬遞減 retaliatory tariff 報

  crawling peg 浮動釘住

  in constant dollar value 按不變價值美元計算

  in current price 按實價計算

  buying sight rate 按現(xiàn)貨價買進

  safeguard practice 保護性措施

  policy loan 保單貸款

  slump 暴跌

  decreasing returns to scale 規(guī)模報酬遞減

  retaliatory tariff 報復關(guān)稅

  feeder industry 補給性工業(yè)

  small profit by quick turnover 薄利多銷

  foul bill of lading 不清潔提單

  salvage value 殘余價值

  sale in bulk 成批出售

  unilateral import quota 單邊進口配額

  antedated B/L 倒簽提單

  counter sample 對等樣品

  external public debt 對外公債

  system of multilateral trade commitments 多邊貿(mào)易承諾制度

  official devaluation 法定貶值

  contra-cyclical policy 反周期政策

  released bill of lading 旅行提單

  stratified sampling 分層抽樣品

  adhesion contract 服從契約

  bimetallic standard 復本位制


關(guān)鍵詞: 商務 詞匯
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