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漢英筳席菜名大全 R-S

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-06-23
核心提示:R 瓤冬菇盒 Stuffed mushroom 瓤冬瓜 Stuffed winter melon(white gourd) 瓤豆腐 Stuffed bean curd 瓤發(fā)菜湯 Hair like vegetable soup 瓤黃瓜 Stuffed cucumber 瓤雞 Stuffed chicken 瓤筋葉 Stuffed bean curd leaf rolls with minced pork 瓤青椒 Stuffed green

瓤冬菇盒 Stuffed mushroom
瓤冬瓜 Stuffed winter melon(white gourd)
瓤豆腐 Stuffed bean curd
瓤發(fā)菜湯 Hair like vegetable soup
瓤黃瓜 Stuffed cucumber
瓤雞 Stuffed chicken
瓤筋葉 Stuffed bean curd leaf rolls with minced pork
瓤青椒 Stuffed green pepper
瓤柿子椒 Stuffed pepper
瓤土鯪魚 Stuffed dace
瓤餡雞 Chicken stuffed with pork
瓤餡雞蛋 Eggs stuffed with pork
瓤餡青椒 Green pepper stuffed with pork
瓤餡西紅柿 Tomato stuffed with pork
瓤餡小牛胸口 Veal breast stuffed with pork
瓤餡魚 Fish stuffed with pork
瓤羊肚菌 Stuffed sheep′s tripe with mushroom
瓤竹筍 Stuffed bamboo shoots
熱菜 Hot dishes
熱狗 Hot dog
熱煎餅 Fried chinese savoury pancake(hot)
熱牛奶 Hot milk
熱拼盤 hot hors d′soeuvres
日光槽糕 Sunshine cake
肉餅燉蛋 Poached egg with minced pork
肉藏面筋 Minced meat puffs
肉末燒餅 Minced meat with sesame cakes
肉末炒飯 Fried rice with minced pork
肉片湯 Sliced pork soup
肉蓉青豆 Minced pork with green beans
肉沙拉 Meat salad
肉燒烏賊 Stewed cuttlefish with pork
肉絲炒蛋 Pork omelette
肉絲炒飯 Pork fried rice
肉絲炒面 Fried noodles with sliced pork
肉絲海帶湯 Sliced pork soup with kelp
肉絲撈面 Shredded pork with boiled noodles
肉絲扒豆腐 Stewed sliced pork with bean curd
肉絲湯面 Shredded pork noodle soup
肉絲玉蘭 Sliced pork and dried bamboo shoots
肉松 Dried meat floss
肉湯 Meat broth
肉丸咖喱 Meatball curry
肉丸子飯 Meatballs with rice
肉丸子湯 Meatball soup
肉餡煎餅 Savoury pancake filled with pork
肉餡煎餅卷 Pancake roll with meat filling
肉蟹 Fresh crab
肉圓粉絲湯 Minced pork balls and bean vermicelli soup
肉雜拌兒 Assorted meat
肉雜拌兒湯 Mixed meat soup
肉汁通心粉 Macaroni with meat sauce
如意冬筍 “Perfect”bamboo shoots
乳蛋餅 Custard cake
乳酪 Cheese
乳酪焗蟹 Crab meat with cheese
乳酪焗魚 Fish with cheese
乳酪三味夾 Cheese sandwich
乳酥 Junket
軟煎大蝦 Soft fried prawns
軟熘魚扇 Soft fried fish
軟炸蔥花里脊 Soft fried fillet slices with onion
軟炸大蝦 Soft fried prawns
軟炸黃魚片 Soft fried croaker
軟炸雞 Soft fried chicken
軟炸里脊 Soft fried fillet
軟炸蝦 Soft fried prawns
軟炸魚塊 Soft fried fish slices
瑞士雞翼 Chicken wings,Swiss style
瑞士焗雞 Baked chicken with mixed sauce,Swiss style
瑞士胗肝 Chicken giblets,Swiss style
潤腸雀松批 Liver sausage and chicken pie

賽螃蟹 “Crab meat style”egg
三杯焗雞 Baked chicken with spices
三不沾 Three“non-stick”sweets(made of egg,lard and flour)
三拼 Three kinds of hors d′oeuvres
三品燉鍋 Three kinds of meat in hot pot
三色黃瓜卷 Three coloured cucumber stuffed rolls
三色拼盤 Three kinds of cold meat
三色雞肉湯 Three coloured chicken soup
三式拼盤 Three kinds of hors d′oeuvres
三絲炒面 Fried noodles with three shredded ingredients
三絲魚翅湯 Shark′s fin soup with three shredded ingredients
三絲冬粉 Three shreds with winter noodles
三絲燴鴨 Duck with three sliced meats
三絲美鮑 American abalone with three shredded ingredients
三絲魚翅 Shark′s fin with three shredded ingredients
三鮮鮑魚 Abalone with three shredded ingredients
三鮮炒面 Friednoodles with “three fresh delicacies”
三鮮冬瓜盅 Winter melon(white gourd)bowl with“three fresh ingredients”
三鮮豆腐 Bean curd with“three fresh ingredients”
三鮮干絲湯 Vermicelli soup with “three fresh ingredients”
三鮮鍋粑湯 Three flavour crispy rice soup
三鮮鍋貼 “Three flavour”fried meat dumplings
三鮮錕飩 “Three flavour“meat dumpling soup
三鮮津白 Tianjin cabbage with “three fresh ingredients”
三鮮兩面黃 Three flavoured fried noodles
三鮮瓤鴨膀 Duck′s wing stuffed with“three fresh ingredients”
三鮮燒麥 “Three fresh delicacies”shaomai(dumplings)
三鮮時(shí)菜 Fresh vegetable with“three fresh ingredients“
三鮮水餃 Boiled dumplings with “three fresh delicacies”
三鮮湯 “Three fresh delicacies”soup
三鮮湯面 “Three flavour”noodles soup,Shanghai style
三鮮炆鮑 Abalone with“three fresh ingredients”
三鮮魚肚 Fish maw with shrimp balls,fish and minced pork
散煮豆腐 Braised stuffed bean curd
沙爹乳鴿 Satay pigeon(Malaysia)
沙丁魚三文治 Sardine sandwich
沙丁油魚 Sardines
沙發(fā)雞 “Sofa”chicken
沙雞龍蝦 Lobster with sandgrouse
沙拉 Salad
沙式燴雞 Chicken chasse
砂缽湯 Soup in alms bowl
砂鍋白菜 Cabbage in casserole
砂鍋豆腐 Bean curd in casserole
砂鍋燉魚翅 Shark′s fin in casserole
砂鍋雞 Chicken in cusserole
砂鍋全鴨 Duck in casserole
砂鍋三鮮 “Three fresh delicacies”in casserole
砂鍋什錦 Assorted meat in casserole
砂鍋丸子 Meatballs in casserole
砂鍋魚 Fish in casserole
砂鍋魚唇 Fish lips in casserole
山東菜 Shandong vegetable
山東海參 Shandong sea cucumber
山東燒雞 Shandong roast chicken
山東魚餡餃子 Fish dumplings,Shandong Style
山雞串 Pheasant shashlik
珊瑚鴿脯 “Coral style”stuffed pigeon with crab sauce
鱔糊面 noodles with eels
上海春卷 Shanghai spring roll
上海粗湯面 Shanghai style thick noodles
上海牛肉湯 Shanghai beef broth
上湯鵪鶉蛋 Quail eggs and vegetable soup
上湯廣肚 Clear fish maw soup
上湯浸雞 Poached chicken and vegetable soup
上湯鯪魚角 Fish balls in soup
上湯燕盞 Clear swallow′s nest soup
燒鵪鶉 Roast quail
燒白鴿 Roast pigeon
燒餅 Griddle cooked savoury cake
燒東南 Grilled winter melon(white gurd)and pumpkin
燒鵝 Roast goose
燒二冬 Mushroom and bamboo shoots
燒肥乳鴿 Deep-fried pigeon and shrimp wafers
燒鳳肝田雞片 Fried sliced frog with chicken liver
燒肝拼雞片 Fried chicken and liver
燒肝拼蝦仁 Fried shrimp and chicken liver
燒火雞 Roast turkey
燒雞 Roast chicken
燒雞火腿 Roast chicken with ham
燒雞生菜 Chicken salad
燒雞腿拼田雞腿 Braised chicken and frog′s legs
燒雞意粉 Chicken with spaghetti
燒雞炸茨仔 Chicken with puncture vine
燒醬雞 Roast chicken with soy sauce
燒焗白鴿 Roast pigeon
燒焗雞肝 Roast chicken liver
燒焗乳鴿 Roast pigeon
燒烤排骨 Barbecued spareribs
燒牛肚 Braised tripe
燒牛柳肉 Roast beef fillet
燒牛肉 Roast beef
燒青衣頭 Stewed head of green coat fish
燒裙瓜 Roast soft-shelled turtle with ham and mushroom
燒瓤用明蝦拼乳鴿 Stuffed king prawns and roast pigeon
燒肉 Canton style roast pork
燒乳* Roast suckling pig
燒三鮮 Saute“three delicacies”
燒什瓣 Assorted sweets
燒石歧鴿 Roast pigeon(large)
燒松子魚 Whole fried fish with pine nut
燒童子雞 Roast spring chicken
燒熏黃魚 Smoked croaker
燒鴨 Roast duck
燒羊脊 Roast saddle of mutton
燒羊腿 Roast leg of lamb
燒野雞 Roast pheasant
燒元魚 Braised soft-shelled turtle
燒云腿蝦球 Fried prawn balls with ham
燒*排 Roast pork chop
燒*潤 Roast pig′s liver
少子豆腐 Bean curd with minced meat
紹興酒 Shaoxing wine
紹子海參 Saute sea cucumber with hot sauce and minced meat
蛇肉丸 Snake meatballs
生偏菠菜 Saute spinach
生偏枸杞 Saute Chinese wolfberry
生菜扒雞 Braised chicken with lettuce
生菜魚 Cold fish with lettuce
生炒鴿松 Minced pigeon
生炒雞片 Saute sliced chicken
生炒雞什 Fried chicken giblets
生炒雞絲 Fried shredded chicken
生炒雞松 Fried minced chicken
生炒螺球 Fried whelk with vegetable
生炒糯米飯 Fried glutinous rice
生炒排骨 Fried sparerib
生炒鱔片 Fried eel slices
生炒吊片 Fried dry cuttlefish
生炒活帶子 Fried conch
生炒田雞腿 Fried frog′s leg
生炒鮮魷 Fried fresh squid
生炒野雞片 Fried sliced pheasant
生炊鯧魚 Steamed silvery pomfret
生豆腐 Raw bean curd
生雞絲炒飯 Fried rice with shredded chicken
生片火鍋 Meat cooked in hot pot
生日蛋糕 Birthday cake
生魚片 Snakehead mullet slices
生魚片蓮湯 Sliced fish poup
圣誕布丁 Christmas pudding
什菜咖喱 Vegetable curry
什菜活帶子 Sliced conch with vegetable
什菜沙拉 Vegetable salad
什菜湯 Vegetable soup
什凍肉 Assorted cold cuts
什果布丁 Fruit pudding
什錦炒飯 Fried rice with assorted meats
什錦炒面 Fried noodles with assorted meats
什錦蛋炒飯 Fried rice with mixed meat and egg
什錦冬瓜盅 Winter melon(white gourd)bowl with assorted ingredients
什錦瓜丁 Diced witnter melon and assorted meat soup
什錦鍋面 Pot noodles with assorted meat
什錦紅菜湯 Borsch
什錦燴水果 Mixed fruit compote
什錦火鍋 Mixed meat in chafing dish
什錦冷盤 Assorted hors d′oeuvres
什錦肉凍 Mixed meat in aspic
什錦沙拉 Mixed salad
什錦燒鹵 Saute mixed meat and vegetable
什錦水果 Fruit cocktail
什錦絲冬粉 Assorted meats with green bean vegetables
什錦蝦仁 Shrimp with mixed vegetables
什錦小吃 Assorted snacks
什錦汁煎*肉 Fried pork with mixed sauce
什錦汁牛肉丸子 Beef balls with mixed sauce
什錦熱盤 Assorted hot dish
石斑 Grouper
石上鳴秋蟬 Steamed grouper slices spread with minced shrimp and mushrooms
時(shí)菜雞片湯 Sliced chicken and seasonal vegetable soup
時(shí)菜牛片湯 Sliced beef and seasonal vegetable soup
時(shí)菜扒大鴨 Braised duck with seasonal vegetables
時(shí)菜扒鴨 Braised duck with seasonal vegetable
時(shí)菜肉片湯 Sliced pork and seasonal vegetable soup
時(shí)菜生魚片湯 Sliced snakehead mullet and seasonal vegetable soup
時(shí)菜窩蛋湯 Poached egg and seasonal vegetable soup
時(shí)菜蝦球 Fried prawn ball with seasonal vegetable
時(shí)菜*肝湯 Pig′s liver and seasonal vegetable soup
時(shí)令鮮果 Seasonal fresh fruits
手抓羊肉 Mutton eaten with hands
蔬菜炒肉絲 Shredded pork with vegetable
蔬菜烤雞鴨 Roast chicken and duck with vegetable
蔬菜烤牛肉 Roast beef with vegetable
蔬菜牛肉扒 Beef steak with vegetable
蔬菜沙拉 Vegetable salad
蔬菜湯 Vegetable soup
蔬菜炸牛腦 Fried ox brain with vegetable
蔬菜炸羊排 Deep-fried mutton chop with vegetable
蔬菜*肉餅 Minced pork cutlets with vegetable
薯煨羊肉 Mutton stew
樹根蛋糕 Yule cake
涮羊肉 Mutton slices cooked in hot pot
涮羊肉火鍋 Mutton in hot pot
奴冬雞條 Chicken ,mushroom and bamboo shoots
雙拼片皮鵝 Roast sliced goose
雙色拼盆 Two kinds of cold meat
雙冬牛肉 Beef with mushroom and bamboo shoots
雙拼 Two bors d′s oeuveres
雙色瓤雞夾 Two coloured stuffed chicken platter
水果 Fruits
水果冰淇淋 Sundae
水果蛋糕 Fruit cake
水果凍 Fruit jelly
水果面包布丁 Fruit and bread pudding
水果沙拉 Fruit salad
水晶雞 “Crystal”chicken
水晶蝦餅 “Crystal”shrimp cake
水晶鴨舌 “Crystal”duck′s tongue
水臥雞蛋 Poached egg
水煮牛肉 Boiled beef
四寶湯 “Four delicacies”soup
四川酸辣湯 Sichuan hot and sour soup
四川湯圓 Sichuan glutinous rice balls
四川蝦仁 Fried shrimp,Sichuan style
四川香酥魚 Sichuan shrimp with crispy fish
四拼盤 Four ingredients hors d′ oeuvres
四色扒鴨 “Four coloured”garnished duck
四式美點(diǎn) Four kinds of pastries
四式扒鴨 Four kinds of braised duck
松餅 Shortcake
松脆餅 Crumpet
松糕 Chinese sponge cake
松花蛋 Preserved duck eggs
松花皮蛋 “Thousand year old”duck eggs
松雞蝦排 Saute grouse and fried prawn cutlet
松鼠桂魚球 Sweet and sour fried mandarin fish balls
松鼠黃魚 Sweet and sour fried croacker
松塔活魚 Pinecone live fish
松子雞米 Minced chicken with pine nuts
松子扒肉 Braised pork with pine nuts
松子雞絲 Chicken with pine nuts
松子鮮鱸魚 Steamed perch with pine nuts
松子炸魚 Deep-fried fish with pine nuts
蘇打餅干 Soda biscuits
蘇打水 Soda water
蘇弗累布丁 Soufflé pudding
蘇格蘭槽糕 Scottish cake
酥菜皮蛋 Preserved egg with pickles
酥小鯽魚 Crispy crucian carp
酥煎糯米包 Crispy glutinous rice,mushroom and pork dumpling
酥炸北菇 Crispy fried dried mushroom
酥炸春卷 Crispy fried spring rolls
酥炸鳳尾蝦 Crispy fried king prawns
酥炸肝卷 Crispy fried liver roll
酥炸餛飩 Crispy fried won ton(meat dumpling)
酥炸雞胗肝 Crispy fried chicken giblets
酥炸鯪魚球 Crispy fried dace balls
酥炸牛丸 Deep-fried beef balls
酥炸蝦盒 Deep-fried stuffed shrimp
酥炸蟹盒 Deep-fried stuffed crab meat
酥炸魚條 Deep-fried crispy sliced grouper
酥炸胗肝 Deep-fried liver and giblets
素菜雞片湯 Chicken slices soup with vegetables
素菜蘑菇燴牛肉 Stewed beef with vegetable and mushroom
素菜肉片湯 Sliced meat soup with vegetable
素菜湯 Vegetable soup
素炒掐菜 Saute bean sprouts
素菜雞塊湯 Chicken soup with vegetable
素燴三寶 Imperial“three delicacies”(savoury)
素燴雙冬 Braised black mushroom with bamboo shoots
素?zé)膶?Four vegetable delicacies
粟米豆腐 Bean curd with sorgo
粟米鍋燒鴨 Braised duck with sorgo
粟米鍋燒鴨 Braised duck with sorgo
粟米奶油湯 Cream sorgo soup
酸菜花 Pickled cauliflower
酸菜烤大雁 Roast wild goose with pickled cabbage
酸菜烤*排 Roast pork chop with pickled cabbage
酸菜烤*肉 Roast pork with pickled cabbage
酸菜湯 Pickled cabbage soup
酸菜魷魚湯 Pickled vegetables with squid soup
酸果咕嚕肉 Sweet and soup pork
酸果皮蛋 Preserved duck eggs and pickles
酸辣白菜 Hot and sour cabbage
酸黃瓜 Sour cucumber
酸辣雞 Hot and sour chicken
酸辣煎魚 Hot and sour fish
酸辣煎牛肉片 Hot and sour beef slices
酸辣面 Hot and sour noodles
酸辣湯 Hot and sour soup
酸辣腰卷 Hot and sour kidney rolls
酸辣魚 Hot and sour fish
酸辣云吞 Won ton(meat dumpling)in hot and sour sauce
酸蘑菇 Pickled mushroom
酸奶 油烤口蘑 Baked mushroom with yoghurt
酸牛奶 Yoghurt
酸甜泡菜 Sweet and sour pickled cabbage
酸甜柿子椒 Sweet and sour green pepper
酸煨火雞 Sour tasting turkey
酸汁*排 Fried pork chop,F(xiàn)rench style(with sour sauce)
蒜苗炒肉絲 Saute meat shreds with garlic stems
蒜蓉茨菜湯 Puncture vine soup with minced garlic
蒜苔牛肉片 Saute beef slices with garlic stems
蒜頭燒黃鱔 Stewed eel with garlic
蒜子珧柱脯 Braised scallop with garlic
隨炒肉片 Saute meat slices with vegetable
隨炒素菜 Saute vegetables
碎麥片 Shredded harley
碎米雞丁 Saute chicken with peanuts
筍炒雞丁 Chicken and bamboo shoots
筍炒雞絲 Shredded chicken and bamboo shoots
筍炒牛肉 Fried sliced beef and bamboo shoots
筍炒肉絲 Sliced pork and bamboo shoots
筍炒腎丁 Giblets and bamboo shoots
筍炒生魚片 Sliced fried snakehead mullet with bamboo shoots
筍炒蝦片 Fried prawn and bamboo shoots
筍炒鴨片 Fried sliced duck and bamboo shoots
筍炒腰花 Fried pig′s kidney and bamboo shoots
筍菇煎蛋 Fried eggs with mushroom and bamboo shoots

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