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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-17
核心提示:EX. Exchange 匯票 EXAM Examination 測驗 EDF Estimated date of flight 預定飛行日期 EV Entry visa 入境簽證 ETDELY Estimated time of delivery 預交船期 ETREDELY Estimated time of redielivery 預還船期 E.R. En route 在途中 F Fog 霧 F Fahrenheit 華氏溫度 F

  EX. Exchange 匯票

  EXAM Examination 測驗

  EDF Estimated date of flight 預定飛行日期

  EV Entry visa 入境簽證

  ETDELY Estimated time of delivery 預交船期

  ETREDELY Estimated time of redielivery 預還船期

  E.R. En route 在途中

  F Fog 霧

  F Fahrenheit 華氏溫度

  F & A Fore and aft 首尾

  FAA Free of all average 一切海損均不賠償

  FAC Fast as can 盡快

  FAP First aid post 急救站

  FAQ Fair average quality 大路貨

  FAQ Free alongside quay 碼頭邊交貨

  FA Free alongside ship 船邊交貨

  FAX Facsimile 圖文傳真

  FCC First class charterers 一流承租人

  FCL Full container load 整箱貨

  FC & S Free of capture and seizure 虜獲或捕捉不保條款

  FCS Full container ships 全集裝箱船舶

  FD Free discharge 船方不負擔卸貨費

  F & D Freight and demurrange 運費和滯期費

  FD Forced discharge 強行卸貨

  FD Forced draughts 強制通風,壓力通風

  FD Free delivery 免費交貨

  FD Free docks 待租泊位

  FE Far east 遠東

  FEB February 二月

  FEC Foreign exchange certificate 外匯兌換券

  FEFC Far East Freight Conference 遠東水腳公會

  FFA Free from alongside 船邊交貨

  FH First half 前半部

  F/I Freight insurance 運費保險

  FI Free in 船方不負擔裝船費

  FIB Free into Bunkers (燃料)船上價格

  FIB Free into barge (燃料)油駁價格

  FILO Free i & liner(term) out 船方不負擔裝費,負擔卸費

  FIO Free in and out 船方不負擔裝卸費用

  FIOS Free in, out and stowed 船方不負擔裝卸、積載費用

  FIOST Free in , out, stowed and trimed 船方不負擔裝卸、積載和平艙費用

  FI. Floor 樓層

  FLWG Following 如下

  FLWS follows 如下

  FL/EM Full/empty 滿/空

  FM From 從,由

  FMC Federal Maritime Commission 美國聯邦海事局

  FMR From maintenance and repair 壞箱修復回收

  FO For orders 等待指示

  FO Firm order 實盤

  FO,FLO. Fuel oil 燃料油

  FOB Free on board 離岸價格

  FOC Free of charge 免費

  FOC Flag of convenlence 方便旗

  FOD Free of discharge 免付卸費

  FOQ Free on quay 碼頭交貨價格

  FOR Free on rail 鐵路交貨價格

  FOT Free on truck 卡車交貨價格

  FOW First open water 解凍前首次派船

  FP Floating (Open) policy 未定船名保單

  FPA Free of particular average 不保單獨海損

  FPT Fore peak tank 前尖艙

  FRC Fire resisting construction 防火建筑

  FRI Friday 星期五

  FRT Freight 運費

  FT Feet 英尺

  FWD Forward 向前

  FWE Finished with engine 停機

  FCC Free of charterers' commission 免付承租人租金

  FYG For you guidance 供你參考

  FYI For you information 供你參考

  G/A General average 共同海損

  G/A general average contribution 共同海損分攤

  GC general cargo 雜貨

  GDBC geared bulk carriers 帶吊機的散裝船

  GENCON Uniform General Charter of the Baltic and international Maritime

  Conference 金康,波羅的海國際海運公會統(tǒng)一雜貨合約

  GL German Lloyd's 德國船級社

  GMBH Company limited (德)有限公司

  GM metacentric height 定額高度

  GMT Greenwich mean time 格林威治時間

  GP Geographical position 地理位置

  GR Geographical rotation 地理順序

  GRT Gross registered tonnage 總登記噸位

  GT Gross tonnage 總噸

  GW Gross Weight 總重量(毛重)

  GW Gale warning 大風警報

  GV Grande Vitesse(express train) 快車

  HC Held covered 繼續(xù)承保

  HC Hatch coaming 船艙圍板

  HDCHRS Head charterers 首席租船人

  HDWND Head wind 頂頭風

關鍵詞: 航運 術語
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