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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-02-21
核心提示:gown 長上衣 Goza cotton 果札棉 grab bag 摸彩袋 grab boat 抓斗式挖泥船 grab bucket conveyer 抓斗式運送機(jī) grab bucket gantry 抓斗龍門吊 grab bucket loader 抓斗裝載機(jī) grab bucket 抓斗 grab car 抓斗小車 grab claw 抓斗機(jī) grab crane 抓斗起重機(jī) grab dredge

gown 長上衣
Goza cotton 果札棉
grab bag 摸彩袋
grab boat 抓斗式挖泥船
grab bucket conveyer 抓斗式運送機(jī)
grab bucket gantry 抓斗龍門吊
grab bucket loader 抓斗裝載機(jī)
grab bucket 抓斗
grab car 抓斗小車
grab claw 抓斗機(jī)
grab crane 抓斗起重機(jī)
grab dredger 抓斗式挖泥船
grab gathering arm 抓巖機(jī)扒爪
grab handle 扶手
grab hook 起重鉤
grab iron 鐵撬棍
grab rock loader 抓巖機(jī)
grab snubbing arm 抓巖機(jī)扒爪
grab truck 抓斗式萬能裝卸機(jī)
grab 抓斗
grabbing crane 抓斗起重機(jī)
Grace pearlescent 2 in 1 conditioning shampoo 飄逸珠光二合一護(hù)發(fā)香波
graded focal length lens 梯度焦距透鏡
graded groundnut kernel 分級花生仁
graded index fibre 折射率漸變的光導(dǎo)纖維
graded insulated cable 分段絕緣電纜
graded insulation transformer 分段絕緣變壓器
graded junction diode 緩變結(jié)二極管
graded junction phototransistor 緩變結(jié)光電晶體管
grader blade 平地機(jī)刮板
grader 分類器
gradient clearance monitor 梯度余隙監(jiān)測器
gradient corrector 梯度校正器
gradient furnace 梯度爐
gradient gun 梯度電子槍
gradient hydrophone 壓差水聽器
gradient microphone 壓差傳聲器
gradienter 傾斜計
grading instrument 校準(zhǔn)儀
grading machine 平土機(jī)
gradiomanometer sonde 壓差密度計探頭
gradiomanometer 壓差密度計
gradiometer 重力梯度儀
gradometer 坡度測定儀
graduate 量杯
graduated bottle 刻度瓶
graduated checks 粗細(xì)條格子布
graduated cup 量杯
graduated cylinder 量筒
graduated flask 量瓶
graduated glass tube for hydraulic press 水壓機(jī)玻璃刻度管
graduated glass 刻度杯
graduated high bottle 刻度高瓶
graduated measuring glass cylinder 玻璃刻度量筒
graduated periodontal probe 刻度牙周探針
graduated pipette 刻度吸管
graduated scale 刻度尺
graduated tube 刻度管
graduating spring 遞動彈簧
graduating valve spring 節(jié)制閥彈簧
graduating valve 節(jié)制閥
graduator 分度器
Grafil 格拉菲爾碳纖維
graft rubber 接枝橡膠
grafted CR adhesive 接枝氯丁膠
grafted fibre 接枝纖維
grafted gelatin 接枝明膠
grafted rayon 接枝人造絲
grafter 平鏟
grafting agent 接枝劑
grafting knife 切接刀
graham bread 黑面面包
graham flour 粗面粉
grain cleaner 谷物清選機(jī)
grain cleaning-optioning machine 谷物清選機(jī)
grain combine 谷物聯(lián)合收割機(jī)
grain crusher 谷物碾碎機(jī)
grain de ble 棱紋絨
grain de poule 法國嗶嘰
grain drier 谷物干燥機(jī)
grain drill 谷物條播機(jī)
grain dryer 谷物干燥機(jī)
grain drying machine 谷物烘干機(jī)
grain elevator 谷物輸送機(jī)
grain feeder 谷物傳送器
grain fittings 谷物防動隔艙設(shè)備
grain grader 谷粒選種機(jī)
grain grossier 法國粗枕套被褥布
grain hardness tester 谷物硬度測定儀
grain hydrogenous  quick measuring instrument 糧食水份快速測量儀
grain hygro-thermograph 糧食溫濕度測試儀
grain laden ship 谷物運輸船
grain leather hand-bag 粗皮手提包
grain leather 粗面皮革
grain micrometer 谷物粒度計
grain moisture meter 谷物濕度計
grain of paradise 砂仁
grain oil 雜醇油
grain oriented alloy 晶粒取向合金
grain oriented electrical steel 晶粒取向電鋼片
grain oriented silicon steel 晶粒取向硅鋼薄板
grain oriented siliconiron 晶粒取向硅鋼
grain oriented steel 晶粒取向鋼
grain packaging machine 谷物包裝機(jī)
grain precleaner 谷物預(yù)凈器
grain roll 鑄鐵軋輥
grain scraper 刮谷機(jī)
grain seeder 谷物播種機(jī)
grain seeding machine 谷物播種機(jī)
grain separator 谷物脫粒機(jī)
grain shoveller 揚谷機(jī)
grain sieve 谷粒篩
grain size counter 谷物粒度計
grain tank unloader 糧箱卸載裝置
grain thermometer 谷物溫度計
grain thrasher 脫粒機(jī)
grain thrower 揚場機(jī)
grain washer 谷粒清洗機(jī)
grain winnower 揚谷機(jī)
grain 谷物
grain-feeder grinder 飼料粉碎機(jī)
Grainal 格雷納爾釩鈦鋁鐵合金
graine 棱紋塔夫綢
grained board 木紋紙板
grainer 刮毛刀
graining machine 壓紋機(jī)
grains bag filler 顆粒裝袋機(jī)
grainy paper 粒狀花紋紙
Grakill 草凈殺混劑
Gralit 85 胺氯混劑
gramashes 粗厚長襪
Gramevin 茅草枯
gramicidin 短桿菌肽
grammite 硅灰石
gramophone adapter 唱機(jī)拾音器
gramophone motor 唱機(jī)電動機(jī)
gramophone needle 唱針
gramophone record 唱片
gramophone 留聲機(jī)
Gramoxone 對草快
grampus 大鐵鉗
Gran Fury 大復(fù)仇女神牌汽車
Granada 格拉納達(dá)牌汽車
granada 格蘭納達(dá)薄呢
Grand emulsion 土乳靈
grand lez 全毛白色軍服料
grand lion 法國花式亞麻臺布
Grand Marquis 老侯爵牌汽車
grand organ 大風(fēng)琴
grand piano 大鋼琴
Grand Prix 大獎牌汽車
Grand Wagoneer 大瓦戈尼爾牌汽車
grande toilette 大禮服
grande venise 大花紋亞麻花緞
Grandemone 誘殺烯混劑
Grandia 格蘭地亞牌手表
Grandlure 誘殺烯混劑
Grandos 金都咖啡
Grandox fumigant 土菌靈
grandrelle cover 雙層防水布
grandrelle fabric 雙層防雨布
grandrelle shirting 花式條子襯衫料
grandrelle yarn 混色花線
granite axe hammer 鑿石斧形錘
granite block 花崗石塊料
granite board 花崗巖紋紙板
granite carving 花崗石雕刻品
granite cloth 花崗石紋呢
granite cropping machine 花崗石修切機(jī)
granite flower vase 花崗石花瓶
granite fruit bowl 花崗石果盤
granite garden table and stool 花崗石花園桌凳
granite in block 花崗石塊料
granite in slab 花崗石板材
granite linoleum 花崗石油氈
granite molding board 花崗石定型板材
granite multi-disk block cutter 花崗石多盤分切機(jī)
granite paper 花崗石紋紙
granite pedestal 花崗石基座
granite pillar 花崗石柱
granite pilllar and picture 花崗石柱及花崗石畫
granite roller 花崗石輥
granite rough block 花崗石荒料
granite slab 花崗石板
granite soie 真絲花綢
granite surface plate 花崗巖平板
granite 花崗巖
granitic plaster 水刷石
granny print 古色小花印花布
Granosan M 磺胺乙汞
Granosan new improved 谷樂生
Granosan 西力生
Granox N-M 錳六合劑
Granox P-F 錳克混劑
Granox P-F-M 鉬錳克混劑
grant-reeled silk 花紋絞絲
granular borax 硼砂
granular calcium chloride 粒狀氯化鈣
granular citric acid 檸檬酸砂
granular infusion for influenza and fever 感冒退熱沖劑
granular membrane 篩網(wǎng)過濾器
granular microphone 炭粒傳聲器
granular-feed press 顆粒飼料壓制機(jī)
granulated ammonium nitrate 多孔粒狀硝酸銨
granulated sugar 砂糖
granulating disc 圓盤造粒機(jī)
granulating hammer 麻面錘
granulating machine 制粒機(jī)
granulator 碎石機(jī)
granule-making machine 造粒機(jī)
granulometer 粒度計
grape cordial 葡萄露
grape crusher 葡萄破碎機(jī)
grape essence 葡萄香精
grape flavour conc. NA 葡萄油
grape fruitade 濃縮葡萄汁
grape jelly roll 葡萄軟卷糖
grape jelly 葡萄軟糖
grape juice 葡萄汁
grape must 葡萄汁
grape seed oil 葡萄子油
grape stemmer 葡萄除梗機(jī)
grape sugar 葡萄糖
grape syrup 葡萄露
grape vinegar 葡萄醋
grape wine 葡萄酒
grape 葡萄
grape-fruit juice 鮮柚汁
grape-fruit oil 柚子油
grapes in syrup 糖水葡萄
graph follower 圖形復(fù)示器
graph paper 方格紙
graph plotter 制圖儀
graph-digital meter 圖形數(shù)字化儀
Graph-Mo 石墨化鉬鋼
Graph-Sil 石墨化硅鋼
Graph-Tung 石墨化鎢鋼
grapher 記錄儀表
graphic card 圖形卡
graphic controller 圖形控制器
graphic digitizer 圖形數(shù)字化儀
graphic display processor 顯圖處理機(jī)
graphic equaliser 多頻音調(diào)補償器
graphic instrument 自動記錄儀器
graphic meter 自動記錄儀器
graphic milliammeter 毫安記錄表
graphic monitor 圖形監(jiān)控器
graphic panel 圖解式面板
graphic plotter 制圖機(jī)
graphic portable ammeter 攜帶式電流記錄表
graphic position indicator 圖式位置指示器
graphic processor 圖形處理機(jī)
graphic recorder 圖解記錄器
graphic software 圖形軟件
graphic voltmeter 電壓記錄表
graphic workstation 圖形工作站
Graphidox 格拉菲道克斯硅鈦鈣鐵合金
graphite alloy 石墨合金
graphite and its products 石墨及制品
graphite bearing 石墨軸承
graphite block 石墨塊
graphite breather 石墨通氣器
graphite brick 石墨耐火磚
graphite bronze bearing 石墨青銅軸承
graphite bronze 石墨青銅
graphite brush 石墨電刷
graphite calcium base grease 石墨鈣基潤滑脂
graphite carbon 石墨碳
graphite carving 石墨雕品
graphite catalyst 石墨催化劑
graphite cement 石墨水泥
graphite crucible 石墨坩堝
graphite die 石墨模
graphite dust extraction and filtration system 石墨塵埃排出和過濾系統(tǒng)
graphite electrode powder 石墨電極粉
graphite electrode 石墨電極
graphite fiber 石墨纖維
graphite film thermometer 石墨薄膜溫度計
graphite filter 石墨過濾器
graphite flour 石墨粉
graphite fluoride 氟化石墨
graphite grease 石墨脂
graphite heat exchanger 石墨換熱器
graphite heater furnace 石墨加熱爐
graphite heater 石墨加熱器
graphite in flake 片狀石墨
graphite insert 石墨襯墊
graphite jig 石墨模具
graphite lead paint 石墨鉛油漆
graphite lubricant 石墨潤滑劑
graphite lubricating oil 石墨潤滑油
graphite monochromator 石墨單色器
graphite mould 石墨模具
graphite oven 石墨爐
graphite paper 石墨紙
graphite pipe 石墨管
graphite plate 石墨板
graphite pole 石墨電極
graphite powder 石墨粉
graphite products 石墨制品
graphite pyrometer 石墨高溫計
graphite refractory 石墨耐火材料
graphite resistance heater 石墨電阻加熱器
graphite resistance immersion heater 浸入式石墨電阻加熱器
graphite resistor furnace 石墨電阻爐
graphite resistor radiation furnace 石墨電阻輻射加熱爐
graphite resistor 石墨電阻器
graphite rod melting furnace 石墨棒熔煉爐
graphite rod 石墨棒
graphite roller 石墨輥
graphite scrap 石墨碎片
graphite sealing ring 石墨密封環(huán)
graphite sleeve 石墨套管
graphite susceptor 石墨感受器
graphite tube 石墨管
graphite type structure fibre 石墨型結(jié)構(gòu)纖維
graphite 石墨
graphite-base wire rope grease 石墨鋼絲繩潤滑脂
graphite-bearing lubricant 石墨軸承潤滑劑
graphite-clay brick 石墨粘土磚
graphite-tube resistance furnace 石墨管電阻爐
graphite-tube short-circuit furnace 石墨管短路加熱爐
graphitic lubricant 石墨潤滑劑
graphitic pig iron 灰口鐵
graphitic steel 石墨鋼
graphitized bronze 石墨青銅
graphitized carbon 石墨化碳
graphitized fibre 石墨化纖維
graphotyper 字圖電傳機(jī)
grapnel anchor 四爪錨
grapnel traveling crane 錨鉤式行走起重機(jī)
grappier cement 石灰渣水泥
grapple bucket 抓斗器
grapple equipped crane 錨固式起重機(jī)
grapple 爬桿腳扣
grass basketry 草編織品
grass bouquet perfume compound 百草香精
grass carbon 草炭
grass carp with black bean 豆豉草魚
grass carp 草魚
grass cloth bed curtain 夏布床帳
Grass cloth fibre 蕁麻科纖維
grass cloth garment 夏布衣
grass cloth long-gown 夏布長衫
grass cloth 夏布
grass cutter 剪草機(jī)
grass extract 青草精
grass green nitrocellulose semi-gloss can exterior enamel 草綠硝基半光罐頭外壁磁漆
grass hook 鐮刀
grass killer 除草劑
grass lawn 麻紗
grass linen hand-embroidered tablecloth 手繡夏布臺布
grass linen 夏布
grass mat 草墊
grass matting 草席
grass meal pellet 草粉粒
grass meal 草粉
grass mower 割草機(jī)
grass oil 香草油
grass rubber 草膠
grass rug 棉麻經(jīng)線雙面花毯
grass seed 草籽
grass seeder 草籽播種機(jī)
grass shears 刈草鉸剪
grass slippers 草拖鞋
grass spader 鋤草機(jī)
grass table mat 草桌墊
grass tortoise 草龜
grass tree gum 禾木膠
grass woven products 草編制品
grass-bleached tissue 日曬漂白薄紙
grass-cutting machine 切草機(jī)
grass-hopper converyer 跳動運輸器
grass-hopper 機(jī)車起重機(jī)
grass-leaved sweetflag 石菖蒲
grass-remover 鋤草機(jī)
grass-seed cleaner 草籽清選機(jī)
grass-seed drier 草籽干燥機(jī)
grasshopper fuse 彈簧保安器
grassleaf dry-lily 黃花菜
grassot flux meter 動圈式磁通計
grate  mill 格子型球磨機(jī)
grate bar 爐條
grate changer 爐箅更換器
grate shaker 爐箅搖動器
grate 爐條
grated coconut 椰子蓉
gratel 素色亞麻斜紋布
grater 刨絲器
grating and dot generator 點-柵信號發(fā)生器
grating converter 光柵變換器
grating coupler 光柵耦合器
grating digital display 光柵數(shù)字顯示器
grating digital measurement milling machine 光柵數(shù)測銑床
grating digital readout 光柵數(shù)顯表
grating filter 光柵濾光片
grating generator 條形信號發(fā)生器
grating infrared spectrometer 光柵紅外光譜儀
grating light colourimeter 光柵光比色計
grating minimonochrometer 小型光柵單色儀
grating monochromator 光柵單色儀
grating nephoscope 柵狀測云器
grating polychromator 光柵多色儀
grating positioning step and repeat photographic camera 光柵定位分步反復(fù)式照相機(jī)
grating reflector 光柵反射器
grating sensor 光柵傳感器
grating spectrograph 光柵攝譜儀
grating spectrometer 光柵分光計
grating spectroscope 光柵分光鏡
Gratz rectifier 橋接整流器
gravatas 格拉瓦塔斯纖維
graveclothes 壽衣
gravel fluid screen 礫石充填液濾器
gravel pump 砂礫泵
gravel screen 礫石篩
gravel shovel 礫石鏟
gravel sorter 礫石篩分機(jī)
gravel washer 洗礫機(jī)
gravel washing screen 洗礫篩
gravel 碎石子
graver 雕刻刀
Graves 哥拉夫斯葡萄酒
gravimeter 比重計
gravimetric altimeter 重力高度計
gravimetric feeder 計重給料機(jī)
gravimetroscope 液體蒸發(fā)速度測定器
gravimetry instrument 密度測定儀
graving flower saw blade 雕花鋸條
graving tool 雕刻工具
gravireceptor 重力感受器
gravitation filter 重力過濾器
gravitation settler 重力沉降槽
gravitation transporter 重力運輸機(jī)
gravitational measuring instrument 重力測定儀
gravitational receptor 重力感受器
gravitational wave detector 重力波探測器
gravitometer 比重計
gravity apparatus 重力儀器
gravity axis 重心軸
gravity balance 比重秤
gravity battery 重力電池
gravity bin 重力式料斗
gravity block wire-drawing machine 倒立卷筒拔絲機(jī)
gravity cell 重力電池
gravity concentrating machine 重力選礦機(jī)
gravity conveyor 重力輸送機(jī)
gravity core sampler 重力巖芯取樣器
gravity corer 重力取芯器
gravity crusher 重力破碎機(jī)
gravity davit 滑軌式吊艇桿
gravity distributor 重力噴灑車
gravity duster catcher 重力除塵器
gravity dynamometer 重力測力計
gravity feed carburetor 重力給油汽化器
gravity feed lubricator 重力給油潤滑器
gravity feed oiler 重力式注油器
gravity filter 重力過濾器
gravity gauge 重力計
gravity hammer 重力錘
gravity instrument 重力儀
gravity meter 重力儀
gravity mill 搗碎機(jī)
gravity mixer 重力式拌和機(jī)
gravity oil filling bearing 重力注油式軸承
gravity platform 重力平臺
gravity regulator 重力調(diào)節(jié)器
gravity roller conveyer 重力式滾軸運輸機(jī)
gravity sampler 重力巖芯取樣器
gravity separator 重力分離器
gravity settler 重力沉降罐
gravity spreader 重力撒布器
gravity stamp 落錘搗礦機(jī)
gravity suit 宇宙服
gravity system 自流輸送系統(tǒng)
gravity tank truck 重力式自動灑水車
gravity type selectivity machine of seeds 重力式種子精選機(jī)
gravity variometer 重力變電感器
gravity weight 鉛錘
gravity welder 重力式焊機(jī)
gravity wheel conveyor 輪式重力輸送機(jī)
gravity-controlled gyroscope 重力控制陀螺儀
gravity-die casting machine 金屬型鑄造機(jī)
gravity-flow type mixer-settler 重力自流式混合沉降器
gravity-gradient attitude control 重力梯度姿態(tài)控制儀
gravity-head feeder 壓力送料機(jī)
gravity-stabilized gyroscope 重力穩(wěn)定螺陀儀
gravure carbon tissue 凹版碳素紙
gravure cylinder polishing machine 凹印滾筒拋光機(jī)
gravure ink for polyethylene film 印聚乙烯薄膜用的凹印油墨
gravure ink for polyolefine film 印聚烯烴薄膜用的凹印油墨
gravure ink 凹印油墨
gravure offset printing press 凹版膠印機(jī)
gravure paper 凹版印刷紙
gravure printer 凹版印刷機(jī)
gravure printing machine 凹版印刷機(jī)
gravure 照相凹版
gravy beef 澆鹵牛肉
gravy ladle 肉汁勺
gravy tureen 盛汁湯碗
gravy-proofed cloth 漆布
gray antimony 輝銻礦砂
gray cloth 灰色布
gray cotton 灰白棉
gray epoxy anticorrosive paint 灰色環(huán)氧防腐漆
gray fabric 坯布
gray face plate 灰色熒光屏
gray filter 灰色濾波器
gray flax 原色亞麻紗
gray goods 本色布
gray jade 灰玉
gray jeans 薄斜紋坯布
gray kit fox fur collar pyramid coat 角錐形灰狐領(lǐng)大衣
gray paint 灰漆
gray pig iron 灰口鐵
gray radiator 灰體輻射器
gray rubber 灰色橡皮
gray serge 灰嗶嘰
gray yarn 原色紗
gray-blue cloth 灰蘭色布
grayish aqua colour cloth 灰碧色布
grayish brown cloth 灰褐色布
Grayson cotton 格雷遜棉
grazing incidence monochromator 掠入射單色儀
grease box 潤滑脂盒
grease cartridge lubricator 潤滑脂彈筒式潤滑器
grease cock 潤滑脂旋塞
grease collector 集油器
grease compressor 油脂槍
grease consistometer 潤滑脂稠度計
grease cup 黃油杯
grease cylinder feeding nozzle 黃油筒給油嘴
grease filling nozzle 壓注黃油嘴
grease filter 潤滑脂過濾器
grease for belt 傳動帶用潤滑脂
grease for boots 靴用脂
grease gun nipple 油槍螺紋接頭
grease gun 黃油槍
grease lubricant 油脂潤滑劑
grease lubricator 潤滑脂潤滑器
grease nipple 滑脂嘴
grease nozzle 滑脂嘴
grease oil 潤滑油
grease paint 油彩
grease pencil 潤滑脂鉛筆
grease penetrometer 潤滑脂針入度測定器
grease remover 脫脂器
grease resistant paper 耐脂紙
grease separator 潤滑脂分離器
grease wool 原毛
grease working machine 潤滑脂攪和機(jī)
grease 潤滑脂
grease-proof and waterproof paper 防油防水紙
grease-proof antioxidant paper 防油抗氧紙
grease-proof board 抗油紙板
grease-proof ink 耐脂油墨
grease-proof paper 防油紙
grease-spot photometer 油斑光度計
greaseless valve 無脂密封閥
greaser 潤滑器
greasy combing wool 精梳原毛
greasy wool 含脂原毛
great bustard wing and tail 大鴇翎
great bustard wing 大鴇翅
great cat-tail 蒲菜
great hemp 博洛涅大麻
great sea lamprey 海鰻
Great Wall beer 長城啤酒
Great Wall Dry White Wine 長城干白葡萄酒
Great Wall electric fan 長城牌電扇
Great Wall white grape wine 長城牌白葡萄酒
Great-Wall 長城牌手表
greatcoat 厚重長大衣
greater bunet root 地榆
greater celandine 白屈菜
greater spotted eagle tail 團(tuán)雕尾
Greaves Etchell furnace 大電極型弧阻式電爐
grebe cloth 長絨棉法蘭絨
grecian quilt 雙面床單布
Greek Ascoloy 格里克阿斯科洛伊高溫合金
Greek checks 希臘格子粗棉布
Greek lace 希臘式挖花花邊
Greek stripes 希臘彩條粗布
green agate 綠瑪瑙
green and red chilli 青紅尖椒
green apple 青蘋果
green asparagus 綠蘆筍
green bamboo bean 青竹豆
Green Bamboo Leaf Liquor 竹葉青酒
green bean cake 綠豆糕
green bean of {Anhui} origin 安徽綠豆
green bean paste 綠豆蓉
green bean powder 綠豆粉
green bean starch sheet 綠豆粉皮
green bean starch 綠豆淀粉
green bean vermicelli 綠豆粉絲
green bean 綠豆
green beer 生啤
Green brand silk wadding 綠牌絲棉
green bristlegrass 狗尾草
green broad bean 青皮蠶豆
green cabbage seed oil 菜籽油
green camera tube 綠色攝像管
green capsicum 青辣椒
green carborundum 綠色金剛砂
green chilli 青椒
green cloth 綠色布
green colour stone plate 青云石板
green cotton 落鈴棉
green crab 膏蟹
green crystal 綠色結(jié)晶
green emerald crystal 翠綠色結(jié)晶體
green enamelled iron wire netting 綠瓷漆鐵絲窗紗
green enamelled wire netting 綠瓷漆窗紗
green filter 綠濾光鏡
green flat handle 綠扁把
green flax 生亞麻
green fodder cutter 青飼料切割機(jī)
green gage in syrup 糖青梅
green gathering and piling machine 集草垛草機(jī)
green glass 綠玻璃
green glaze bowl with lid in tiger's skin colour 綠虎皮釉蓋缸
green glaze powder enamel flower pot with flower and bird design 粉彩綠地花鳥花盆
green glaze tea set 綠釉茶具
green glaze 綠釉
green glue stock 生膠料
green gold 綠金
green grey primer 綠灰底漆
green hemp 青麻
green ink 綠墨水
green iron wire netting 綠漆鐵窗紗
green jade bangle 翡翠玉鐲
green jade bracelet 翡翠手鐲
green jade 翡翠
green laser 綠光激光器
green leaf oil 葉綠油
green linen 本色亞麻布
green liquor preheater 綠液預(yù)熱器
green machine oil 綠機(jī)油
green manure 綠肥
green moss 苔菜
green onion 青蔥
green paint 綠漆
green papaya 青木瓜
green pea cake 青豌豆糕
green pea combine 青碗豆聯(lián)合收獲機(jī)
green pea 青豌豆
green pear 青梨
green pepper 青椒
green plum 青梅
green plum-blossom 青梅花
green plush 綠絨
green polishing composition 綠色拋光膏
green polishing wax 綠色拋光蠟
green prune 青梅干
green quarty carving 綠晶石雕刻品
green quartz 綠色石英
green ramie 綠葉苧麻
green resin 生樹脂
green rind shaddock 桑麻油
green sand 綠砂
green sandalwood 檀香木
green screen 綠光屏
green silicon carbide 綠色碳化硅
green soyabean with green kernel 青皮青豆
green soyabean 青豆
green spot orangeade 綠寶橙汁
green starch 綠豆淀粉
green stone 軟玉
green string bean 青豆角
green sword bean 青刀豆
green tea in packet 小包裝綠茶
green tea in tin 聽裝綠茶
green tea 綠茶
green tiger prawn 短溝對蝦
green turnip 青蘿卜
green vitriol 綠礬
green ware 生陶器
green yarn 未漿黃麻紗或未漂亞麻紗
green-brier 土茯苓
Greenbat machine 臥式鍛造機(jī)
greenish brown glaze 青褐釉
greenish yellow glaze 青黃釉
greenmist colour cloth 霧綠色布
greenolivetone 欖青酮
Greenough-type microscope 格里諾型雙目顯微鏡
Greensalt 鉻砷合劑
greenstone-made basin stonemill 青石盆磨
greenstone-made mill 青石磨
greentail prawn 綠尾對蝦
greeting card 賀卡
greeting cardboard 賀卡紙板
greeting-card bristol 賀卡用高級紙板
greeting-card parchment 賀卡用羊皮紙
grege silk 生絲
grege yarn 絲毛混合紗線
greig  綢坯
greige cloth 坯布
greige yarn 原紗
grenada 格林納達(dá)呢
Grenadine crepon 毛織薄紗
grenadine juice 石榴汁
Grenadine satin 色織棉背緞
grenadine twist  多股加捻絲線
Grenadine 光亮薄絹
grenadine 石榴漿
Grenai 格林內(nèi)綢
grenet cell 杵式電池
Grenfell cloth 格倫費爾全線斜紋布
grenz-ray set 跨界射線機(jī)
Gres feed 灰黃霉素
Grewhco 格魯赫科牌手表
grey acid-proof varnish 灰色耐酸漆
grey alkyd primer 灰醇酸底漆
grey bath towel in roll 本白蓮匹浴巾
grey blended ramie yarn 本色苧麻緄紡紗
grey board 灰板紙
grey brick 青磚
grey bristle 花豬鬃
grey cambric 細(xì)紡
grey canvas 帆布坯
grey cashmere waste 青回絲毛
grey cast iron 灰口鑄鐵
grey cloth for raising 絨布坯
grey cloth 坯布
grey coating 縐紋呢坯
grey corduroy 燈芯絨坯
grey cotton canvas for paper manufacturing 造紙帆布
grey cotton canvas 原色帆布
grey cotton diaper 菱形布坯
grey cotton fabric 原色棉布
grey cotton netting 本色網(wǎng)布
grey cotton polyester yarn 本色棉滌綸紗
grey cotton rug 灰棉氈
grey cotton yarn in hank 原色絞紗
grey cotton yarn on cone combed 精梳原色筒子紗
grey cotton yarn on cone 原色筒子紗
grey cotton yarn 木色棉紗
grey cotton 本色棉
grey crepe 縐紋坯
grey cretonne 窗簾布坯
grey damask 大提花貢緞坯
grey diaper 菱形布坯
grey dosuti 雙經(jīng)布坯
grey drill 卡其坯
grey duck down 灰鴨絨
grey duck feather 灰鴨毛
grey duck primary covert 灰鴨小關(guān)刀
grey duck small wing quill 灰鴨直刀毛
grey epoxy finish 灰色環(huán)氧面漆
grey ester gum paint for mirror 灰酯膠鏡子漆
grey fabric 原色棉布
grey fancy cloth 提花布坯
grey gauze diaper in roll 成卷尿巾坯布
grey gauze 紗布
grey goathair 灰山羊毛
grey goose broad 灰鵝矢
grey goose down 灰鵝絨
grey goose feather 灰鵝毛
grey goose nageoire 灰鵝飄毛
grey goose primary covert 灰鵝關(guān)刀
grey goose round 灰鵝窩
grey goose small wing quill 灰鵝直刀毛
grey goose wing back feather 灰鵝翅羽毛
grey grass colth 原色夏布
grey haircord 麻紗坯
grey heron scapular 灰蒼鷺羽毛
grey interlock fabric 本色棉毛布
grey iron 灰生鐵
grey jacquard cloth 提花布坯
grey jacquard tussores 提花羅坯
grey jade 灰玉
grey jeans 細(xì)斜紋坯布
grey kid head skin plate 青小山羊頭皮褥子
grey kid leg plate 青小山羊腿褥子
grey kid skin plate 青小山羊皮褥子
grey kid skin 青小山羊皮
grey lead paint 灰鉛漆
grey linen cotton blended sheeting 麻棉混紡床單布
grey manila board 灰底白版紙
grey micaceous iron oxide alkyd enamel 灰色云鐵醇酸磁漆
grey mosquito netting 蚊帳布坯
grey mull 麥爾紗坯
grey phenolic paint for mirror 灰酚醛涂鏡漆
grey pique 燈芯布坯
grey polyester polynosic blended fabric 滌虎混紡坯布
grey polyester polynosic corduroy 滌虎燈芯絨坯
grey polyester polynosic drill 滌虎卡其坯
grey polyester polynosic lawn blended 滌虎混紡坯布
grey polyester polynosic poplin blended 滌虎混紡府綢坯
grey polyester polynosic serge 滌虎嗶嘰坯
grey polyester polynosic tussores 滌虎紗絹坯
grey polyester spun rayon blended cloth 滌人棉混紡坯布
grey polyester viscose cotton blended cloth 滌粘棉混紡坯布
grey polyester viscose lawn blended 滌粘混紡坯布
grey polyester viscose poplin 滌粘府綢坯
grey polyester viscose serge 滌綸中空粘膠混紡嗶嘰
grey polyestercotton low yarn on cone 棉滌綸副牌筒子紗
grey polynosic cotton lawn blended 虎棉混紡坯布
grey polynosic shirting 虎纖細(xì)紡坯
grey poplin 府綢坯
grey pottery 灰陶
grey quick drying putty 灰色油性易干膩子
grey ramie cotton blended sheeting 麻棉混紡坯布
grey ramie yarn 本色苧麻紗
grey sateen drill 貢緞坯
grey sateen 橫貢坯
grey scale display unit 灰度顯示裝置
grey scale generator 灰度信號發(fā)生器
grey serge 嗶嘰坯
grey sheeting split 有縫布
grey sheeting triple warp 三經(jīng)單緯布
grey sheetings 本色闊幅斜紋布
grey shirting 細(xì)布
grey silk 含膠生絲
grey spun rayon cloth 人棉坯布
grey spun rayon fabric double weft 人棉雙緯坯布
grey spun rayon fabric 人造棉織物
grey spun rayon haircord 人棉麻紗坯
grey spun rayon muslin 人棉平紋細(xì)布坯
grey spun rayon piece goods 原色人造棉布
grey spun rayon poplin 人棉府綢坯
grey spun rayon serge 人棉嗶嘰坯
grey spun rayon twill 人棉斜紋坯
grey spun yarn 未膨化短纖紗
grey tin 灰錫
grey tube cloth 圓筒坯布
grey twill for raising 斜紋絨坯布
grey twill 斜紋坯布
grey viscose vinylon cotton blended cloth 粘維棉三合一混紡坯布
grey viscosecotton blended cloth twill 粘棉斜紋坯
grey viscosecotton blended cloth 粘棉混紡坯布
grey viscosecotton blended sateen 粘棉橫貢緞
grey voile 巴里紗坯
grey yarn 原紗
grey-black limestone powder 黑石灰石粉
grey-green brick 青磚
grey-green roof tile 青瓦
grid bar 格形爐柵
grid battery 柵極電池
grid bias battery 柵偏壓電池
grid bias detector 柵偏壓檢波器
grid bias relay 柵偏壓繼電器
grid capacitor 柵極電容器
grid cell 柵電池
grid coil 柵極線圈
grid condenser 柵極電容器
grid cut-off separator 柵截止信號分離器
grid detector 柵極檢波器
grid disc 柵極圓盤
grid evaporator 排管式蒸發(fā)器
grid field effect transistor 柵場效應(yīng)晶體管
grid indicator 柵格型指示器
grid iron drag 鐵框刮路器
grid leak capacitor detector 柵漏電容檢波器
grid leak detector 柵漏檢波器
grid leak resistor 柵漏電阻
grid lerk condenser 柵漏電容器
grid limiter 柵極限幅器
grid micrometer 網(wǎng)式測微計
grid plate oscillator 柵板振蕩器
grid pool tank 柵控汞槽整流器
grid pool tube 柵極汞槽整流管
grid potentiometer 柵極電位器
grid rectification detector 柵極整流檢波器
grid resistor 柵極電阻器
grid resonance type oscillator 調(diào)柵振蕩器
grid roller 網(wǎng)格式壓路機(jī)
grid silk 網(wǎng)狀生絲
grid stopper 柵極寄生振蕩抑制器
grid suppressor 柵極抑振電阻器
grid transformer 柵極變壓器
grid variometer 柵極可變電感器
grid winding machine 繞柵機(jī)
grid-cathode capacitor 柵極-陰極電容器
grid-cathode diode 柵陰二極管
grid-cavity tuner 柵極空腔調(diào)諧器
grid-controlled arc rectifier 柵控電弧整流器
grid-controlled colour kinescope 柵控彩色顯象管
grid-controlled mercury-arc rectifier 柵控汞弧整流器
grid-controlled rectifier tube 柵控整流管
grid-controlled rectifier 柵控整流器
grid-controlled relay tube 柵控繼電器管
grid-controlled vacuum tube 柵控真空管
grid-detection voltmeter 柵極檢波伏特計
grid-dip meter 柵陷式測試振蕩儀
grid-dip oscillator 柵陷式振蕩器
grid-dip wavemeter 柵陷式波長計
grid-earthed triode 柵極接地三極管
grid-glow relay 柵極輝光繼電器
grid-glow tube 柵極輝光放電管
grid-modulated amplifier 柵調(diào)放大器
grid-return tube 反射柵電子管
grid-valve tray 鏈網(wǎng)式浮閥塔盤
griddle 大孔篩
gridiron expansion valve 柵形膨脹閥
gridiron valve 柵形閥門
Griffin cotton 格里芬棉
grifola 豬苓
Grilene 格里琳聚酯-聚醚纖維
grilled chicken 燒雞
grilled ham and chicken 金錢雞
grilling apparatus 燒烤器
Grillon 格里綸聚已內(nèi)酰胺纖維
Grilon 格里隆聚已內(nèi)酰胺纖維
grim rectitier 離子管整流器
grind meter 研磨檢驗儀
grind spectacle lens 研磨鏡片
grind stone 磨石
grind-mill for laboratory 實驗室用研磨器
grinder for grinding inner hole & internal end face 內(nèi)圓端面磨床
grinder 研磨機(jī)
grinding & abrasive tool 研磨工具
grinding agent 研磨劑
grinding amalgamator 研磨混汞器
grinding and crushing machine 研磨粉碎機(jī)
grinding cylinder 管磨機(jī)
grinding disc 磨盤
grinding dresser 研磨機(jī)
grinding drum 磨碎機(jī)
grinding flat plate 研磨平板
grinding gauge 外圓磨床用鉤形卡規(guī)
grinding head moter for woodworking 木工專用磨頭電動機(jī)
grinding lathe 車磨兩用床
grinding machine for saw blade 鋸條磨機(jī)
grinding machine for valve-seat 氣門座磨床
grinding machine 磨床
grinding machinery 研磨機(jī)械
grinding material 磨料
grinding mill 研磨機(jī)
grinding miller 研磨機(jī)
grinding oil 潤磨油
grinding pan 磨盤
grinding paper 磨光紙
grinding paste 研磨膏
grinding sheet 研磨片
grinding spindle 砂輪軸
grinding stone 磨石
grinding tester 研磨測試器
grinding tool 磨具
grinding wheel balancing instrument 砂輪平衡儀
grinding wheel dresser 砂輪整形器
grinding wheel for pneumatic bit grinder 風(fēng)動磨釬機(jī)用砂輪
grinding wheel head 砂輪座
grinding wheel knife 砂輪刀
grinding wheel machine 砂輪機(jī)
grinding wheel 磨輪
grinding-and-polishing machine 研磨-拋光機(jī)
grindstone with chest 帶罩殼砂輪
grindstone-trough 磨刀石水盤
grip chuck 套爪卡盤
grip jaw 夾爪
grip nut 夾緊螺母
grip 夾子
gripp-spool Axminster carpet 夾片-筒管式阿克明斯特地毯
gripper feed press 抓斗送料壓力機(jī)
gripper loom 片梭織機(jī)
gripper-projectile loom 片梭織機(jī)
gripper-shuttle loom 片梭織機(jī)
gripping pliers 夾管鉗
gripping stone holding pin 夾石針
gripping tongs 抓鉗
gris fer bleute 法國軍服呢
gris-brun 法國軍服呢
griseille yarn 織制黑白提花綢的絲線
griseofulvin tablet 灰黃霉素片
griseofulvin 灰黃霉素
grisette 淡褐色女式呢
grisounite 硝酸甘油
grissaille 格里薩利布
gritter 鋪砂機(jī)
gritting machine 鋪砂機(jī)
Gro-lon 針織彈力絲
grog 烈酒
grogram yarn 柔軟繡花絲線
grogram 格羅格蘭姆呢
grommet 墊環(huán)
gromwell 紫草
Grona 格羅納牌手表
groningen 水漚亞麻纖維
groove broacher 拉槽機(jī)
groove cutter for root of turbine blade 渦輪葉片根槽銑刀
groove cutter 銑槽刀
groove cutting machine 開槽機(jī)
groove milling cutter 切口銑刀
groove milling machine 刻紋機(jī)
groove muller 槽形碾砂機(jī)
groove plane 槽刨
groove steel 槽鋼
grooved cylindrical pin 帶槽圓柱形銷
grooved head nut 槽頂螺母
grooved milling cutter 槽形銑刀
grooved pulley 三角皮帶輪
grooved roll washing machine 槽紋輥洗滌機(jī)
grooved roller 槽紋壓路機(jī)
grooved shank drill 槽柄鉆頭
grooved taper pin 帶槽錐形銷
groover 挖槽機(jī)
grooving chisel 開槽鑿
grooving machine for insole 鞋內(nèi)底開槽機(jī)
grooving machine 刻槽機(jī)
grooving plane for trimming 修邊開槽刨
grooving plane 開槽刨
grooving saw 銑槽鋸
gros d'Alger 橫棱絲織物
gros d'Ispahan 伊斯法罕橫棱綢
gros d'Oran 奧蘭織錦緞
gros d'Orleans 奧爾良斜棱紋織物
gros de berlin 柏林橫棱綢
gros de Chine 橫棱織物
gros de londres 倫敦橫棱綢
gros de Lyon 里昂橫棱織物
gros de messine 梅細(xì)納細(xì)羅緞
gros de naples 重厚絲織物
gros de Suez 無光細(xì)棱紋綢
gros de Suisse 雙經(jīng)橫棱綢
gros de Tours 圖爾橫棱綢
gros des Indes 彩色橫條紋綢
gros forts 厚實家具用布
gros velour 粗緯條長毛絨
gros 橫棱綢
grosgrain 羅緞
grosse chainette 平紋素色嗶嘰
grosse draperie 縮絨粗紡毛織物
grosse grenadine 毛嗶嘰
grossularite 鈣鋁榴石
ground and polished lens 研磨拋光鏡片
ground aviation radio exchange 地面航空無線電交換機(jī)
ground bed cable 地床電纜
ground beetle 土鱉蟲
ground capacitor 接地電容器
ground chestnut with cream 奶油栗子粉
ground cinnamon 肉桂粉
ground clamp 地線夾
ground coat paint 底漆
ground coffee 咖啡粉
ground condenser 接地電容器
ground detector 檢漏器
ground directional relay 接地定向繼電器
ground drill 鉆土機(jī)
ground effect vehicle 地面效應(yīng)車
ground electrical locomotive 地面電力機(jī)車
ground fabric 底布
ground ginger 姜粉
ground glass bulb 磨砂燈泡
ground glass stopper 磨砂玻璃塞
ground glass 磨砂玻璃
ground grid amplifier 柵極接地放大器
ground hand tap 手用磨牙絲錐
ground hob 磨齒滾刀
ground indicator 接地指示器
ground locomotive 地面用電力機(jī)車
ground mace 豆蔻花粉
ground measuring tester 接地測試器
ground neutralizer 接地中間補償器
ground nut 花生
ground nutmeg 豆蔻粉
ground oat 燕麥粉
ground paper 原紙
ground pepper 胡椒粉
ground position indicator 對地位置指示器
ground protective relay 接地防護(hù)繼電器
ground receiver 地面接收機(jī)
ground relay 接地繼電器
ground sesameseed oil 小磨香油
ground straight-shank twist drill 磨制直柄麻花鉆
ground surveillance radar 地面監(jiān)視雷達(dá)
ground tap for radiator 磨制暖氣片絲錐
ground tap 磨牙絲錐
ground tile 地磚
ground transmitter 地面發(fā)射機(jī)
ground wood decker 磨木漿濃縮機(jī)
ground wood filled board 磨木漿芯層紙板
ground-based optical receiver 地面光學(xué)接收器
ground-based transistor 基極接地晶體管
ground-driven rotary harrow 地輪傳動旋轉(zhuǎn)耙
ground-glass focusing screen 毛玻璃聚焦屏
ground-in glass stopper 磨砂玻璃塞
ground-thermometer 地溫表
ground-to-air guided missile 地對空導(dǎo)彈
grounded antenna 接地天線
grounded attenuator 接地衰減器
grounded cathode amplifier 陰極接地放大器
grounded probe 接地探針
grounded resistance tester 接地電阻試驗器
grounded-anode amplifier 陽極接地放大器
grounded-collector transistor 集電極接地晶體管
grounded-emitter amplifier 發(fā)射極接地放大器
grounded-emitter transistor 發(fā)射極接地晶體管
grounded-grid triode 柵極接地式三極管
groundhog 挖土機(jī)
grounding tester 接地試驗器
grounding transformer 接地變壓器
groundivy 歐亞活血丹
groundnut bran 花生面
groundnut cake expeller 花生餅壓榨機(jī)
groundnut cake 花生餅
groundnut in shell 花生果
groundnut kernel powder 花生仁粉
groundnut kernel 花生仁
groundnut meal 花生餅粉
groundnut oil extracted by native method 土榨花生油
groundnut oil 花生油
groundnut picker 花生摘果機(jī)
groundnut planter 花生播種器
groundnut protein fibre 花生蛋白質(zhì)纖維
groundnut sheller 花生脫殼器
groundnut stem meal 花生秧粉
groundwood paper 木漿制紙
groundwood printing paper 磨木漿印刷紙
group amplifier 群放大器
group bank equipment 基群設(shè)備
group carrier supply narrow-band filter 群路載供給窄帶濾波器
group data modulator 基群數(shù)據(jù)調(diào)制器
group delay equalizer 群時延均衡器
group delay measuring set 群時延測試儀
group demodulator filter 群解調(diào)濾波器
group demodulator 群解調(diào)器
group demultiplexer 群多路分解器
group filter 群濾波器
group frequency converter 群變頻器
group impulse generator 群脈沖發(fā)生器
group indicator 群指示器
group knife 組合閘刀
group modulator filter 群調(diào)制濾波器
group modulator 群調(diào)制器
group pilot amplifier 群導(dǎo)頻放大器
group pilot indicator 群導(dǎo)頻指示器
group pilot oscillator 群導(dǎo)頻振蕩器
group pilot receiver 群導(dǎo)頻接收機(jī)
group pilot regulator 群導(dǎo)頻控制器
group pulse generator 脈沖群發(fā)生器
group refueling unit 群車加油裝置
group selection unit 群選擇器
group starter 分組起動器
group switch 組開關(guān)
group terminal equipment 群終端設(shè)備
grouped filter 群濾波器
grouped pulse generator 群脈沖發(fā)生器
grout injector 注漿機(jī)
grout machine 灌漿機(jī)
grout mixer 灰漿拌和器
grout pump 灌漿泵
grouter 灌漿機(jī)
grouting machine 灌漿機(jī)
grouting pump 灌漿泵
grower washer 彈簧墊圈
growing-wave tube 生長波管
growler 短路線圈測試儀
grown-diffused phototransistor 生長擴(kuò)散型光電晶體管
grown-junction photocell 生長結(jié)光電池
growth axis 生長軸
grub hoe 掘根鋤
grub saw 大理石手鋸
grub screw 平頭螺釘
grub 蠐螬蟲
grubber 除草機(jī)
Gruen 格路云牌手表
guacetisal 哌西替沙
guafecainol 哌非卡因
guaiac resin 愈創(chuàng)樹脂
guaiacol glyceryl ether 愈創(chuàng)木酚甘油醚
guaiacol 愈創(chuàng)木酚
guaiactamine 愈創(chuàng)他明
guaiacum resin 愈創(chuàng)樹脂
guaiacum 愈創(chuàng)木
guaiapate 愈創(chuàng)哌特
guaiazulene 愈創(chuàng)蘭油烴
guaietolin 呱依托林
gualfenesin 愈創(chuàng)甘油醚
guamecycline 胍甲環(huán)素
guan le goffer 冠樂縐
Guana fibre 瓜那木棉纖維
guanabenz 胍那芐
guanacline 胍那克林
guanaco wool 原駝毛
guanaco yarn 原駝毛紗
guanadrel sulfate 硫酸胍那決爾
guanadrel 胍那決爾
guancidine 胍西定
guanethidine 胍乙啶
guanfacine 胍法新
guanidine carbonate 胍碳酸鹽
guanidine nitrate 胍硝酸鹽
guanidine sulfate 胍硫酸鹽
guanidine 胍
guanidinesalt 胍鹽
guanisoquin 胍尼索喹
guano 鳥糞
guanoclor 胍氯酚
Guanoctine 雙胍鹽
guanoctine 胍諾克丁
guanoxabenz 胍諾沙芐
guanoxan sulfate 硫酸胍生
guanoxan 胍生
guanoxyfen 胍諾西芬
guard and alarm system 安全防范報警系統(tǒng)
guard band filter 保護(hù)頻帶濾波器
guard bar 護(hù)桿
guard lamp 告警燈
guard plate 護(hù)板
guard rail 護(hù)軌
guard relay 防護(hù)繼電器
guard ring tocograph 保護(hù)環(huán)分娩力描記器
guard ring type capacitor 保護(hù)環(huán)式電容器
guard ring 保護(hù)環(huán)
guard-ring detector 保護(hù)環(huán)探測器
guarinite 片榍石
guava juice 番石榴汁
guava 番石榴
Guayabera shirt 襯衫式茄克衫
guazatine 雙胍鹽
gudgeon pin cover 活塞銷蓋
gudgeon pin plug 活塞銷塞
gudgeon pin 活塞銷
Guerlain 嬌蘭香水
guernsey 水手衫
guest towel 高檔細(xì)薄小手帕
Guferat wool 古菲萊脫細(xì)羊毛
guibert 漂白重亞麻布
guidance tracking receiver 導(dǎo)引跟蹤接收器
guide bar 導(dǎo)桿
guide bearing 導(dǎo)向軸承
guide block bearing 導(dǎo)向塊軸承
guide block brass 導(dǎo)向塊銅襯
guide block 導(dǎo)向塊
guide bolt 導(dǎo)向螺栓
guide bush 導(dǎo)襯
guide cam 導(dǎo)向凸輪
guide casing 導(dǎo)架
guide channel 導(dǎo)槽
guide dial inside micrometer 支承式帶表盤內(nèi)徑千分表
guide finger 指針
guide frame 導(dǎo)架
guide funnel 導(dǎo)向漏斗
guide gear 導(dǎo)向齒輪
guide inside micrometer 支承式內(nèi)徑千分表
guide lifter 帶導(dǎo)向槽提升器
guide line tensioner 導(dǎo)繩張力器
guide line 導(dǎo)繩
guide liner 導(dǎo)板襯片
guide mill 有導(dǎo)向裝置的軋機(jī)
guide nut 導(dǎo)向螺帽
guide pile 導(dǎo)樁
guide pin 導(dǎo)向銷
guide piston 導(dǎo)向活塞
guide plate 導(dǎo)向板
guide plug 導(dǎo)向插頭
guide pulley 導(dǎo)輪
guide rail 導(dǎo)軌
guide ring 導(dǎo)環(huán)
guide rod 導(dǎo)桿
guide roller 導(dǎo)輥
guide screw die stock 螺絲扳牙殼
guide screw 絲杠
guide shoe 導(dǎo)塊
guide sleeve 導(dǎo)向套
guide spindle bearing 導(dǎo)軸軸承
guide stem 導(dǎo)桿
guide stop finger 減速器
guide tube 導(dǎo)管
guide twist drill 有導(dǎo)徑的深孔麻花鉆
guide valve 導(dǎo)向閥
guide vane 導(dǎo)向葉片
guide wheel disk 導(dǎo)向輪盤
guide wheel impeller 導(dǎo)向輪葉片
guide wheel rim 導(dǎo)向輪輪緣
guide wheel shaft bush 導(dǎo)輪軸套
guide wheel shaft 導(dǎo)輪軸
guide wheel 導(dǎo)向輪
guide-travel transmitter 導(dǎo)游話筒
guide-wave demultiplexer 導(dǎo)波分路器
guided aircraft rocket 機(jī)載火箭
guided missile 導(dǎo)彈
guider 導(dǎo)向器
guiding pipe 導(dǎo)管
guiding telescope 導(dǎo)星望遠(yuǎn)鏡
Guillaume alloy 紀(jì)堯姆鐵鎳低膨脹系數(shù)合金
Guillaume's metal 紀(jì)堯姆銅鉍合金
guilloching machine 雕彩紋機(jī)
guillotine attenuator 刀型衰減器
guillotine knife grinder 磨鍘刀機(jī)
guillotine knife 切斷機(jī)
guillotine shears 鍘刀式剪切機(jī)
guillotine sliding gate valve 閘刀式滑動閘閥
guillotine 閘刀
guillotine-type cutting machine 鍘刀式切截機(jī)
guimp lace 凸紋花邊
guimp 帶袖內(nèi)衣
Guinea cloth 幾內(nèi)亞布
guinea corn 高粱
guingan 金甘綢
guinget 薄駝毛呢
Guiote cotton 吉奧特棉
guipure d'art 亞麻凸紋花邊
guipure de flander 梭結(jié)花卉花邊
guipure 凸花花邊
guitar strap 吉他皮帶
guitar 吉他
Gulf cotton 海灣棉
gulf-weed 馬尾藻
gullet saw 鉤齒鋸
gum Arabic 阿拉伯樹膠
gum asbestos board 膠質(zhì)石棉板
gum band 橡膠帶
gum belt 橡膠皮帶
gum benzoin 安息香樹膠
gum brush 膠水刷
gum coater 上膠機(jī)
gum confection 膠姆糖
gum copal 柯巴膠
gum elastic 彈性樹膠
gum paper 膠水紙
gum pink rubber 肉色樹膠
gum resin 脂松香
gum ring 橡膠圈
gum rubber 天然橡膠
gum scissors 牙齦剪
gum sheet 橡膠薄板
gum silk 含膠生絲
gum sleeve 橡膠套管
gum strip calender 條膠壓延機(jī)
gum tragacanth 龍膠
gum turpentine 松節(jié)油
gum twill 薄軟綢
gum varnish 樹膠清漆
gum water 膠水
gum wood 皺紋樹脂本
gum 樹膠
gum-boots 長筒膠靴
gum-printing press 印膠機(jī)
gumbo 膠粘土
gummed basketball 膠胎籃球
gummed craft paper tape 牛皮紙膠帶
gummed football 膠胎足球
gummed handball 膠胎手球
gummed iron binding wire 膠質(zhì)鐵扎線
gummed label 涂膠標(biāo)簽
gummed lable paper 涂膠標(biāo)簽紙
gummed paper for sticking drawing 粘圖膠紙
gummed paper tape 膠紙帶
gummed paper 膠紙
gummed volleyball 膠胎排球
gummed water-resistant tape 耐水膠粘紙帶
gummed wire 膠質(zhì)線
gumming agent 膠合劑
gumming machine 涂膠機(jī)
gumming machine 粘合機(jī)
gumming paper 涂膠紙
gumpty sheeting 中支平紋坯布
gumshoes 套鞋
gun brass 槍炮黃銅
gun bronze 槍炮青銅
gun camera 照相槍
gun copper 炮銅
gun cotton 火藥棉
gun disassembly and assembly service vehicle 火炮拆裝車
gun drill 槍孔鉆
gun drilling machine 槍孔鉆床
gun rack 槍架
gun steel 槍炮用鋼
gun stock 槍托
gun-cotton silk 火藥棉絲
gunboat gray cloth 炮艦灰色布
gunite gun 噴槍
Gunite 岡奈特可鍛鑄鐵
gunjet 噴槍
gunn altimeter 電容式測高計
Gunn cotton 格恩棉
Gunn diode oscillator 耿氏二極管振蕩器
Gunn effect solid state frequency source 耿氏效應(yīng)固態(tài)頻率發(fā)生器
Gunn tartan 格恩彩色條格呢
gunny and cotton blended sheeting 麻棉混紡色織布
gunny bag 麻袋
gunny cloth 麻布
gunny products 麻制品
gunny rag 亂麻布
gunny sack forming machine 麻袋加工成型機(jī)
gunny sack stitcher 麻袋縫合機(jī)
gunny sacking 黃麻袋布
gunny 粗黃麻布
gunpowder tea 圓珠茶
gunpowder 火藥
Guppy 古塔牌照相機(jī)
gurrah 印度粗布
Gusathion A 乙基谷硫磷
Gusathion M 谷硫磷
Gusathion 谷硫磷
gusset plate 節(jié)點板
gusset 三角形布料
gustometer 味覺器
gustsonde 陣風(fēng)探空儀
gut stripper 腸衣去粘膜機(jī)
Gutherie cutch extract 格思里樹皮膠
Guthion Plus Methyl Parathion SC 谷甲混劑
Guthion 谷硫磷
gutta meter 滴法張力計
gutta percha cable 杜仲樹膠絕緣電纜
gutta percha 杜仲橡膠
gutta-jelutong 節(jié)路頓膠
guttae fluoresceini natrici 熒光素鈉滴眼液
guttae sulface 消炎眼藥水
guttae sulfacetamidi natrici 消炎眼藥水
gutted muffler 空洞消音器
gutter cleaner 清溝機(jī)
gutter tile 溝瓦
gutter-plough 開溝犁
guy derrick 牽索起重機(jī)
Guy Laroche 姬龍雪牌眼鏡架
Guyotatz cloth 格約塔茲黑白呢
gym bar 健身棍
gym bench 體操凳
gym ladder 體操梯
gym outfit 運動衫褲
gym shoes 體操鞋
gym shorts 運動短褲
gym suit 體操服
gym trousers 體操褲
gym-horse 木馬
Gymlene 吉姆綸聚丙烯短纖維
gymnasium equipment 健身用品
gymnasium mat 體操用墊
gymnastic knife 體育刀
gymnastic pants 體操褲
gymnastic shoes 體操鞋
gymnastic stick 體操棍
gymnastics 體操用品
gynaecologic apparatus 婦科器械
gynaecological and obstetrical instrument 婦產(chǎn)科器械
gynaecological examination chair 婦科檢查椅
gynocardia oil 大楓子油
gynura bicolor 紫背菜
gynura japonica pearlcream 田七珍珠膏
gynura sagittata 止血丹
gyphosate solution 草甘膦水劑
gyplure 樹蟲殺
gypsite 土石膏
gypsum adorned board 石膏裝飾板
gypsum and clay figure 石膏泥人
gypsum and clay products 石膏泥制品
gypsum anhydride 無水石膏
gypsum in lump 石膏塊
gypsum pencil sharpener 石膏卷筆刀
gypsum plaster ceiling board 石膏天花板
gypsum plaster 粉飾用石膏粉
gypsum plate 石膏板
gypsum powder 石膏粉
gypsum sawdust board 石膏木屑板
gypsum slate 石膏板
gypsum wallboard 石膏墻板
gypsum 石膏
gypsy cloth 吉普賽絨布
gypsy dress 吉普賽裝
Gyptol 誘殺醇
gyradisc crusher 轉(zhuǎn)盤式破碎機(jī)
gyral breaker 回旋碎礦機(jī)
gyrator 回轉(zhuǎn)器
gyratory ball-mill 旋回球磨機(jī)
gyratory breaker 回轉(zhuǎn)破碎機(jī)
gyratory compactor 旋轉(zhuǎn)式壓實機(jī)
gyratory cone crusher 旋轉(zhuǎn)錐形粉碎機(jī)
gyratory crusher 回轉(zhuǎn)破碎機(jī)
gyratory press 回轉(zhuǎn)式壓力機(jī)
gyratory screen 偏心振動篩
gyratory sifter 旋轉(zhuǎn)式篩
gyratory testing machine 回轉(zhuǎn)式試驗機(jī)
gyre breaker 環(huán)動破碎機(jī)
gyro flux-gate compass 陀螺感應(yīng)同步羅盤
gyro gimbal 陀螺萬向支架
gyro magnetic compass 陀螺磁羅盤
gyro motor 陀螺馬達(dá)
gyro output amplifier 陀螺輸出放大器
gyro plane 旋翼機(jī)
gyro sextant 陀螺六分儀
gyro-accelerometer 陀螺加速度表
gyro-axle 回轉(zhuǎn)軸
gyro-level 陀螺水平儀
gyro-mag 陀螺磁羅盤
gyro-meter type tachometer 陀螺測試儀型轉(zhuǎn)速計
gyro-mixer 回轉(zhuǎn)式攪拌機(jī)
gyro-stretch 吉祿彈力多層織物
gyroclinometer 回轉(zhuǎn)式傾斜計
gyrocompass 電羅經(jīng)
gyrodozer 鏟斗自由傾斜式推土機(jī)
gyrograph 轉(zhuǎn)速記錄器
gyrohorizon 陀螺地平儀
gyrolite 白鈣沸石
gyrometer 陀螺測試儀
gyrophora 石耳
gyropilot 自動駕駛儀
gyrorepeater 回轉(zhuǎn)復(fù)示器
gyroscope navigator 陀螺領(lǐng)航儀
gyroscope 陀螺儀
gyroscopic apparatus 陀螺儀
gyroscopic integrator 陀螺積分器
gyroscopic theodolite 陀螺經(jīng)緯儀
gyrosight 陀螺瞄準(zhǔn)器
gyrostabilizer 陀螺穩(wěn)定器
gyrostat 回轉(zhuǎn)儀
gyrostatic compass 陀螺穩(wěn)定羅盤
gyrotheodolite 陀螺經(jīng)緯儀
gyrotron 回旋振蕩管
Gzsa 格茲薩牌汽車
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