

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-02-21
核心提示:energy absorber 能量吸收器 energy analyzing magnet analyzer 能量磁分析儀 energy brush 供能電刷 energy converter 換能器 energy disperser 能量擴(kuò)散器 energy dispersive X-ray analyser 能量擴(kuò)散式X射線分析儀 energy dispersive X-ray detector 能量擴(kuò)散式X射

energy absorber 能量吸收器
energy analyzing magnet analyzer 能量磁分析儀
energy brush 供能電刷
energy converter 換能器
energy disperser 能量擴(kuò)散器
energy dispersive X-ray analyser 能量擴(kuò)散式X射線分析儀
energy dispersive X-ray detector 能量擴(kuò)散式X射線檢測(cè)器
energy dispersive X-ray diffractometer 能量擴(kuò)散X射線衍射儀
energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer 能量擴(kuò)散X射線譜儀
energy management indicator 能量管理指示器
energy meter 能量表
energy probe 能量探測(cè)器
energy regulator 能量調(diào)節(jié)器
energy resolved low-energy charged particle detector 能量分辨的低能帶電粒子探測(cè)器
energy spectrometer 能譜測(cè)量?jī)x
energy transducer 換能器
energy-economic transformer 節(jié)能變壓器
energy-efficient check-out car 節(jié)能檢測(cè)車(chē)
energy-insensitive neutron detector 能量不靈敏中子探測(cè)器
energy-saving carburetor 節(jié)能化油器
energy-saving checkout automobile 節(jié)能檢測(cè)車(chē)
energy-saving fluorescent lamp 節(jié)能熒光燈
energy-saving lamp 節(jié)能燈
energy-saving motor 節(jié)能電動(dòng)機(jī)
energy-saving pump 節(jié)能泵
energy-selecting electron microscope 能量選擇電子顯微鏡
energy-storage Al electrolytic capacitor 儲(chǔ)能鋁電解電容器
energy-storage capacitor 儲(chǔ)能電容器
energymomentum spectrometer 能量-動(dòng)量譜儀
eneyne 烯炔
enflurane 恩氟烷
engagement ring 訂婚戒指
engaging bevel gear 接合傘齒輪
engaging gear 接合齒輪
engine analyser 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)綜合試驗(yàn)機(jī)
engine and transmission alignment checking device 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)和變速器軸線檢查儀
engine bearer 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)支座
engine cleansing agent 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)清洗劑
engine clutch 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)離合器
engine conditioning oil 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)清洗油
engine coolant 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)冷卻液
engine counter 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)計(jì)數(shù)器
engine cover 機(jī)罩
engine crankshaft 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)曲軸
engine cylinder 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)汽缸
engine degasser 電動(dòng)脫氣器
engine dynamometer 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)測(cè)功器
engine enamel 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)瓷漆
engine feed pump 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)供料泵
engine filter 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)濾清器
engine for aircraft 航空發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)
engine for boat 船舶引擎
engine fuel 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)燃料
engine generator 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)驅(qū)動(dòng)型發(fā)電機(jī)
engine governor 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)調(diào)速器
engine hand piece 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)直嘴
engine hoist 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)起重機(jī)
engine hood 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)罩
engine hourmeter 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)計(jì)時(shí)器
engine lathe 普通車(chē)床
engine lubricating oil 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)潤(rùn)滑油
engine mass air flow meter 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)進(jìn)氣質(zhì)量流量計(jì)
engine monitor 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)監(jiān)測(cè)器
engine mounting bracket 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)安裝支架
engine oil cooler 機(jī)油冷卻器
engine oil pressure gage 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)機(jī)油油壓表
engine oil 機(jī)油
engine piston 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)活塞
engine plow 機(jī)動(dòng)犁
engine preheater 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)預(yù)熱器
engine primer 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)起動(dòng)注油器
engine right angle 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)曲嘴
engine solar oil 粗柴油
engine speed indicator 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)速表
engine stand 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)支架
engine starter 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)起動(dòng)機(jī)
engine supercharger 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)增壓機(jī)
engine support 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)支架
engine sweeper 清掃機(jī)
engine temperature indicator 機(jī)溫指示器
engine test tool kit 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)測(cè)試工具箱
engine throttle 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)節(jié)流閥
engine timing pointer 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)定時(shí)指針
engine unloading pressure regulator 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)卸荷調(diào)壓器
engine vacuum checking gauge 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)真空測(cè)試計(jì)
engine valve 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)氣門(mén)
engine-driven air compressor 機(jī)動(dòng)空氣壓縮機(jī)
engine-driven generator 機(jī)動(dòng)發(fā)電機(jī)
engine-driven portable self priming pump 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)驅(qū)動(dòng)便攜式自起動(dòng)泵
engineer's ball pein hammer 奶子錘
engineer's boots 工程師靴
engineer's chain 工程師用鏈
engineer's cloth 工作服布
engineer's cross pein hammer 扁尾錘
engineer's kit 工具包
engineer's level 工程水準(zhǔn)儀
engineer's theodolite 工程經(jīng)緯儀
engineer's transit 工程經(jīng)緯儀
engineering brick 工程用磚
engineering ceramics 工程陶瓷
engineering conveyer 工程輸送機(jī)
engineering driller 工程鉆機(jī)
engineering geological drilling rig 工程地質(zhì)鉆機(jī)
engineering goods 工程器材
engineering plastics 工程塑料
engineering repair truck 工程修理車(chē)
engineering seismograph 工程地震儀
engineering truck 工程車(chē)
engineering van 工程車(chē)
Engler distillation flask 恩氏蒸餾燒瓶
Engler viscosimeter 恩氏粘度計(jì)
English chintz 英國(guó)光亮棉布
English embroidery 英國(guó)刺繡
English flannel 威爾士法蘭絨
English lille 嬰兒服飾花邊
English milanese machine 米蘭尼斯平型經(jīng)編機(jī)
English spanner 活動(dòng)扳手
English typewriter 英文打字機(jī)
English velvet 英國(guó)絲絨
English wools 英國(guó)羊毛
English yarn 英式精紡毛紗
Englo 恩格洛無(wú)光粘膠長(zhǎng)絲
engraved bangle bracelet 刻花手鐲
engraved case 刻花表殼
engraved mirror 刻花鏡
engraved porcelain 雕瓷
engraved ring 雕刻戒指
engraved scale thermometer 刻標(biāo)溫度計(jì)
engraved stem thermometer 刻標(biāo)棒狀溫度計(jì)
engraver 刻花機(jī)
engraver's needle 雕刻針
Engravers brass 恩格雷弗斯含鉛黃銅
engraving ink 雕刻油墨
engraving knife 雕刻刀
engraving machine 雕刻機(jī)
engraving needle 雕刻針
engraving plate 雕刻板
engraving stylus 雕刻刀
engraving 版畫(huà)
enhanced buffer tube cable 增強(qiáng)型緩沖套管電纜
enhanced graphics adapter 增強(qiáng)圖像適配器
enhanced photomultiplier 增強(qiáng)型光電倍增管
enhancement transistor 增強(qiáng)型晶體管
enhancer 增強(qiáng)器
Enicar 英納格牌手表
eniclobrate 恩尼貝特
Enide dinitro EC 地樂(lè)酚除草劑
Enide 草乃敵
enilconazole 恩康唑
enile 愛(ài)尼爾手結(jié)厚絨毛地毯
Enka nylon 恩卡耐綸
Enka Perlon 恩卡貝綸耐綸6和66長(zhǎng)絲或短纖維
Enka rayon 恩卡人造絲
Enka 恩卡耐綸6長(zhǎng)絲和短纖維
Enkacrepe 恩卡克雷普耐綸絲
Enkalene 恩卡綸
Enkalite 恩卡萊特聚酯長(zhǎng)絲和短纖維
Enkaloft 恩卡洛夫特蛋白質(zhì)變形紗
Enkalure 恩卡盧爾多葉形畸形耐綸纖維
Enkasa 恩卡薩酪蛋白纖維
Enkasheer 恩卡希爾耐綸纖維
Enkaswing 恩卡斯溫聚氨基甲酸酯彈性纖維
Enkatherm fibre 恩卡特姆纖維
Enkatron 恩卡特綸
Enkona 恩科納粘膠纖維
Enkrome 恩克羅姆粘膠短纖維
enlarge hole opener 擴(kuò)孔器
enlarger lamp bulb 放大燈泡
enlarger lamp 圖像放大燈
enlarger lens 放大機(jī)鏡頭
enlarger printer 放大印刷機(jī)
enlarger 放大機(jī)
enlarging board 放大機(jī)底板
enlarging camera 放大機(jī)
enlarging lens 放大機(jī)鏡頭
enlarging machine 放像機(jī)
enlarging meter 放大光度計(jì)
enlarging paper 放大紙
enlarging photometer 放大光度計(jì)
enlarging printer 放大印片機(jī)
enlarging rod 放大機(jī)豎桿
Enneachlor 九氯
enocitabine 依諾他賓
enol 烯醇
enoscope 折光鏡
Enovit 甲基托布津
enoxacin 依諾沙星
enoxolone 甘草次酸
enpiprazole 恩吡哌唑
enpromate 恩普氨酯
enprostil 恩前列素
enriched boron trifluoride neutron detector 富化的三氟化硼中子探測(cè)器
enriched boron trifluoride proportional counter 富化的三氟化硼比例計(jì)數(shù)器
enriched orange juice 濃縮桔汁
enriched uranium 濃縮鈾
enriching machine 濃縮機(jī)
ensemble costume 女式套裝
ensign cloth 平紋旗幟布
ensilage cutter 鍘草機(jī)
ensilage fork 青飼料叉
Ensotime 恩斯太姆牌手表
enstatine 頑輝石
entero-vioforme 腸用慰歐仿
enterocleaner 腸沖洗器
enterofiberscope 纖維小腸鏡
enterograph 腸動(dòng)描記器
enteroscope 腸鏡
Entex 倍硫磷
enthrakometer 超高頻功率測(cè)量?jī)x
Entocon ZR 512 蒙五一二
Entocon ZR 515 蒙五一五
entoptoscope 眼內(nèi)媒質(zhì)檢查鏡
entrainment separator 霧沫分離器
entrainment trap 霧沫分離器
entrance cable 引入電纜
Entre Rios 恩特雷里奧斯羊毛
entropy filter 濾熵器
entry coil conveyer 供卷運(yùn)輸機(jī)
entry guide vane 進(jìn)口導(dǎo)葉
entry indicator 進(jìn)場(chǎng)顯示器
entry monitor display 輸入監(jiān)控顯示器
enucleation scissors 摘除剪
enuresis electrotherapeutic device 遺尿癥電療儀
envelope bag 信封式袋
envelope chemise 筒型女式內(nèi)衣
envelope delay distortion meter 包絡(luò)延遲失真測(cè)量?jī)x
envelope delay scanner 包絡(luò)延遲特性掃描器
envelope delay time meter 包絡(luò)延時(shí)測(cè)量器
envelope delay tracer 包絡(luò)延遲顯跡器
envelope detector 包絡(luò)檢波器
envelope machine 制信封機(jī)
envelope oscilloscope 包絡(luò)示波器
envelope paper 信封紙
envelope printing press 信封印刷機(jī)
envelope sealing machine 信封封口機(jī)
envelope viewer 包絡(luò)觀察器
envelope wide-scope 視頻示波器
envelope 信封
enveloping glass 封接玻璃
enveloping worm-gear reducer 球面蝸輪減速箱
Envilon 恩維綸聚氯乙烯長(zhǎng)絲
environment  satellite 環(huán)境衛(wèi)星
environment system monitor 環(huán)境系統(tǒng)監(jiān)控器
environmental calibrator 環(huán)境刻度器
environmental detection set 環(huán)境檢測(cè)裝置
environmental gas chromatograph 環(huán)境氣相色譜儀
environmental neutron dosimeter 環(huán)境污染中子劑量計(jì)
environmental pollution analyzer 環(huán)境污染分析器
environmental pollution monitor 環(huán)境污染監(jiān)測(cè)儀
environmental quality sensor 環(huán)境大氣質(zhì)量檢測(cè)傳感器
environmental radiation monitor 環(huán)境輻射監(jiān)測(cè)儀
enynic acid 烯炔酸
enzaprost F ampoule 前列腺素F注射液
enzor net 六角網(wǎng)眼花邊
enzymatic laundry powder 加酶洗衣粉
enzyme analyser 酶分析器
enzyme resin 酶樹(shù)脂
enzyme-containing detergent 加酶洗滌劑
eolienne 風(fēng)神綢
eosine 曙紅鈉
epaulet silk 肩章緞
eperisone hydrochloride 鹽酸乙哌立松
ephedra root 麻黃根
Ephedra sinica 草麻黃
ephedra 麻黃
ephedrine hydrochloride tablet 鹽酸麻黃素片
ephedrine hydrochloride 鹽酸左旋麻黃素
ephedrine sulphate 硫酸左旋麻黃素
ephedrine 麻黃素
epiandrosterone acetate 醋酸異雄酮
epiandrosterone 異雄酮
epichlorohydrin 表氯醇
epicillin 依匹西林
epicyclic gear 行星齒輪
epicyclic reduction gear 周轉(zhuǎn)減速齒輪
epicyclic train 周轉(zhuǎn)齒輪系
epidiascope 實(shí)物幻燈機(jī)
epidote 綠簾石
epidural guiding tube 硬膜外導(dǎo)管
epiglottis holder 持會(huì)厭器
epihetacillin 表海他西林
epikote 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂
epilation unit 脫毛發(fā)裝置
epilator 脫毛機(jī)
epilim tablet 定百痙片
epimedium  淫羊藿
epimestrol 表甲雌三醇
epinephrine 腎上腺素
epinghue crepon 埃潘于花毛葛
epingle brocade 埃潘格里花緞
epingle crepon 埃潘格里提花縐綢
epingline 埃潘格蘭毛葛
epiphyllum 曇花
epiphysiometer 骨骺測(cè)量器
epipolar-scan stereomapper 核線掃描立體測(cè)圖儀
epipropidine 依匹哌啶
epirizole 依匹唑
epirubicin 表柔比星
episcope 反射投影器
episcotister 截光器
epitaxial diffused phototransistor 外延擴(kuò)散型光電晶體管
epitaxial diode laser 外延二極管激光器
epitaxial injection laser 外延注入式激光器
epitaxial mesa phototransistor 外延臺(tái)面式光電晶體管
epitaxial mesa transistor 外延臺(tái)面晶體管
epitaxial phototransistor 外延光電晶體管
epitaxial planar transistor 外延平面晶體管
epitaxial semiconductor laser 外延半導(dǎo)體激光器
epitaxial silicon 外延硅
epitaxial-base phototransistor 外延基極光電晶體管
epithioandrostanol 環(huán)硫雄醇
epitizide 依匹噻嗪
epitomizer 縮影機(jī)
epitropic fibre 埃比特羅比克纖維
Epitropic filament yarn 埃比特羅比克長(zhǎng)絲
epocelin vial 注射用益保世靈
Epolene 埃波綸低分子量聚乙烯
epomediol 依泊二醇
eponge 海綿呢
epoprostenol sodium 依前列醇鈉
epoxide powder coating 環(huán)氧粉末涂料
epoxide resin 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂
epoxide-resin glue 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂膠
epoxidized methyl acetorieinoleate 環(huán)氧乙酰蓖麻油酸甲酯
epoxidized soybean oil 環(huán)氧大豆油
epoxy  enclosed transistor 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂密封晶體管
epoxy acrylate 環(huán)氧丙烯酸酯
epoxy adhesive 環(huán)氧膠粘劑
epoxy anti-corrosive powder coating 防腐型粉末涂料
epoxy butane 環(huán)氧丁烷
epoxy chloroparaffin 環(huán)氧氯烴
epoxy chloropropane 環(huán)氧氯丙烷
epoxy coal tar varnish 環(huán)氧瀝青清漆
epoxy coating 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂涂料
epoxy cotton paper 環(huán)氧棉紙
epoxy diode 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂二極管
epoxy encapsulated transformer 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂外包之變壓器
epoxy enclosed mica capacitor 環(huán)氧包封云母電容器
epoxy ester baking insulating coating 環(huán)氧酯烘干絕緣漆
epoxy ester baking varnish 環(huán)氧酯烘干清漆
epoxy ester varnish 環(huán)氧酯清漆
epoxy ethane alcohol solution 環(huán)氧乙烷乙醇溶液
epoxy ethane 環(huán)氧乙烷
epoxy flat powder coating 無(wú)光環(huán)氧粉末涂料
epoxy foam plastics 環(huán)氧泡沫塑料
epoxy glass 環(huán)氧玻璃
epoxy hardener 環(huán)氧固化劑
epoxy insulation varnish 環(huán)氧絕緣漆
epoxy iron red shop primer 環(huán)氧鐵紅底漆
epoxy isocyanate paint 環(huán)氧異氰酸漆
epoxy mica paper 環(huán)氧云母紙
epoxy phenol aldehyde glass cloth laminated board 環(huán)氧酚醛玻璃布板
epoxy phenol aldehyde glass cloth laminated rod 環(huán)氧酚醛玻璃布棒
epoxy phenol-formaldehyde baking silicium steel sheet varnish 環(huán)氧酚醛硅鋼片清烘漆
epoxy phenol-formaldehyde resin baking anti-corrosive paint 環(huán)氧酚醛烘干防腐漆
epoxy phenolic 環(huán)氧酚醛樹(shù)脂
epoxy plastics 環(huán)氧塑料
epoxy polyamide paint 環(huán)氧聚酰胺漆
epoxy polyester powder coating 環(huán)氧聚酯樹(shù)脂粉末涂料
epoxy pouring sealant for high-voltage focusing potentiometer 高壓聚焦電位器環(huán)氧灌封膠
epoxy powder coating material 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂塑封材料
epoxy powder coating 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂粉末涂料
epoxy primer 環(huán)氧底漆
epoxy propane rubber 環(huán)氧丙烷橡膠
epoxy propane 環(huán)氧丙烷
epoxy repair putty 環(huán)氧修補(bǔ)膩?zhàn)?br />epoxy resin adhesive 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂膠
epoxy resin coal tar anticorrosive paint 環(huán)氧瀝青防腐漆
epoxy resin dipping paint 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂浸漬漆
epoxy resin enamel 環(huán)氧磁漆
epoxy resin filling equipment 環(huán)氧灌注設(shè)備
epoxy resin finish 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂面漆
epoxy resin floor paint 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂地板漆
epoxy resin silver paint 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂銀漆
epoxy resin varnish 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂清漆
epoxy resin 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂
epoxy seal transistor 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂封裝晶體管
epoxy solventless baking insulating varnish 環(huán)氧無(wú)溶劑絕緣烘漆
epoxy solventless immersion baking varnish 環(huán)氧無(wú)溶劑浸漬烘漆
epoxy splicer 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂接頭機(jī)
epoxy teflon 環(huán)氧聚四氟乙烯
epoxy zinc rich primer 環(huán)氧富鋅底漆
epoxy-ester 環(huán)氧酯
epoxy-phenol resin paint 環(huán)氧酚醛樹(shù)脂涂料
epoxy-phenolic cotton paper 環(huán)氧酚醛棉紙
epoxy-polyethylene coating 環(huán)氧聚乙烯涂層
epoxypropyl methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸環(huán)氧丙酯
epoxypropyl phenylether 環(huán)氧丙基苯醚
Eppley pyrheliometer 埃普利日射強(qiáng)度計(jì)
EPR spectrometer 電子順磁共振波譜儀
eprazinone 依普拉酮
eprazinonum 苯丙哌酮
eprozinol 依普羅醇
epsom salt 瀉鹽
Epstein square 愛(ài)潑斯坦方圈儀
Epstein tester 愛(ài)潑斯坦檢驗(yàn)儀
Eptam 撲草滅
Eptapur 播土隆
eptazocine hydrobromide 氫溴酸依他佐辛
EPTC 撲草滅
equal angle steel with round edge 圓角等邊角鋼
equal angle steel with sharp edge 尖角等邊角鋼
equal gain combiner 等增益合并器
equal spiral angle taper cylindrical milling cutter 等螺旋角錐度柱銑刀
equal-arm balance 等臂天平
equal-force trainer 等力訓(xùn)練器
equal-ripple filter 等波紋濾波器
equal-ripple passband filter 等波紋通帶濾波器
equal-ripple stopband filter 等波紋阻帶濾波器
equaliser  補(bǔ)償器
equality of brightness photometer 等亮度光度計(jì)
equality of contrast photometer 等反襯場(chǎng)光度計(jì)
equality of luminosity photometer 等亮度場(chǎng)光度計(jì)
equalization filter 均衡濾波器
equalizer bar 平衡架
equalizer block 均衡器功能塊
equalizer tank 均壓罐
equalizing acid dye 勻染酸性染料
equalizing amplifier 均衡放大器
equalizing buffer 平衡緩沖器
equalizing capacitor 均衡電容器
equalizing condenser 平衡冷凝器
equalizing equipment 均衡設(shè)備
equalizing piston packing ring 平衡活塞密封圈
equalizing piston spring 平衡活塞彈簧
equalizing repeater 均衡增音機(jī)
equalizing reservoir 均衡蓄水池
equalizing valve 平衡閥
equation solver 方程解算機(jī)
equatorial camera 赤道式攝影機(jī)
equatorial instrument 赤道儀
equatorial sundial 赤道日晷儀
equatorial telescope 赤道望遠(yuǎn)鏡
equestrienne tights 針織女緊身衣褲
equiband demodulator 等帶寬解調(diào)器
equiband receiver 等帶寬接收機(jī)
equiblast cupola 均衡送風(fēng)沖天爐
equidensity film 等密度膠片
equiflux type heater 雙面輻射加熱器
Equigard 敵敵畏
equilateral angle steel 等邊角鋼
equilibrator 均衡器
equilibrium box 平衡箱
equilibrium cell 平衡管
equilibrium flash vaporization still 平衡汽化釜
equilibrium flash vaporizer 平衡閃蒸器
equilibrium mode simulator 穩(wěn)態(tài)模式模擬器
equilibrium slide valve 平衡滑閥
Equino-Aid 敵百蟲(chóng)
equipment cabinet 機(jī)柜
equipment for crane 起重設(shè)備
equipment for electronic anti-interference 電子反干擾設(shè)備
equipment for hydroelectric station 水電站設(shè)備
equipment for making polypropylene sacking 丙綸袋廠設(shè)備
equipment of intraoperative autotransfusion of self blood 自體血回輸器
equipment trunk 設(shè)備箱
equipotential lens 等電位透鏡
Equisetum Arvense 問(wèn)荊草
Equisetum hiemale Linne 木賊草
equivalent detector 等效檢波器
Eradex 克殺螨
eradicator ink 修正液
eradicator 除草機(jī)
Eraditon 克殺螨
eranthis pinnatifida 菟葵
erasable and alterable read-only memory 可擦可改寫(xiě)的只讀存貯器
erasable programmable read-only memory 可擦可編程序只讀存貯器
erasable read-only memory 可擦只讀存貯器
eraser 擦除器
erasing head 抹音磁頭
erasing knife 刮刀
Eraz 埃拉斯牌汽車(chē)
Erazidon 克殺螨
erbium oxide 氧化鉺
erbium 鉺
erbium-doped optical fiber amplifier 摻鉺光纖放大器
erbium-doped silica fiber amplifier 摻鉺二氧化硅光纖放大器
erbium-doped single-mode fiber 摻鉺單模光纖
Erbo 愛(ài)波牌手表
erbon 抑草蓬
erea 細(xì)亞麻襯衫布
erecting prism 正像棱鏡
erecting telescope 正像望遠(yuǎn)鏡
erection crane 安裝起重機(jī)
erection material 安裝材料
erector lens 正像透鏡
Erf 厄夫牌汽車(chē)
Ergal 厄蓋爾鋁鎂鋅系合金
ergocalciferal 麥角骨化醇維生素D2
ergocardiograph 心電動(dòng)力描記器
ergodynamograph 肌動(dòng)力描記器
ergograph 示功器
ergom etrine maleate 馬來(lái)酸麥角新堿
ergometer 功率計(jì)
ergometric recording system 人體功率記錄系統(tǒng)
ergometrine 麥角新堿
ergostat 練肌器
ergosterol 麥角甾醇
ergot liquid 麥角流膏
ergot 麥角
ergotamine 麥角胺
ergotoxine 麥角毒素
eria  silk 蓖麻蠶絲
Erichsen ductility machine 埃里克森深拉試驗(yàn)機(jī)
Eridas 埃里達(dá)斯牌手表
erie black 酸性黑
erie brilliant red 直接桃紅
erie Congo base 大紅色基
erie Congo 直接大紅
erie fast brown 直接紅棕
erie garnet base 紫醬色基
erie green 直接綠
erie orange 直接金黃
erie violet 直接紫
erie yellow 直接黃
Erilan 埃里綸蛋白質(zhì)纖維
Erildum 埃里耳鄧美利奴羊毛
Erio dye 艷麗華染料
eriochrome black 羊毛鉻黑
eriochrome blue black 鉻藍(lán)黑
eriochrome blue 羊毛鉻藍(lán)
eriochrome red 羊毛鉻紅
eriometer 衍射測(cè)微器
erizo fibre 伊里佐韌皮纖維
Erkens' worsted 厄肯氏精紡呢
erkensator 離心式漿粕凈化機(jī)
Erlenmeyer flask 錐形燒瓶
Ermalite 埃馬立特重載高級(jí)鑄鐵
ermine fur 銀鼠皮
ermine skin 銀鼠皮
ermine tail trim coat 銀鼠尾鑲飾大衣
ermine trim dress coat 銀鼠皮鑲飾大衣
ermine 貂皮
Ernos 樂(lè)諾司牌手表
erosion pilot 沖蝕控制器
erosion probe 沖蝕探測(cè)器
errhine 催噴嚏藥
error amplifier 誤差信號(hào)放大器
error compensator 誤差補(bǔ)償器
error control equipment 差錯(cuò)控制設(shè)備
error correcting modem 糾錯(cuò)調(diào)制解調(diào)器
error correction device 糾錯(cuò)裝置
error counter 誤差計(jì)數(shù)器
error detector 誤差信號(hào)檢測(cè)器
error indicator 誤差指示器
error meter 誤差測(cè)量計(jì)
error register 誤差記錄器
error signal detector 誤差信號(hào)檢測(cè)器
erskine tartan 蘇格蘭闊格花呢
Ertus 愛(ài)靜士牌手表
eruc 埃勒克纖維
erucamid 芥酸酰胺
erucic acid 芥酸
erucyl amide 芥酸酰胺
erythrene 剌桐烯
erythritol 丁四醇
erythrityl tetranitrate 丁四硝酯
erythrocin dry syrup 乙琥威霉素干糖漿
erythrocytometer 紅血球計(jì)數(shù)器
erythrometer 紅度計(jì)
erythromycin estolate 無(wú)味紅霉素
erythromycin lactobionate 乳糖酸紅霉素
erythromycin stearate 紅霉素硬脂酸酯
erythromycin 紅霉素
erythropsia scope 紅幻視檢測(cè)鏡
erythrosin 赤鮮紅
erythrosine sodium 赤蘚紅鈉
ES fibre ES纖維
esafosfina glutammica vial 注射用依福那
Escaine synthetic chamois 愛(ài)斯凱恩人造麂皮
escalator 自動(dòng)電梯
escallop 扇貝
escape pipe 逸出管
escape stair 太平梯
escape valve 逸出閥
escape wheel 擒縱輪
escapement crank 擒縱曲柄
escapement 擺輪
escargot dish 蝸牛碟
escargot skirt 漩渦裙
escargot 食用蝸牛
eschscholtzia 花菱草
eschynite 易解石
Escobillo fibre 埃斯科比洛纖維
escort fighter 護(hù)航戰(zhàn)斗機(jī)
escort plane 護(hù)航機(jī)
Escort 護(hù)衛(wèi)者牌汽車(chē)
escot 厄斯科特嗶嘰
esculetin 七葉亭
eserin 依色林
Esex 愛(ài)灑司牌手表
Eska 依士佳牌手表
Eskimo cloth 愛(ài)斯基摩雙面大衣呢
Eskimo fabric 愛(ài)斯基摩緞紋呢
Eslon 埃斯綸聚酯短纖維
Esma 依司馬牌手表
esophago-tracheal foreign body electromagnetic catcher 食道-氣管內(nèi)電磁異物吸出器
esophagometer 食道長(zhǎng)度計(jì)
esophagoscope 食道鏡
esophagus suction tube 食道吸引管
Espa 埃斯帕彈性纖維長(zhǎng)絲紗
espadrille 帆布便鞋
espagnolette 埃斯帕諾勒特呢
espagnollet bolt 長(zhǎng)插銷(xiāo)
esparto fabric 編織用禾本科草織物
esparto grass 紡織用禾本科草纖維
esparto pulp 針茅紙漿
esparto 針茅纖維
esperon 埃斯珀龍細(xì)嗶嘰
Espoir 愛(ài)斯波義耳粘膠長(zhǎng)絲織物
Esprit 精靈牌汽車(chē)
esproquin 乙硫酰丙喹
esquinon vial 注射用愛(ài)健寧
essence of almond 杏仁香精
essence of apple 蘋(píng)果香精
essence of chicken with ganoerma lucidum 靈芝雞精
essence of chicken with pearl 珍珠烏雞精
essence of chicken with turtle 龜鱉烏雞精
essence of chicken with {tienchi} 田七雞精
essence of deer with cistanche epimedium 蓯蓉花鹿精
essence of deer with cordycep 蟲(chóng)草花鹿精
essence of turtle with dioscorea batatutus 淮山龜鱉精
essence of {tienchi} flower 田七花精
essence of {tienchi} with honey 田七蜜精
essence of {tienchi} 田七精
essential balm 清涼油
essential embrocation 清涼油
essential laryngitis tablet 精制喉癥片
essential oil 香精油
essentiale 肝得健
Essequibo cotton 埃塞奎博棉
esserbetol 聚醚樹(shù)脂
Essevi 埃塞維粘膠長(zhǎng)絲
estame 針織精紡呢
estamenes 仿針織精紡呢
Estane 埃斯坦聚氨基甲酸乙酯彈性纖維
estate car 旅行汽車(chē)
estate rubber 莊園橡膠
estazolam 艾司唑侖
ester gum acid resistance paint 酯膠耐酸漆
ester gum baking enamel 酯膠烘干磁漆
ester gum baking putty 酯膠烘干膩?zhàn)?br />ester gum baking varnish 酯膠烘干清漆
ester gum enamel 酯膠磁漆
ester gum floor paint 酯膠地板漆
ester gum putty 酯膠膩?zhàn)?br />ester gum ready mixed paint 酯膠調(diào)合漆
ester gum ready mixed paint-matt 酯膠無(wú)光調(diào)合漆
ester gum surfacer 酯膠二道底漆
ester gum varnish 酯膠清漆
ester gum 松香膠酯樹(shù)膠
ester oil grease 酯油潤(rùn)滑脂
ester oil 酯油
ester wax 酯蠟
ester 酯
ester-bentonite grease 酯-膨潤(rùn)土潤(rùn)滑脂
esterifying catalyst 酯化催化劑
Esteron 2
Esterophile dye 埃斯特羅菲染料
Esteroquinone dye 埃斯特羅基農(nóng)染料
esterthio tin stabilizer 酯基硫醇錫
Esterweld 埃斯特韋爾德聚酯長(zhǎng)絲
esthesiometer 觸覺(jué)測(cè)量器
esthetic design carpet 工藝美術(shù)地毯
estimated actual radium analyzer 估計(jì)真實(shí)鐳含量分析儀
Estomite 殺螨酯
Estone 2
Estox 異砜磷
estracyt capsules 癌腺治膠囊
estradiol benzoate 雌二醇苯甲酸酯
estradiol cypionate 環(huán)戊丙酸雌二醇
estradiol undecylate 雌二醇十一酸酯
estradiol valerate 雌二醇戊酸酯
estradiol 雌二醇
estradiolum 雌二醇
estragon oil 龍蒿油
estramustine 雌氮芥
estramustini natrii phosphas 磷雌醇芥鈉
estrazinol 雌秦醇
estrella 埃斯特里拉絲毛縐
estremadura 六股針織線
estrich  駝鳥(niǎo)絨毛
estriol succinate 雌三醇琥珀酸酯
estriol 雌三醇
estrogen 雌性激素
Estrol dye 埃斯特羅染料
Estron Ariloft 埃斯特綸阿里洛夫特Y形截面醋酯纖維
Estron spun yarn 埃斯特綸醋酯短纖紗
Estron 埃斯特綸醋酯長(zhǎng)絲
estrone 雌酮
etabenzarone 依他苯扎隆
etacrynic acid 依他尼酸
etafedrine 乙麻黃堿
etafenone 依他苯酮
etaise 亞麻臺(tái)布
etamfeate 咖啡酸胺
etamine glace 印花薄織物
etamine 紗羅
etaminile 依他米尼
etamiphylline 依他茶堿
etamivan 香草二乙胺
etamsylate 酚磺乙胺
Etazine 密草通除草劑
etazolate 依他唑酯
etch primer 磷化底漆
etch resist black ink 抗蝕黑墨
etched fibre 浸蝕纖維
etched glass lamp shade 刻花玻璃罩
etched glass 毛玻璃
etched mesa buried heterostructure laser 蝕刻臺(tái)面隱埋異質(zhì)結(jié)激光器
etched-out fabric 腐蝕鏤孔印花織物
etched-out velvet 爛花絨
etcher's wax 蝕刻用石蠟
etching agent 浸蝕劑
etching board 腐蝕版印刷用紙板
etching machine 腐蝕制版機(jī)
etching needle 蝕刻針
etching paper 腐蝕版印刷用紙
etching press 銅版印刷機(jī)
etching 蝕刻銅板畫(huà)
etebenecid 乙磺舒
etephon 乙烯利
Eterna 依特那牌手表
eterobarb 依特比妥
ethacridine 利凡諾
ethacryninc acid 利尿酸
ethadione 依沙雙酮
ethallobarbital 依沙比妥
ethambutol 乙胺丁醇
ethamine 乙胺
ethanal 乙醛
ethane diacid 乙二酸
ethane 乙烷
ethanedioic acid 乙二酸
ethanediol 乙二醇
ethanoic acid ethene latex lacquer 乙酸乙烯乳膠漆
ethanoic acid 乙酸
ethanol 乙醇
ethanolamine 乙醇胺
ethaverine 依沙維林
ethchlorvynol 乙氯維諾
ethene 乙烯
ethenoid resin 乙烯樹(shù)脂
ethenol 乙烯醇
ethenone 乙烯酮
ethenylbenzene 苯乙烯
ethenylene 亞乙烯基
ethenylidene 乙烯叉
ethenzamide 乙柳酰胺
ether acid 醚酸
ether alcohol 醚醇
ether anesthesicus 麻醉醚
ether ester 醚酯
ether from petroleum 石油醚
ether ketone 酮醚
ether oil 醚油
ether ring 醚環(huán)
ether thermoscope 乙醚檢溫器
ether 乙醚
ether-air anesthesia apparatus 空氣乙醚麻醉機(jī)
ethereal essence 醚香料
ethereal sulphate 硫酸乙酯
etherified cotton 醚化棉
etherifying agent 醚化劑
Ethernet card 以太網(wǎng)卡
Ethernet concentrator 以太網(wǎng)集線器
Ethernet transceiver 以太網(wǎng)收發(fā)信機(jī)
etherometer 乙醚滴定器
ethiazide 乙噻嗪
Ethic 愛(ài)錫克牌手表
Ethide 二氯硝基乙烷
ethidene 亞乙基
ethinamate 炔己蟻胺
ethiny-loestradiol 乙炔雌二醇
ethinylestradiol 炔雌醇
ethiodized oil 乙碘油
ethiolate 抑草威
Ethiometon 農(nóng)磷混劑
ethion 乙硫磷
ethionamide 乙硫煙胺
ethionic acid 乙二磺酸
ethirimol 乙菌定
ethisterone tablet 孕寶
ethisterone 炔孕酮
Ethisul 代森硫
ethoate methyl 益果
Ethodan 乙硫磷
ethoheptazine 依索庚嗪
ethohexadiol 驅(qū)蚊醇
ethomoxane 乙氧莫生
ethoprop 滅克磷
ethosuximide 乙琥胺
ethotoin 乙苯妥英
ethoxazorutoside 乙嗎蘆丁
ethoxid 抗癆息
ethoxy guin 乙氧基喹
ethoxybenzamide 止痛靈
ethoxyline resin 環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂
ethoxyquin 促長(zhǎng)啉
ethoxzolamide 依索唑胺
ethrane solution 易使寧液
Ethrel 乙烯利
Ethridge cotton 埃思里奇棉
ethyl acetamide 乙基乙酰胺
ethyl acetate 乙酸乙酯
ethyl acetic acid 丁酸
ethyl acetoacetate 乙酰乙酸乙酯
ethyl acetoacetic acid 乙基乙酰乙酸
ethyl acetoacetic ester 乙基乙酰乙酸酯
ethyl acetylene 乙基乙炔
ethyl acrylate 丙烯酸乙酯
ethyl alcohol absolute 無(wú)水乙醇
ethyl alcohol 酒精乙醇
ethyl aldehyde 乙醛
ethyl aluminum dichloride 二氯乙基鋁
ethyl amidine hydrochloride 鹽酸乙脒
ethyl amine hydrochloride 乙胺化氫氯
ethyl amine 乙胺
ethyl aniline hydrochloride 乙基苯胺鹽酸鹽
ethyl aniline 乙基苯胺
ethyl benzene 乙苯
ethyl benzhydramine 乙芐海明
ethyl benzoate 苯甲酸乙酯
ethyl benzyl cellulose 乙苯纖維素
ethyl biscoumacetate 雙香豆乙酯
ethyl bnezene 乙基苯
ethyl bromide 溴乙烷
ethyl butanol 乙基丁醇
ethyl butyrate 丁酸乙酯
ethyl caproate 己酸乙酯
ethyl caproic acid 乙基己酸
ethyl carbonate 碳酸乙酯
ethyl cartrizoate 碘卡乙酯
ethyl cellulose plastics 乙基纖維塑料
ethyl cellulose 乙基纖維素
ethyl chloride 氯乙烷
ethyl chloroacetate 氯乙酸乙酯
ethyl cinnamate 肉桂酸乙酯
ethyl crotonate 巴豆酸甲酯
ethyl cyanate 氰酸乙酯
ethyl cyanide 乙基氰
ethyl cycloheptane 乙基環(huán)庚烷
ethyl cyclohexane 乙基環(huán)乙烷
Ethyl DDD 乙滴滴
ethyl decylate 癸酸乙酯
ethyl dibunate 地布酸乙酯
ethyl dichloroacetate 二氯乙酸乙酯
ethyl ester 乙酯
ethyl estrenol 乙基孕醇
ethyl ether extract 乙醚浸出物
ethyl ether 乙醚
ethyl fluid 乙基液
ethyl fluoride 乙基氟
ethyl fluoroacetate 氟乙酸乙酯
Ethyl Folidol 一六0五
ethyl formate 甲酸乙酯
ethyl gasoline 乙基汽油
ethyl glycol 乙基乙二醇
ethyl glycolate 乙醇酸乙酯
ethyl glycollic acid 乙基羥基乙酸
Ethyl guthion 乙基谷硫磷
ethyl halide 乙基鹵
ethyl heptane 乙基庚烷
ethyl heptanoate 庚酸乙酯
ethyl hexanediol 驅(qū)蚊醇
ethyl hexanol 乙基己醇
ethyl hexene 乙基己烯
ethyl hexylate 已酸乙酯
Ethyl hexylene glycol 驅(qū)蚊醇
ethyl hydrate 乙醇
ethyl hydrocupreine 乙氫去甲奎寧
ethyl hydroxy benzoate 羥苯乙酯
ethyl hydroxy cellulose 乙羥纖維素
ethyl iso-butyrate 異丁酸乙酯
ethyl iso-valeriate 異戌酸乙酯
ethyl lactate 乳酸乙酯
ethyl loflazepate 氯氟卓乙酯
ethyl malonic acid diethylester 乙基丙二酸二乙酯
ethyl mercaptan 乙硫醇
Ethyl mercuric sulfonate 硫酸乙汞
Ethyl mercuric urea 乙汞脲
ethyl methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸乙酯
ethyl methyl phenyl glycidate 甲基苯基代去水甘油酸乙酯
ethyl methylthiambutene 乙甲噻丁
ethyl morphine 乙嗎啡
ethyl morpholine 乙基嗎啉
ethyl naphthalene 乙萘
ethyl naphthol 乙萘酚
ethyl naphthylamine 乙基萘胺
ethyl nitrate 硝酸乙酯
ethyl nitrite 亞硝酸乙酯
ethyl nonylate 壬酸乙酯
ethyl noradrenaline 乙諾那林
ethyl norgestrienonum 三烯高諾酮
ethyl o-aminobenzoate 鄰氨基苯甲酸乙酯
ethyl octylate 辛酸乙酯
ethyl oenanthate 庚酸乙酯
ethyl oleate 油酸乙酯
ethyl orange 乙基橙
ethyl oxide 乙醚
ethyl p-aminobenzoate 對(duì)氨基苯甲酸乙酯
ethyl p-hydroxybenzaote 對(duì)羥基苯甲酸乙酯
ethyl p-methylbenzoate 對(duì)甲基苯甲酸乙酯
ethyl p-nitrobenzoate 對(duì)硝基苯甲酸乙酯
ethyl p-toluenesulfonate 對(duì)甲苯磺酸乙酯
ethyl parathion 一六0五
ethyl pentane 乙基戊烷
ethyl phenacemide 苯丁酰脲
ethyl phenol 乙基苯酚
ethyl phenylacetate 苯乙酸乙酯
ethyl piperidine 乙基六氫吡啶
ethyl propionate 丙酸乙酯
ethyl pyridine 乙基吡啶
ethyl pyrophosphate 特普
ethyl red 乙基紅
ethyl rhodamine 乙基羅丹明
ethyl rubber 乙基橡膠
ethyl salicylate 水楊酸乙酯
ethyl silicate film 硅酸乙酯薄膜
ethyl silicate 硅酸乙酯
ethyl silicon oil 乙基硅油
ethyl styryl ketone 蘇含香烯丙酮
ethyl sulfate 硫酸乙酯
ethyl sulfide 二乙硫
ethyl sulphonyl chloride 烷基磺酰氯
ethyl thloylyllate 硫代乙醇酸乙酯
ethyl toluene 乙基甲苯
ethyl trichloroacetate 三氯乙酸乙酯
ethyl trifuoroacetate 三氟乙酸乙酯
ethyl undeeylenate 十一烯酸乙酯
ethyl vanillin 乙基香草醛
ethyl violet 乙基紫
Ethyl xanthogen disulfide 草必散
ethyl 乙基
ethyl-2-methyl butyrate 2-甲基丁酸乙酯
ethyl-2-methyl-4-pentenoate 漿果酸乙酯
ethyl-3-hydroxy butyrate 青蘋(píng)素
ethyl-formamide 乙基甲酰胺
ethyl-p-toluidiine 乙基對(duì)甲苯胺
ethyl-silicone 乙基甲硅烷
ethyl-siliconic acid 乙基甲硅酸
ethylated gasoline 乙基汽油
ethylenation reactor 乙烯化反應(yīng)器
ethylene acetate 乙二醇二乙酸酯
ethylene bottom oil 乙烯焦油
ethylene bromide 溴化乙烯
ethylene chloride 氯化乙烯
Ethylene chlorobromide 氯溴乙烷
ethylene chlorohydrin 氯乙醇
ethylene compressor 乙烯壓縮機(jī)
ethylene concentrator 乙烯提濃器
ethylene desorber 乙烯解吸器
ethylene diammonuim bromide 溴化雙十八烷基十甲基乙二銨
ethylene dibromide 二溴化乙烯
ethylene dichloride 二氯化乙烯
ethylene difluoride 二氟化乙烯
ethylene dihalide 二鹵化乙烯
ethylene dimine 乙二胺
ethylene diurea 乙烯叉二脲
ethylene epoxide 氧化乙烯
ethylene furnace 裂解爐
ethylene glycol antifreeze 乙二醇防凍劑
ethylene glycol diethyl ether 乙二醇二乙醚
ethylene glycol dimethacrylate 乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯
ethylene glycol dimethyl ether 乙二醇二甲醚
ethylene glycol distearate 乙二醇雙硬脂酸酯
ethylene glycol ethyl ether 乙二醇乙醚
ethylene glycol monobutyl ether 乙二醇獨(dú)丁醚
ethylene glycol monoemethyl ether acetate 乙二醇獨(dú)甲醚乙酸酯
ethylene glycol monoemethyl ether 乙二醇獨(dú)甲醚
ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate 乙二醇單乙醚乙酸酯
ethylene glycol monoethyl ether 乙二醇單乙醚
ethylene glycol 乙二醇
ethylene halide 鹵化乙烯
ethylene hydrocarbons 乙烯屬烴
ethylene nitrate 硝酸次乙酯
ethylene oxide 氧化乙烯
ethylene perchloride anti-corrosive enamel paint 過(guò)氯乙烯防腐磁漆
ethylene perchloride enamel paint 過(guò)氯乙烯瓷漆
ethylene perchloride primer 過(guò)氯乙烯底漆
ethylene perchloride white varnish 過(guò)氯乙烯白漆
ethylene polymer oil 乙烯聚合油
ethylene propylene emulsion 乙丙木質(zhì)地板膠
ethylene propylene rubber insulated cable 乙烯丙烯橡膠絕緣電纜
ethylene propylene rubber 乙丙橡膠
ethylene propylene ternary gel 乙丙三元膠
ethylene rectifying column 乙烯精餾塔
ethylene refrigerator 乙烯冷凍機(jī)
ethylene tetrachloride 四氯化乙烷
ethylene trichloride 三氯代乙烯
ethylene urea 環(huán)亞乙基脲
ethylene 乙烯
ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer 乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物
ethylene-vinyl acetate resin 乙烯-醋酸乙烯樹(shù)脂
ethylenediamine diaceturate 新凝靈
ethylenediamine hydrate 乙二胺合一水
ethylenediamine hydrochloride 乙二胺鹽酸鹽
ethylenediamine tartrate 酒石酸二胺乙烯
ethylenediamine tetra-n-propionic acid 乙二胺四丙酸
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid dipotassium magnesium salt 乙二胺四乙酸二鉀鎂
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium magnesium salt 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉鎂
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt 乙二胺四乙酸鈉
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium zinc salt 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉鋅
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid 乙二胺四乙酸
ethylenediamine 乙二胺
ethylidence halide 亞乙基二鹵
ethylidene 亞乙基
ethylidenedicoumarol 乙雙香豆醇
Ethylometon 乙拌磷
Ethylon 埃賽綸聚乙烯鬃絲
ethyne 乙炔
ethypicone 乙匹康
ethyzine 乙嗪
eticyclidine 乙環(huán)利定
etidocaine 依替卡因
etidronic acid 羥乙磷酸
etifelmine 依替非明
etifoxine hydrochloride 鹽酸依替福辛
etilamfetamine 乙非他明
etilefrine 依替福林
Etilon 乙硫磷
etinofen 硝草酚
etintidine 丙炔替丁
etiroxate 依塞羅酯
etisazole 依替沙唑
etizolam 依替唑侖
Etna 埃特納牌手表
ETO 環(huán)氧乙烷
etocrilene 依托立林
etodolac 依托度酸
etodolic acid 依托度酸
etodroxizine 依托羥嗪
etofamide 依托法胺
etofenamate 依托非那酯
etofibrate 依托貝特
etoformin 依托雙胍
etofylline clofibrate 益多酯
etofylline 乙羥茶堿
etoglucid 依托格魯
etomidate 依托咪酯
etomidoline 依托米多林
etonitazene 依托尼秦
etoperidone 依托哌酮
etoposide 足葉乙甙
etosalamide 依托水楊胺
Etox 環(huán)氧乙烷
etoxadrol 乙苯惡啶
etoxazene 依托沙秦
etoxeridine 依托利定
Etoxinol 乙氧殺螨醇
etramee 大麻布
etretinate 依曲替酯
Etrofol 害撲威
Etrofolan 異丙威
Etrolene 皮蠅磷
etryptamine 乙色胺
etschingo 日本最優(yōu)級(jí)生絲
etschizen silk 日本最優(yōu)級(jí)生絲
Etta 依他牌手表
ettringite 鈣礬石
etybenzatropine 乙苯托品
etymemazine 乙異丁嗪
etynodiol 炔諾醇
eucalyptol 桉葉醇
eucalyptus citriodora oil 檸檬桉油
eucalyptus oil 桉葉油
Eucalyptus robusta slice 大葉桉片
Eucalyptus tereticornis slice 小葉桉片
eucatropine 尤卡托品
eucheuma 麒麟菜
euclase 藍(lán)柱石
eucommia bark 杜仲
eucommia wine 杜仲酒
eucryptite 鋰霞石
eudiometer 測(cè)氣管
eugenol cement 丁香油黏固粉
eugenol type basil oil 丁香羅勒油
eugenol 丁香酚
Eulaha carpet 歐拉哈地毯
Eulan CN 防蠹磺
Eulan 防蠹磺
Eulava SM 氟硅酸鎂
eulektrol capsule 膽通膠囊
Eunice 恩尼司牌手表
eunoctin tablet 益腦靜片
Euonymus japonicus 冬青衛(wèi)矛
Euparen M 對(duì)甲抑菌靈
Euparen 抑菌靈
eupatheoscope 熱損失估測(cè)儀
eupatorium 野馬追
euphonium 低音樂(lè)器
euphorbia kansui 甘遂
euphorbia lathyris 續(xù)隨子
euphorbia perkinensis 大戟
euphorbia sieboldiana 夏燈臺(tái)
eupolyphaga sinensis 中華地鱉蟲(chóng)
eupolyphaga 土鱉蟲(chóng)
euprocin 尤普羅辛
euquinine 無(wú)味奎寧
Eureka cotton 尤里卡棉
Eureka 尤雷卡高電阻銅鎳合金
Euroacryl 歐羅阿克里爾聚丙烯腈系纖維
European clothes 西裝
European cut jeans 歐洲式牛仔褲
European verbena 馬鞭草
europium analyzer 銪含量分析儀
europium oxide 氧化銪
europium 銪
europium-tri-dibenzoylmethane laser 銪-三、二苯酰甲烷激光器
Eurostar 歐洲之星牌大客車(chē)
euscope 顯微擴(kuò)視鏡
Eusol 漂白粉溶液
eustachian catheter 咽鼓管導(dǎo)管
eutecrod 共晶焊條
eutectic alloy 低共溶合金
eutectic welder 低溫焊機(jī)
eutectoid steel 共析鋼
eutonyl 優(yōu)降靈
evacuant 瀉藥
evacuation valve 抽空閥
Evanohm 伊萬(wàn)歐姆鎳鉻電阻合金
evans blue 伊文思藍(lán)
evapo-separated machine 蒸脫機(jī)
evapoimaging gage 蒸發(fā)成像計(jì)
evaporant 蒸發(fā)劑
evaporated film strain gauge 蒸發(fā)膜應(yīng)變儀
evaporated latex 蒸發(fā)橡漿
evaporated milk 煉乳
evaporated vegetable 脫水蔬菜
evaporating coil 蒸發(fā)盤(pán)管
evaporating column 蒸發(fā)塔
evaporating crystallizer 蒸發(fā)結(jié)晶器
evaporating dish 蒸發(fā)皿
evaporating equipment 蒸發(fā)設(shè)備
evaporating pan 蒸煮鍋
evaporating pipe 蒸發(fā)管
evaporating pot 蒸發(fā)罐
evaporating pressure ragulator 蒸發(fā)壓力調(diào)節(jié)器
evaporating pressure regulating valve 蒸發(fā)壓力調(diào)節(jié)閥
evaporating tower 蒸發(fā)塔
evaporation boiler 蒸發(fā)鍋
evaporation gauge 蒸發(fā)計(jì)
evaporation jig 蒸發(fā)架
evaporation psychrometer 蒸發(fā)濕度計(jì)
evaporation rate meter 蒸發(fā)速率計(jì)
evaporation thermometer 蒸發(fā)溫度計(jì)
evaporation tower 蒸發(fā)塔
evaporation-type steam jet refrigeration machine 蒸發(fā)式蒸汽噴射制冷機(jī)
evaporative centrifuge 蒸發(fā)離心機(jī)
evaporative condenser 蒸發(fā)式冷凝器
evaporative film calorimetric enthalpy probe 蒸發(fā)膜量熱焓探測(cè)器
evaporative water cooler 汽化水冷器
evaporator coil 蒸發(fā)器盤(pán)管
evaporator fan 蒸發(fā)器風(fēng)機(jī)
evaporator filter 蒸發(fā)過(guò)濾機(jī)
evaporator pump 蒸發(fā)器泵
evaporator with natural circulation 自然循環(huán)蒸發(fā)器
evaporator 蒸發(fā)器
evaporimeter 蒸發(fā)計(jì)
evaporograph 蒸發(fā)成像儀
evaporometer 蒸發(fā)測(cè)定器
evapotranspirometer 蒸散計(jì)
evatron 熱離子變阻器
even sided twill 兩面斜紋
evener 整平機(jī)
evening cape 披肩
evening coat 晚禮服
evening dress 晚禮服
evening gown 女夜禮服
evening jacket 晚會(huì)便服
evening shoes 晚禮服鞋
evening suit 晚禮服
evening vest 禮服背心
evening wrap 女寬罩衫
evenness calender 均勻砑光機(jī)
evenness tester 均勻度測(cè)試儀
evenometer 光電式均勻度測(cè)定儀
event counter 信號(hào)計(jì)數(shù)器
ever sharp pencil 活芯鉛筆
ever spring 萬(wàn)年青
everbright benzidine yellow 聯(lián)苯胺黃
everbright bronze red 金光紅
everbright fast blue lake 耐曬品藍(lán)色淀
everbright fast blue toner 耐曬品藍(lán)色原
everbright fast blue 酞菁藍(lán)
everbright fast bordeaux 耐曬紫醬
everbright fast green lake 耐曬品綠色淀
everbright fast green 酞菁綠
everbright fast maroon 甲苯胺紫紅
everbright fast orange 耐曬橙
everbright fast pigment green 顏料綠
everbright fast pink lake 耐曬淡紅色淀
everbright fast red 耐曬大紅
everbright fast rose lake 耐曬玫瑰色淀
everbright fast rubine 耐曬寶紅
everbright fast sky blue lake 耐曬天藍(lán)色淀
everbright fast violet lake 耐曬青蓮色淀
everbright fast violet toner 耐曬青蓮色原
everbright fast yellow 耐曬黃
everbright red toner 金光紅
everbright red 顏料深紅
Everbrite metal 埃瓦布賴(lài)特耐蝕銅鎳合金
Everdur copper 埃瓦杜爾耐蝕硅青銅
Eveready 永備牌電池
Everest metal 埃瓦雷斯特鉛基軸承合金
Everest theodolite 埃佛勒斯脫經(jīng)緯儀
Everest 愛(ài)佛斯牌手表
everlasting blowoff valve 連續(xù)泄放閥
everlasting lace 耐用花邊
evershed ducter 小電阻測(cè)量表
evertal 艾薇醛
everyday dress 便服
Evik 莠滅凈
Evik+Princep 莠西混劑
eviprostat tablet 尿通片
Evlan 伊夫綸變性粘膠纖維
Evlux 伊夫勒克斯深色
evodia fruit 吳茱萸
evodia rutaecarpa 吳茱萸
evoked response averager 引起響應(yīng)均衡器
ewe's milk 綿羊奶
exact dentimeter 精確牙測(cè)量器
Exacta ?怂_克塔牌照相機(jī)
Exacto 愛(ài)山吐牌手表
exactolfactometer 精密嗅覺(jué)計(jì)
Exactus ?怂_克圖斯牌手表
Exakta 愛(ài)克賽太牌手表
exalamide 依沙酰胺
exalted-carrier receiver 高電平載波接收機(jī)
examination gloves 檢驗(yàn)手套
examining endoscope 檢查窺鏡
examitum 六股絲錦緞
excavating and loading teeth 挖掘裝載齒
excavating cart 挖泥車(chē)
excavating machine 挖掘機(jī)
excavating plough 挖掘犁
excavating pump 挖泥泵
excavator bucket 挖掘機(jī)斗
excavator type bulldozer 鏟斗式推土機(jī)
excavator 挖掘機(jī)
Excel 超優(yōu)牌汽車(chē)
excelsior board 木絲板
excelsior cloth 白地色邊布
Excelsior cotton ?怂谷麪栁髅
excelsior cutting machine 木絲機(jī)
excelsior tambourine 高音鈴鼓
excelsior tissue 刨花紙
excentralizer 偏心器
excess flow valve 溢流閥
excess meter 超量電度表
exchange for telephone general office 電話總局交換機(jī)
exchange-over valve 轉(zhuǎn)換閥
exchanger 交換器
excide battery 鉛電池
excider 切除器
excimer laser 準(zhǔn)分子激光器
excimer pumped dye laser 受激準(zhǔn)分子泵浦染料激光器
exciplex laser 復(fù)合受激態(tài)激光器
excising forceps 牙切斷鉗
excitation arc reactor 勵(lì)弧電抗器
excitation capacitor 勵(lì)磁電容器
excitation choking coil 勵(lì)磁扼流圈
excitation coil 勵(lì)磁線圈
excitation generator 勵(lì)磁發(fā)電機(jī)
excitation monochromator 激發(fā)單色器
excitation-loss relay 失磁繼電器
excited diesel generator set 勵(lì)磁柴油發(fā)電機(jī)組
excited field loudspeaker 勵(lì)磁式揚(yáng)聲器
exciter  激磁機(jī)
exciter brush 勵(lì)磁電刷
exciter commutator 勵(lì)磁機(jī)換向機(jī)
exciter field rheostatic type automatic voltage regulator 勵(lì)磁機(jī)變阻器式自動(dòng)穩(wěn)壓器
exciter lamp 激勵(lì)燈
exciter motorgenerator 勵(lì)磁電動(dòng)發(fā)電機(jī)
exciter selsyn 激勵(lì)自動(dòng)同步機(jī)
exciter tube 激勵(lì)管
exciter turbine 勵(lì)磁水輪機(jī)
exciter water turbine 勵(lì)磁水輪機(jī)
exciter winding 激勵(lì)器繞組
exciting amplifier 激勵(lì)放大器
exciting coil 勵(lì)磁線圈
exciting converter 勵(lì)磁變流機(jī)
exciting dynamo 勵(lì)磁機(jī)
exciting magnet 激勵(lì)磁鐵
exciting rectifier 激發(fā)整流器
exciting transducer 勵(lì)磁換能器
exciting transformer 勵(lì)磁變壓器
exciting winding 勵(lì)磁繞組
excitron 激勵(lì)管
excluder pigment 防銹顏料
excluder 排除器
exclusive lock 互斥型鎖
excrementum bombycis meal 蠶沙粉
excrementum bombycis 蠶沙
excrementum lepi 望月沙
excrementum passeris 白丁香
excrementum pteropi 五靈脂
excursion steamer 游覽船
EXD 草必散
Executive 董事牌汽車(chē)
exelderm cream 硫康唑霜
exercise book paper 練習(xí)本用紙
exercise book 練習(xí)簿
exercise respirator 負(fù)荷呼吸器
Exeter lip sensor 埃克塞特氏唇傳感器
Exeter visual speech aid ?巳厥弦曈X(jué)語(yǔ)言訓(xùn)練設(shè)備
exhaust air fan 排氣風(fēng)機(jī)
exhaust analyzer 排氣成分分析儀
exhaust blower 抽風(fēng)機(jī)
exhaust boiler 廢氣鍋爐
exhaust cam 排氣凸輪
exhaust diffuser 排氣擴(kuò)壓器
exhaust emission tester 排氣成分測(cè)定儀
exhaust fan 排風(fēng)機(jī)
exhaust gas infrared analyzer 排氣成分紅外分析儀
exhaust gas silencer 廢氣消音器
exhaust gas suction fan 抽氣式吸風(fēng)機(jī)
exhaust gas temperature monitor 排氣溫度監(jiān)測(cè)儀
exhaust gas tester 排氣成分測(cè)定儀
exhaust gas turbocharger 廢氣渦輪增壓機(jī)
exhaust gate 排氣門(mén)
exhaust heat boiler 余熱鍋爐
exhaust heat recovery boiler 廢熱鍋爐
exhaust heater 排氣加熱器
exhaust horn 排氣喇叭
exhaust manifold heat control valve 排氣歧管熱量控制閥
exhaust manifold 排氣歧管
exhaust muffler 排氣消音器
exhaust noil yarn 抽絲與棉混紡紗
exhaust opener and lap machine 帶成卷裝置的排氣式開(kāi)棉機(jī)
exhaust pipe 排氣管
exhaust pump driven gear 排氣泵從動(dòng)齒輪
exhaust pump 排氣泵
exhaust regulator 排氣調(diào)節(jié)器
exhaust screen 排氣擋板
exhaust scrubber 廢氣濾清器
exhaust silencer 排氣消音器
exhaust steam injector 排氣噴射器
exhaust steam turbine 排氣渦輪機(jī)
exhaust tube 排氣管
exhaust turbine 廢氣輪機(jī)
exhaust valve lifter 排氣閥挺桿
exhaust valve 排氣閥
exhaust-air monitor 廢氣監(jiān)測(cè)器
exhaust-driven gas turbine 廢氣驅(qū)動(dòng)式汽輪機(jī)
exhaust-driven supercharger 廢氣驅(qū)動(dòng)增壓機(jī)
exhaust-driven turbocharger 廢氣渦輪增壓機(jī)
exhaust-gas analyzer 廢氣分析儀
exhaust-gas scrubber 廢氣洗滌器
exhaust-gas-recirculation valve 排氣再循環(huán)閥
exhauster high speed pressure regulator 真空泵高轉(zhuǎn)速調(diào)壓器
exhauster 排氣機(jī)
exhausting machine 抽氣機(jī)
exhausting tower 抽氣塔
exiproben 依西羅酸
exit piler 出口垛板機(jī)
Exlan 依克絲蘭丙烯腈共聚短纖維
exocarpium citri rubrum 桔紅
Exodin 二嗪農(nóng)
exophthalmometer 眼珠突出計(jì)
exosmometer 外滲測(cè)定器
Exotherm termil 百菌清
Exothion 因毒磷
Exotoxin 蘇云金桿菌
expand brief case 可伸開(kāi)的公文皮包
expandable bubble tiltmeter 可膨脹氣泡式傾斜計(jì)
expandable graphite 膨脹石墨
expandable polystyrene 可膨脹的聚苯乙烯
expanded  plastics 泡沫塑料
expanded beam lens 擴(kuò)束透鏡
expanded cork 膨脹軟木
expanded ebonite 膨脹硬橡膠
expanded fibre strand 多孔纖維竹節(jié)紗
expanded graphite produsts 膨脹石墨制品
expanded memory card 內(nèi)存擴(kuò)展卡
expanded metal lath 網(wǎng)眼鋼皮
expanded metal 多孔金屬板
expanded perlite in powder 膨脹珍珠巖散料
expanded perlite products 膨脹珍珠巖制品
expanded perlite 膨脹珍珠巖
expanded rubber 多孔橡膠
expanded scope 擴(kuò)展式顯示器
expanded vermiculite 膨脹蛭石
expander amplifier 擴(kuò)展放大器
expander 擴(kuò)大器
expanding auger 擴(kuò)孔鉆
expanding band clutch 脹帶離合器
expanding bit 擴(kuò)孔鉆頭
expanding bolt 膨脹螺栓
expanding brake 脹閘
expanding cement 膨脹水泥
expanding down coiler 擴(kuò)張式地下卷繞機(jī)
expanding drill 擴(kuò)孔鉆
expanding drum coiler 脹縮卷筒式卷取機(jī)
expanding hand reamer 擴(kuò)孔手鉸刀
expanding hole opener 擴(kuò)孔器
expanding jaw 擴(kuò)張顎片
expanding machine 擴(kuò)徑機(jī)
expanding mandrel 脹開(kāi)式心軸
expanding nozzle 擴(kuò)張型噴管
expanding shoe rack 伸長(zhǎng)鞋架
expanding valve 膨脹閥
expanding-drum uncoiler 脹縮卷筒式開(kāi)卷機(jī)
expanding-slot atomizer 可調(diào)縫隙式霧化器
expanding-slot burner 擴(kuò)張縫隙式噴燃器
expando brief bag 可伸開(kāi)的手提小皮包
Expandra 彈力勞動(dòng)布
expansible coil preparatory coiler 脹縮卷筒式帶材預(yù)卷機(jī)
expansible polystyrene 發(fā)泡級(jí)聚苯乙烯
expansimeter 膨脹度計(jì)
expansion agent 膨脹劑
expansion and shrinkage tester 脹縮測(cè)試儀
expansion band 伸縮表帶
expansion bellow 膨脹式風(fēng)箱
expansion bend 膨脹彎管
expansion bit drill 活絡(luò)螺旋鉆
expansion bit 活絡(luò)螺旋鉆頭
expansion bolt 膨脹螺栓
expansion cement 膨脹水泥
expansion chucking reamer 膨脹式機(jī)用鉸刀
expansion circuit breaker 膨脹斷路器
expansion clutch 膨脹式離合器
expansion coil 膨脹盤(pán)管
expansion coupling 膨脹聯(lián)軸節(jié)
expansion cushion 膨脹墊
expansion cylinder 膨脹氣缸
expansion drum 膨脹鼓
expansion eccentric 膨脹偏心輪
expansion engine 膨脹式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)
expansion gauge 膨脹測(cè)量?jī)x
expansion hand reamer 膨脹式手用鉸刀
expansion hinge 伸縮鉸鏈
expansion indicator 膨脹指示器
expansion injector 膨脹噴嘴
expansion joint 伸縮接頭
expansion link 伸縮桿
expansion loop 膨脹圈
expansion meter 膨脹計(jì)
expansion piece 伸縮器
expansion pipe 伸縮管
expansion plate 伸縮板
expansion plug 膨脹塞
expansion reamer 伸縮式鉸刀
expansion reed 伸縮筘
expansion roller 伸縮滾軸
expansion skin bag 伸縮皮袋
expansion skirt 大擺裙
expansion sleeve 膨脹套筒
expansion staybolt 膨脹拉桿螺栓
expansion suspender 伸縮懸桿
expansion tank 膨脹箱
expansion tap 可調(diào)絲錐
expansion thermometer 膨脹溫度計(jì)
expansion throttle valve 伸縮式節(jié)流閥
expansion turbine 膨脹式渦輪
expansion valve piston 伸縮式閥活塞
expansion valve 膨脹閥
expansion washer 伸縮墊片
expansion-pressure tester 膨脹壓力測(cè)試器
expansion-pressure testing apparatus 膨脹壓力試驗(yàn)儀
expansion-pulley 伸縮式滑輪
expansive bit 伸縮式鉆頭
expectorant tablet 痰咳凈片
expectorant 祛痰藥
expedition transit 勘測(cè)經(jīng)緯儀
expeller 螺桿脫水機(jī)
expendable Doppler penetrometer 投棄式多普勒透度計(jì)
expendable through-tubing perforator 消毀式過(guò)油管射孔器
experiment box 實(shí)驗(yàn)箱
Experimental chemotherapeutant 1182 F 枯萎寧
experimental electronic controlled automatic switch board 實(shí)驗(yàn)電子控制自動(dòng)交換機(jī)
experimental engine 試驗(yàn)機(jī)
experimental filter 實(shí)驗(yàn)濾鏡
experimental photo-tapeslit camera 實(shí)驗(yàn)光帶型狹縫攝影機(jī)
experimental prototype 試驗(yàn)樣機(jī)
experimental radar 實(shí)驗(yàn)雷達(dá)
Experimental tick repellents 3 PS 驅(qū)蟲(chóng)威
Experimental tick repellents 3 驅(qū)蟲(chóng)威
experimental transformer 實(shí)驗(yàn)變壓器
expiratory valve 呼氣閥
expirograph 呼氣描記器
exploder 爆炸劑
exploration equipment 勘探設(shè)備
exploration instrument for geochemistry 地球化學(xué)勘探儀器
exploration instrument for geology 地質(zhì)勘探儀器
exploration instrument for geophysics 地球物理勘探儀器
exploration ship 勘探船
exploratory multiprocessor 勘探多用處理機(jī)
explorer 探礦機(jī)
explorer-type satellite 勘探衛(wèi)星
exploring antenna 探測(cè)天線
exploring brush 測(cè)試電刷
exploring coil 測(cè)試線圈
explosimeter 爆炸計(jì)
explosion engine 爆燃式內(nèi)燃機(jī)
explosion gas turbine 爆燃式燃?xì)廨啓C(jī)
explosion laser 爆發(fā)激光器
explosion meter 爆炸表
explosion relief valve 防爆安全閥
explosion risk indicator 爆炸危險(xiǎn)指示器
explosion-proof axial flow fan 防爆軸流風(fēng)機(jī)
explosion-proof centrifugal blower 防爆離心鼓風(fēng)機(jī)
explosion-proof compressor 防爆式壓縮機(jī)
explosion-proof electric block 防爆電動(dòng)葫蘆
explosion-proof electric hoist 防爆電動(dòng)卷?yè)P(yáng)機(jī)
explosion-proof gas detector 防爆瓦斯探測(cè)器
explosion-proof generator 防爆式發(fā)電機(jī)
explosion-proof glazing 防爆窗玻璃
explosion-proof machine 防爆式電機(jī)
explosion-proof motor 防爆電動(dòng)機(jī)
explosion-proof Roots blower 防爆羅氏鼓風(fēng)機(jī)
explosion-proof telephone 防爆電話機(jī)
explosion-proof transformer 防爆變壓器
explosion-proof type detector 防爆式探測(cè)器
explosion-proof type induction motor 防爆式感應(yīng)電動(dòng)機(jī)
explosion-proof ventilated synchronous motor 防爆通風(fēng)型同步電動(dòng)機(jī)
explosion-proof winder 防爆卷?yè)P(yáng)機(jī)
explosive cartridge 爆破筒
explosive detector 爆炸探測(cè)器
explosive gas analyzer 爆炸性氣體分析器
explosive gas detector 爆炸氣體檢測(cè)器
explosive gas indicator 爆炸性氣體指示器
explosive in bulk 散裝炸藥
explosive laser 爆炸激光器
explosive material 炸藥
explosive meter 爆炸計(jì)
explosive powder 爆炸火藥
explosive rivet 炸藥鉚釘
explosive-pumped gas dynamic laser 爆炸抽運(yùn)氣動(dòng)激光器
explosively driven pulsed chemical laser 爆炸驅(qū)動(dòng)脈沖化學(xué)激光器
exponent counter 指數(shù)計(jì)數(shù)器
exponential-sweep generator 指數(shù)掃描發(fā)生器
Exporsan 地散磷
exposing lamp 曝光燈
exposing machine 曝光機(jī)
exposometer 曝光計(jì)
exposure calculator 曝光計(jì)算器
exposure clock 曝光計(jì)時(shí)鐘
exposure control unit 曝光控制器
exposure counter 爆光計(jì)數(shù)器
exposure indicator 爆光指示器
exposure lamp 曝光燈
exposure machine 曝光機(jī)
exposure meter 曝光表
exposure monitor 曝光監(jiān)測(cè)器
exposure timer 曝光定時(shí)器
expoxy putty 環(huán)氧油灰
express lift 快速吊機(jī)
express paper 壓制紙
express stitcher 高速絎縫機(jī)
express stripes 經(jīng)面斜紋藍(lán)白條子棉布
Express 快運(yùn)牌廂式貨車(chē)
expressed oil 榨出油
expression roll 壓輥
expulsion fuse 沖出式熔絲
expulsion protective gap 沖出式保護(hù)放電器
expulsion type fuse 沖出式熔斷器
exsiccator 干燥器
Extar ?怂顾枞季埘ダw維
extencilline vial 注射用安唐西林
extended broad range regulator 超廣限式調(diào)整器
extended memory 擴(kuò)展存儲(chǔ)器
extended range hydrophone 遠(yuǎn)程水聽(tīng)器
extended sinter machine 延長(zhǎng)型帶式燒結(jié)機(jī)
extended temperate class refrigerator 亞溫帶型冰箱
extended threshold demodulator 門(mén)限擴(kuò)展解調(diào)器
extended-metal transistor 延伸金屬晶體管
extended-surface heat exchanger 擴(kuò)展表面式熱交換器
extender pigment 油漆調(diào)和顏料
extender 擴(kuò)充器
extending ladder 伸縮梯
extensible belt conveyor 可伸縮帶式輸送機(jī)
extensimeter 伸縮儀
extension arbor for drill holder 鉆夾頭接長(zhǎng)桿
extension arbor for fine-adjustable boring tool 微調(diào)鏜刀接長(zhǎng)桿
extension arbor for Morse taper bush with tang 帶扁尾莫氏錐套接長(zhǎng)桿
extension arbor for Morse taper bush without tang 無(wú)扁尾莫氏錐套接長(zhǎng)桿
extension arbor for roughing boring tool 粗鏜刀接長(zhǎng)桿
extension arbor for shell face milling cutter 套式面銑刀接長(zhǎng)桿
extension arbor for shell reamer 套式鉸刀接長(zhǎng)桿
extension arbor for side and face milling cutter 三面刃銑刀接長(zhǎng)桿
extension arm 延伸臂
extension bar for grinding wheel axle of internal grinding machine 內(nèi)圓磨床砂輪軸接桿
extension bed lathe 接長(zhǎng)床身車(chē)床
extension bell 分鈴
extension cord 延長(zhǎng)繩
extension filter 輔助濾波器
extension forks 長(zhǎng)臂叉車(chē)
extension hand tap 手用長(zhǎng)柄絲錐
extension hanger 尾管懸掛器
extension indicator 延長(zhǎng)指示器
extension ladder 伸縮梯
extension line 分機(jī)線
extension measure 伸長(zhǎng)尺
extension meter 延伸儀
extension pruner with additional pole section 接桿修樹(shù)枝剪
extension ring 伸長(zhǎng)環(huán)
extension rod 伸長(zhǎng)桿
extension shaft for rolling mill 軋機(jī)接軸
extension spring 牽簧
extension table 伸縮桌
extension tap 長(zhǎng)柄絲錐
extension telephone set 電話分機(jī)
extension thermometer 長(zhǎng)管溫度計(jì)
extension tool shank 接縮刀柄
extension tripod 伸縮三腳架
extension tube 伸縮管
extensometer balance 變形秤
extensometer 伸長(zhǎng)計(jì)
extensor 延展器
exterior aircraft cleaner 飛機(jī)外部清潔劑
exterior focussing telescope 外對(duì)光望遠(yuǎn)鏡
exterior joint 外接頭
exterior paint 外用漆
external alternator regulator 外裝交流發(fā)電機(jī)調(diào)節(jié)器
external and internal thread grinding machine 外螺紋及內(nèi)螺紋磨床
external angle bead tile 陽(yáng)條磚
external angle to cove skirting 陽(yáng)角壁腳彎磚
external bird's beak 陽(yáng)角尖嘴磚
external cavity laser 外腔式激光器
external cavity semiconductor laser 外腔式半導(dǎo)體激光器
external circular grinding machine 外圓磨床
external coconut piece 陽(yáng)三角
external combustion engine 外燃機(jī)
external concrete vibrators with motor 帶電的混凝土振動(dòng)器
external condenser 外凝結(jié)器
external contracting brake 外縮式制動(dòng)器
external cylindrical antifriction-bearing grinder 減摩軸承外圓磨床
external cylindrical grinder 外圓筒磨機(jī)
external endface copying turning tool 外圓端面仿形車(chē)刀
external equipment 外部設(shè)備
external feedback controller 外反饋控制器
external feedback magnetic amplifier 外反饋式磁放大器
external firing boiler 外燃鍋爐
external fixed rate pacemaker 體外固定頻率起搏器
external form grinding machine 外齒磨床
external gear oil pump 外齒輪油泵
external gear pump 外齒輪泵
external gear 外齒輪
external grinder 外圓磨床
external grinding machine 外圓磨床
external heater 外熱器
external indicator 外指示器
external interrupter 外部中斷器
external memory 外存儲(chǔ)器
external micrometer 外徑千分尺
external operating valve 外操縱閥
external pacemaker 體外起搏器
external phase laser modulator 激光外相位調(diào)制器
external phase modulator 外相位調(diào)制器
external photoeffect detector 外光電效應(yīng)檢測(cè)器
external pipe thread 外管螺紋
external pliers 軸用卡簧鉗
external plug-in postponing time controller 外插式延時(shí)控制器
external pressure single type axial expansion joint 外壓?jiǎn)问捷S向伸縮接頭
external pupil telescope 外光瞳望遠(yuǎn)鏡
external safety valve 外安全閥
external screw gauge 外螺紋檢查規(guī)
external sine-wave oscillator 外接正弦波振蕩器
external sleeve gun 外套筒式槍
external storage 外存儲(chǔ)器
external tile 外墻磚
external turning tool of lever design 杠桿式外圓車(chē)刀
external turning tool of wedge clamp design 楔勾式外圓車(chē)刀
external turning tool with carbide insert 硬質(zhì)合金外圓車(chē)刀
external two-channel radiotelemetrical detector 外雙通道無(wú)線電遙測(cè)檢測(cè)器
external vibrator 表面振搗器
external vortex transformer 外部旋流變換器
external-cathode counter 外陰極計(jì)數(shù)管
external-line triode oscillator 外接線三極管振蕩器
externally fired boiler 外燃鍋爐
externally fired firetube boiler 外燃火管鍋爐
externally fired watertube boiler 外燃水管鍋爐
exterocepter 外感受器
extinction turbidimeter 消光濁度計(jì)
extinguishant 滅火劑
extinguisher 滅火機(jī)
extinguishing apparatus 滅火器
extirpator 中耕除草機(jī)
Exton immiscible balance ?怂诡D微量尿比重測(cè)定器
extra filling fabric 特加緯紗織物
extra limiter 外加限制器
extra tea 頂上嫩茶
extra thick hexagon nut 六角特厚螺母
extra thick sheet glass 特厚玻璃板
extra warp fabric 特加經(jīng)紗織物
Extra 矮壯素
extra-deep drawing steel 超深沖鋼
extra-fast no-screen film 特高速感光無(wú)屏蔽膠片
extra-fine black stone 超細(xì)黑石
extra-fine glass wool 超細(xì)玻璃棉
extra-fine steel 特優(yōu)鋼
extra-flexible wire rope 極軟鋼絲
extra-hard steel 極硬鋼
extra-heavy crude oil 超重原油
extra-heavy drill rod 加重鉆桿
extra-heavy pipe 加重管子
extra-heavy valve 加重型閥門(mén)
extra-heavy-duty truck 特重載重車(chē)
extra-high build epoxy bituminous paint 超厚漿環(huán)氧瀝青漆
extra-high-leaded brass 超高鉛黃銅
extra-high-tensile steel 超高強(qiáng)度鋼
extra-high-tension cable 超高壓電纜
extra-high-tension insulator 超高壓絕緣子
extra-high-tension rectifier 超高壓整流器
extra-high-voltage generator 超高壓發(fā)生器
extra-light reflector 超光源反射器
extra-long cigarette 特長(zhǎng)卷煙
extra-long near-bit stabilizer 超長(zhǎng)近鉆頭穩(wěn)定器
extra-long staple 特長(zhǎng)絨棉
extra-low-carbon stainless steel 超低碳不銹鋼
extra-milled fibre 精磨纖維
extra-quality soy 優(yōu)等醬油
extra-rapid stitching machine 高速縫合機(jī)
extra-small bearing 特小型軸承
extra-soft steel 特軟鋼
extra-special improved plough steel wire 超級(jí)制繩鋼絲
extra-strong paper 超強(qiáng)紙
Extra-strong tea 鐵觀音茶
extra-super carpet 優(yōu)級(jí)雙面提花地毯
extra-super duralumin alloy 超級(jí)硬鋁合金
extra-super duralumin 超高強(qiáng)度硬鋁
extra-thin noodles 線面
extra-thin sheet glass 特薄玻璃板
extra-thin small hexagon nut 小六角特扁螺母
extra-white cotton 特白棉
extra-wide cloth 超闊幅布
extra-wide field stereo-microscope 超寬視場(chǎng)立體顯微鏡
extracentral telescope 偏心望遠(yuǎn)鏡
extracorporal shock wave lithotiptor 體外震波碎石機(jī)
extracorporeal blood irradiator 血液體外輻照器
extracorporeal circulation apparatus 體外循環(huán)裝置
extracorporeal irradiator 體外幅照器
extracorporeal pump monitor 體外循環(huán)泵監(jiān)控器
extract of malt and milk 麥乳晶
extract pressure flash tower 抽取加壓閃蒸塔
extract stripper 抽出液氣提搭
extract wool yarn 再生毛紗
extract wool 炭化再生毛
extract 浸膏
extractant 萃取劑
extracted cloth 炭化呢
extracted-head wire-wound potentiator 抽頭線繞電位器
extracter 抽提器
extracting forceps 拔牙鉗
extracting tower 萃取塔
extraction agent 萃取劑
extraction apparatus 抽提器
extraction column 萃取塔
extraction condensing turbine 抽汽式凝汽汽輪機(jī)
extraction fan 抽風(fēng)機(jī)
extraction flask 抽提燒瓶
extraction forceps 拔牙鉗
extraction jack 拔樁機(jī)
extraction pump 抽出泵
extraction regulating valve 抽氣調(diào)節(jié)閥
extraction solvent 抽提溶劑
extraction thimble 抽提套管
extraction tower 抽提塔
extraction turbine 抽氣式汽輪機(jī)
extraction turbo-generator unit 抽氣式汽輪發(fā)電機(jī)組
extractor guage 分離規(guī)
extractor ionization gauge 超高真空分離規(guī)
extractor type centrifuge 提取式離心機(jī)
extractor unit 拋料機(jī)
extractor 拋料機(jī)
extractor-weigher 給料稱(chēng)量器
extracts of flower 花精香料
extractum astragali 北芪精
extractum belladonnae 顛茄浸膏
extractum glycyrrhizae 甘草浸膏
extractum liquidum 流浸膏
extractum 浸膏
extraneous air separator 外部空氣離析器
extraordinary eliminate wrinkles cream 特效去皺霜
extreme pressure gear oil 特高壓齒輪油
extreme pressure lubricant tester 極壓潤(rùn)滑劑試驗(yàn)機(jī)
extreme pressure lubricant 特高壓潤(rùn)滑劑
extreme pressure machine 特高壓試驗(yàn)機(jī)
extreme pressure material 耐特壓材料
extreme pressure turbine oil 特高壓汽輪機(jī)油
extreme ultraviolet glancing incidence telescope 極遠(yuǎn)紫外水平入射望遠(yuǎn)鏡
extreme ultraviolet laser 極遠(yuǎn)紫外激光器
extreme ultraviolet radiation detector 極遠(yuǎn)紫外輻射探測(cè)器
extreme ultraviolet spectrograph 極遠(yuǎn)紫外攝譜儀
extreme ultraviolet spectrometer 遠(yuǎn)紫外光譜儀
extremely high speed oscilloscope 極高速示波器
extremely high tension generator 超高壓發(fā)生器
extrinsic detector 非本征探測(cè)器
extruded fabric 擠壓織物
extruded fibre 壓紡纖維
extruded hollow bar 擠壓空心棒材
extruded tap 擠壓絲錐
extruded tube 擠壓管材
extruder cylinder 擠壓機(jī)料筒
extruder die 擠出機(jī)模
extruder pump 擠出泵
extruder screw 擠出機(jī)螺桿
extruder type spinning machine 擠壓式紡絲機(jī)
extruder 擠壓機(jī)
extruding die for aluminum shaped material 鋁型材擠壓模具
extruding laminator 擠壓層合機(jī)
extruding machine 擠壓機(jī)
extruding press 擠壓機(jī)
extrusion brass 擠壓黃銅
extrusion coated paper 擠壓涂布紙
extrusion coating 熱壓涂料
extrusion die for making silver probe 銀探針擠壓模具
extrusion die steel 擠壓模具鋼
extrusion machine 擠出機(jī)
extrusion moulding machine 擠壓成形機(jī)
extrusion plastometer 擠壓式塑性計(jì)
extrusion press 擠壓機(jī)
extrusion rheometer 擠出式流變儀
extrusion tap 擠壓絲錐
extrusion viscometer 擠出式粘度計(jì)
extrusion-screw milling machine 擠壓螺桿銑床
eye and eye turnbuckle 兩端均為螺絲眼的旋回緊扣
eye bar 眼桿
eye bolt and key 帶插銷(xiāo)螺栓
eye bolt 帶孔螺栓
eye cup 洗眼杯
eye drops 滴眼劑
eye gauge 月測(cè)放大鏡
eye glass 眼鏡片
eye hook with safety latch 帶安全閥的耳鉤
eye instrument 眼科器械
eye lens 接目鏡
eye liner lotion 眼瞼露
eye lotion dropper 點(diǎn)眼器
eye lotion 洗眼劑
eye magnet 眼磁鐵
eye make-up 眼化妝品
eye ointment 眼藥膏
eye protector 護(hù)目鏡
eye screw 有眼螺釘
eye shade 眼罩
eye syringe 洗眼器
Eye Talk 睛靈牌眼鏡架
eye-level view-finder 平視式取景器
eye-movement monitor 眼球運(yùn)動(dòng)監(jiān)視器
eye-protection glasses 護(hù)目鏡
eyeball indicator 眼球式指示器
eyebrow brush 眉刷
eyebrow cosmetics 眉毛化妝品
eyebrow pencil refill 眉筆芯
eyebrow pencil 眉筆
eyed headed hook 孔眼魚(yú)鉤
eyeglass blank 眼鏡片毛坯
eyeglasses case 夾鼻眼鏡盒
eyeglasses chain 眼鏡鏈
eyeglasses cord 眼鏡鏈
eyeglasses frame 眼鏡架
eyeglasses protector 眼鏡防護(hù)器
eyehole ring 眼孔圈
eyelash curler 卷睫毛器
eyelash grower 長(zhǎng)睫毛膏
eyelash make-up 睫毛膏
eyelash pencil 睫毛筆
eyelash tweezers 睫毛鉗
eyelet button hole sewing machine 圓頭鎖眼機(jī)
eyelet embroidered bedskirt 網(wǎng)眼繡花床衽
eyelet fabric 網(wǎng)眼布
eyelet lace 網(wǎng)眼花邊
eyelet machine 花邊織機(jī)
eyelet pliers 打眼鉗
eyelet ring 眼孔圈
eyelet wire 帶環(huán)線
eyeletting and riveting machine 打眼和鉚接機(jī)
eyelid reflector 眼底鏡
eyemo camera 攜帶式電視攝像機(jī)
eyepiece lens 目鏡透鏡
eyepiece micrometer 目鏡測(cè)微計(jì)
eyepiece stalk 目鏡筒
eyepiece 目鏡
eyeshadow cream 眼影膏
eyesight-improving and upper-heat-removing bolus 明目上清丸
eyesight-improving bolus of noble dendrobium 石斛夜光丸
Eykometer 泥漿凝膠強(qiáng)度和剪切力測(cè)定儀


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