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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-02-20
核心提示:centrifugal amalgamator 離心式提金器 centrifugal ammonia refrigerating machine 離心式氨制冷機 centrifugal analyser 離心分析器 centrifugal aspirator 離心式吸氣器 centrifugal atomizer 離心噴霧器 centrifugal ball mill 離心球磨機 centrifugal blender 離

centrifugal amalgamator 離心式提金器
centrifugal ammonia refrigerating machine 離心式氨制冷機
centrifugal analyser 離心分析器
centrifugal aspirator 離心式吸氣器
centrifugal atomizer 離心噴霧器
centrifugal ball mill 離心球磨機
centrifugal blender 離心式攪拌機
centrifugal blower 離心式鼓風機
centrifugal booster pump 離心式增壓泵
centrifugal box-spinning machine 離心紡絲機
centrifugal breaker 離心式斷路器
centrifugal breather 離心式通風器
centrifugal casting machine 離心式澆鑄機
centrifugal casting pipe 離心鑄管
centrifugal chuck 離心卡盤
centrifugal clarifier 離心澄清機
centrifugal classifier 離心分級機
centrifugal cleaner 離心式清潔器
centrifugal clutch 離心式離合器
centrifugal compressor 離心式壓縮機
centrifugal crusher 離心破碎機
centrifugal deduster 離心除塵器
centrifugal dehydrator 離心脫水機
centrifugal dirt collector 離心集塵器
centrifugal disc photosedimentometer 離心圓盤式光測沉淀計
centrifugal disc sprayer dryer 離心盤式噴霧干燥器
centrifugal disk atomizer 離心圓盤霧化器
centrifugal dressing machine 離心篩分機
centrifugal drier 離心式干燥器
centrifugal ductile iron pipe 高壓韌性離心球墨鑄鐵管
centrifugal dust collector 離心式收塵器
centrifugal dust separator 離心式除塵器
centrifugal electric pole moulding machine 離心電桿成型機
centrifugal elutriator 離心式淘析器
centrifugal evacuating pump 離心抽氣泵
centrifugal evaporator 離心蒸發(fā)器
centrifugal exhauster 離心式抽風機
centrifugal extractor 離心抽提器
centrifugal fan 離心式風扇
centrifugal fast analyzer 離心式快速分析儀
centrifugal filter 離心過濾機
centrifugal finishing machine 離心光飾機
centrifugal flow gas turbine 離心式燃氣輪機
centrifugal friction clutch 離心摩擦離合器
centrifugal gas compressor 離心式氣體壓縮機
centrifugal gas washer 離心氣洗機
centrifugal governor 離心調(diào)速器
centrifugal hammer crushing machine 離心錘式粉碎機
centrifugal heater 離心加熱器
centrifugal hydroextractor 離心脫水機
centrifugal impact mill 離心沖擊研磨機
centrifugal impact mixer 離心沖擊混合器
centrifugal impeller mixer 離心式葉輪混合器
centrifugal liquid chilling unit 離心液冷機
centrifugal lubricator 離心潤滑器
centrifugal machine 離心機
centrifugal metallic pipe cast machine 離心金屬鑄管機
centrifugal mill 離心式粉碎機
centrifugal mud pump 離心式泥漿泵
centrifugal muller 離心式混砂機
centrifugal oil cleaner 離心式油清潔器
centrifugal oil pump 離心油泵
centrifugal oil purifier 離心式凈油器
centrifugal ore separator 離心選礦機
centrifugal particle size analyzer 離心式粒度分析器
centrifugal pulping machine 離心打漿機
centrifugal pump 離心泵
centrifugal purifier 離心凈化器
centrifugal refrigeration machine 離心制冷機
centrifugal regulator 離心調(diào)節(jié)器
centrifugal relay 離心力繼電器
centrifugal sand mixer 離心式混砂機
centrifugal sand-throwing machine 離心式拋砂機
centrifugal screen 離心篩
centrifugal scrubber 離心洗滌機
centrifugal self-priming pump 離心式自吸泵
centrifugal separator 離心分離器
centrifugal shaper 離心成型機
centrifugal sheller 離心型剝殼機
centrifugal sifting machine 離心篩分機
centrifugal spraying humidifier 離心噴霧式加濕器
centrifugal starter 離心式起動機
centrifugal steel 離心鑄造鋼
centrifugal stirrer 離心式攪拌器
centrifugal stop bolt 離心式止動螺栓
centrifugal supercharger 離心式增壓器
centrifugal switch 離心斷路器
centrifugal tachometer 離心式轉速計
centrifugal thickener 離心濃密機
centrifugal turbo-compressor 離心式渦輪壓縮機
centrifugal type diesel engine driven water pump 離心式柴油機水泵
centrifugal type refrigerating machine set 離心式制冷機組
centrifugal type resin sand reclamation unit 離心式樹脂砂回收裝置
centrifugal type spinning machine 離心式紡紗機
centrifugal type tachometer 離心式轉速表
centrifugal vacuum compressor 離心式真空壓縮機
centrifugal ventilator 離心式通風機
centrifugal viscose grinder 離心粘膠研磨機
centrifugal viscose rayon spinning machine 離心粘膠人造絲紡絲機
centrifugal volute pump 離心螺旋泵
centrifugal warming air machine 離心暖風機
centrifugal water pump 離心水泵
centrifugal wet spinning machine 離心式濕紡機
centrifugal wringing and decanting machine 離心絞析機
centrifugal-axial flow compressor 離心-軸流式壓氣機
centrifugal-cast heat-resistant steel 離心鑄造耐熱鋼
centrifugal-vortex gasoline pump 離心旋渦汽油泵
centrifugally-spun concrete pipe 離心澆注混凝土管
centrifuge basket 離心機轉筒
centrifuge brake drum 離心制動輪
centrifuge contactor 離心接觸器
centrifuge microscope 離心顯微鏡
centrifuge shield 離心管套
centrifuge tube 離心管
centrifuge 離心機
centrimatic type internal grinder 托塊支承式自動無心內(nèi)圓磨床
centring amplifier 中心調(diào)節(jié)放大器
centring machine 定心機
centring moulding machine 定心造型機
centripetal pump 向心泵
centripetal turbine 內(nèi)流式渦輪機
centripress drainer 離心壓榨脫水機
Centurion 百人隊長牌汽車
century coffee 世紀咖啡
century plant 龍舌蘭纖維
Century 世紀牌汽車
Centwron 森特綸
cephaloridine 先鋒霉素
cephalosporin 頭孢菌素
cephalotaxin 三尖杉堿
cephalothin sodium 噻吩頭孢菌素鈉
cephalothinum natricum 頭孢噻吩鈉
cepken 彩色刺繡男上衣
ceporex capsule 西保力膠囊
cera alba 白蜂蠟
cera flava 黃蜂蠟
Cerafibre 賽拉纖維
ceramal 金屬陶瓷
ceramet protective pipe for thermocouple 金屬陶瓷熱電偶保護管
ceramet thermocouple protective sheath for liquid copper 銅液金屬陶瓷熱電偶保護套
ceramic aggregate 陶瓷骨料
ceramic amplifier 陶瓷放大器
ceramic armor 陶瓷鎧甲
ceramic arrester 陶瓷避雷器
ceramic bearing 陶瓷軸承
ceramic bit 陶瓷鉆頭
ceramic bond wheel 陶瓷砂輪
ceramic bond 陶瓷結合劑
ceramic bonded grinding wheel 陶瓷粘合砂輪
ceramic bonded refractory 陶瓷粘合耐火材料
ceramic burner 陶瓷燃燒器
ceramic cap 陶瓷帽
ceramic capacitor 陶瓷電容器
ceramic capillary connector 陶瓷毛細管連接器
ceramic cartridge 陶瓷管殼
ceramic chip 陶瓷片
ceramic clay 陶瓷土
ceramic coffee ware 陶瓷咖啡具
ceramic colorant 陶瓷顏料
ceramic colour glaze 陶瓷色釉
ceramic condenser 陶瓷電容器
ceramic connector 陶瓷連接器
ceramic cover for antenna 陶瓷天線罩
ceramic cover with high shock degree 高沖擊度用陶瓷罩
ceramic crayon 陶瓷蠟筆
ceramic crucible 陶瓷坩堝
ceramic cutting tool 陶瓷刀具
ceramic dielectric material 陶瓷介電材料
ceramic engine 陶瓷引擎
ceramic fiber blanket 陶瓷纖維毯
ceramic fiber 陶瓷纖維
ceramic fibre material 陶瓷纖維材料
ceramic filter 陶瓷過濾器
ceramic frequency discriminator 陶瓷鑒頻器
ceramic glaze 陶釉
ceramic high heavy grinding wheel 陶瓷高強力磨削砂輪
ceramic ink 陶瓷墨水
ceramic insulated wire 陶瓷絕緣線
ceramic insulator 陶瓷絕緣子
ceramic landscape 陶瓷盆景
ceramic laser tube 陶瓷激光管
ceramic loudspeaker 陶瓷揚聲器
ceramic machinery 陶瓷機械
ceramic material 陶瓷材料
ceramic metal 金屬陶瓷
ceramic mosaic 陶瓷錦磚
ceramic multilayer capacitor 陶瓷多層電容器
ceramic nozzle 陶瓷噴嘴
ceramic oxygen sensor 陶瓷氧傳感器
ceramic paint 陶瓷涂料
ceramic pickup 陶瓷拾音器
ceramic pigment 陶瓷顏料
ceramic plate 陶瓷片
ceramic plug 陶瓷塞
ceramic raw material 陶瓷原料
ceramic recuperator 陶瓷換熱器
ceramic resistor 陶瓷電阻器
ceramic substrate 陶瓷襯底
ceramic tea-pot 紫砂茶壺
ceramic thickness gauge 陶瓷層厚度計
ceramic tile 瓷磚
ceramic tip 金屬陶瓷刀片
ceramic tool 金屬陶瓷刀具
ceramic toy 陶瓷玩具
ceramic transducer 陶瓷換能器
ceramic transfer paper 陶瓷貼花紙
ceramic transformer 陶瓷變壓器
ceramic trapper 陶瓷陷波器
ceramic tube 陶瓷管
ceramic vacuum relay 陶瓷真空繼電器
ceramic veneer 陶瓷飾面板
ceramic wafer 陶瓷基板
ceramic ware for daily use 日用陶瓷制品
ceramic whiteware 白瓷
ceramic-metal tube 金屬陶瓷管
ceramics for household purpose 家用陶瓷制品
Ceranine 司來寧
cerargyrite 氯銀礦
cerate 蠟膏
Cercobin 托布津殺菌劑
Cercobinm 甲基托布津殺菌劑
cereal and oilseed processing machinery 糧油加工機械
cereal expanding machine 谷物膨化機
cereal harvesting machine 谷物收獲機械
cereal testing machine 谷物試驗機
cereal 谷物
cerebral function monitor 腦功能監(jiān)測器
cerebral surgery instrument set 顱腦外科器械包
cerebral tonic pill 補腦丸
cerebrograph imaging system 腦電圖成像系統(tǒng)
cerebrolysin vial 腦活素注射液
cerebrospinal liquid manometer 腦脊髓液壓力計
cerebrospinal-graph 腦脊髓描記器
cerebrovascular graph 腦血管描記器
Ceredon 敵菌腙殺菌劑
Ceregam Supper 2硅丹蒽合劑
Ceregam 硅丹合劑
Cereline 敵菌腙殺菌劑
Cerenkov counter 捷連科夫計數(shù)器
Cerenkov detector 捷連科夫檢波器
Cerenkov photovoltaic monitor 捷連科夫光電監(jiān)測器
Cerenkov radiation detector 捷連科夫輻射探測器
Cerenox 敵菌腙殺菌劑
Ceres 西利司牌手表
Ceresan gamma M 蒽滅六合劑
Ceresan M 磺胺乙汞殺菌劑
Ceresan universal nassbeize 甲氧乙氯汞殺菌劑
Ceresan universal trockenbeize 滅菌硅
Ceresan 西力生殺菌劑
ceresin 純地蠟
Cereton A 稻可豐殺菌劑
Cereton B 綠稻寧殺菌劑
Cerewet 硫酸甲汞殺菌劑
Cerex 賽雷克斯非織造織物
ceria 二氧化鈰
ceriander seed 芫荽子
ceric oxide 二氧化鈰
ceric sulfate 硫酸鈰
cerifos checks 塞里福斯方格細布
cerise cloth 塞里斯條子呢
cerise-green cloth 櫻綠色布
cerium aluminate 鋁酸鈰
cerium boride 硼化鈰
cerium carbide 碳化鈰
cerium chloride 氯化鈰
cerium dioxide 二氧化鈰
cerium fluoride 氟化鈰
cerium hydroxide 氫氧化鈰
cerium oxide 氧化鈰
cerium rouge 氧化鈰拋光粉
cerium sulphide 硫化鈰
cerium vanadate 釩酸鈰
cerium 鈰
cermet bit 金屬陶瓷車刀
cermet contactor 金屬陶瓷接觸器
cermet resistance element 金屬陶瓷電阻元件
cermet 金屬陶瓷
cerotene 蠟烯
cerotic acid 蠟酸
cerotonometer 氣體張力計
cerous chloride 三氯化鈰
cerous fluoride 三氟化鈰
cerous nitrate 硝酸鈰
cerous oxalate 草酸鈰
cerous sulfate 硫酸鈰
Ceroxone 伐草快
Cerromag 塞羅馬格鐵氧體
Cerromatrix 塞羅馬特里克斯鉍鉛錫銻易熔合金
Certina 雪鐵納牌手表
Certrol 碘苯腈除草劑
cerulean blue 青天藍
ceruleolactite 微晶磷鋁石
ceruletide 藍肽
cervical drill guard 頸椎鉆孔保護器
cervix dilator 子宮頸擴張器
Cervo 牡鹿牌汽車
cervus elaphus linnaeus 馬鹿茸
cervus nippon temminck 鹿茸
ceré 上蠟色布
cesium  銫
cesium aluminium sulphate 硫酸銫鋁
cesium analyzer 銫含量分析儀
cesium chloride 氯化銫
cesium electron tube 銫電子管
cesium salt 銫鹽
cesium telluride 碲化銫
cesium vapour optically pumped magnetometer 銫蒸汽光泵磁強計
cesium-base alloy 銫基合金
cesium-ion engine 銫離子發(fā)動機
cesium-oxygen  cell 充氣銫電池
cetaben 西他苯
cetalkonium chloride 西他氯銨
cethexonium bromide 西塞溴銨
cetiedil 西替地爾
cetirizine hydrochloride 鹽酸西替立嗪
cetofenicol 乙酰氯霉素
cetohexazine 西托沙嗪
cetomacrogol 1000 聚乙二醇1000
cetotiamine 西托硫胺
cetraxate 西曲酸酯
cetrimonium bromide 西曲溴銨
Cetryl 瑟特里爾聚丙烯纖維
cetylpyridinium bromide 溴化十六烷吡啶
cetylpyridinium chloride 氯化十六烷吡啶
Cevennes silk 塞文納絲
cevitamic acid 抗壞血酸
ceylon 塞朗棉毛交織平布
ceylonette 賽朗內(nèi)特襯衫布
ceyssatite 硅藻土
Chablis 夏布麗白葡萄酒
chacart 查卡特格子花布
Chace 720 切伊斯720銅錳鎳合金
chadder 查達棉布
chadless tape 無屑穿孔帶
Chadolon 查多綸聚酰胺纖維
Chaenomeles fruit pill 木瓜丸
Chaenomeles lagenaria 木瓜
chafer fabric 胎圈包布
chaff blower 穎糠吹送器
chaff cutter blade 切草機刀片
chaff cutter 飼料切割器
chafing dish 暖鍋
chagin 訂書用棉布
chagnar fibre 查格納菠蘿葉纖維
chagreen 仿皮革布
chagrin braid 金線狹絲帶
chagrin silk 仿皮革皺紋綢
chagrin 棉書面布
chahar-gul 查哈古爾女式呢
chaharbagh shawl 查哈巴網(wǎng)眼毛披巾
chaharkhana 查哈卡納羊絨紗羅
Chaika 海鷗牌汽車
Chail 印度印花棉布
chain adjuster 鏈調(diào)整器
chain and bucket elevator 鏈條戽斗升降機
chain axle 鏈軸
chain balance 鏈式天平
chain band 鏈式表帶
chain belt conveyer 鏈帶輸送機
chain belt 鏈帶
chain block 鏈動滑輪
chain bottle washer 鏈式洗瓶機
chain bracelet 鏈式手鐲
chain bucket discharger 鏈斗卸料機
chain bucket elevator 鏈斗式提升機
chain bucket excavator 鏈斗式挖掘機
chain bucket sampler 鏈斗式取樣器
chain cager 鏈式裝罐機
chain cloth 濾布
chain coal cutter 鏈式截煤機
chain continuous sling shot blasting shakeout machine 吊鏈連續(xù)拋丸落砂清理機
chain conveyer type furnace 傳運鏈式爐
chain conveyor 鏈式運輸機
chain cotton 巴西棉
chain coupling 鏈形連接器
chain cover 鏈罩
chain cut-off saw 鏈截鋸
chain drag 鏈板式輸送機
chain drawbench 鏈式拉拔機
chain dredger 鏈式挖泥機
chain driving conveyor 鏈傳動輸送機
chain dryer 鏈式干燥器
chain elevator 鏈式升降機
chain feeder 鏈式加料器
chain filter 鏈形濾波器
chain for dog 拴狗鏈
chain gearing 鏈傳動裝置
chain gill drawing frame 鏈條式針梳并條機
chain gill 鏈條式針梳機
chain grate boiler with thrower 帶拋煤機鏈條鍋爐
chain grate horizontal fast boiler 鏈條臥排式快裝鍋爐
chain grate stoker 鏈蓖式加煤機
chain harrow 鏈耙
chain hoist 鏈式升降機
chain hook 鏈鉤
chain hydrometer 鏈式比重計
chain lace 繃子刺繡花邊
chain link 鏈索
chain lock 鏈條鎖
chain loom 多臂織機
chain mattress 鎖鏈墊子
chain necklace 鏈式項鏈
chain nose pliers 鏈用鉗
chain pin 鏈條銷釘
chain pipe cutter 鏈條管子割刀
chain pipe tongs 鏈式管子鉗
chain pipe vice 鏈式管鉗
chain pipe wrench 鏈條管子扳手
chain pitch wheel 鏈條齒輪
chain pliers 鏈條鉗子
chain printer 鏈式打印機
chain pulley 鏈條滑輪
chain pump 鏈式泵
chain relay 鏈鎖繼電器
chain ring 鏈環(huán)
chain rivet 鏈鉚釘
chain rule 鏈條尺
chain saw file 鏈鋸銼
chain saw 鏈鋸
chain scraper bar conveyer 拉鏈刮板輸送機
chain shotblasting machine 鏈式噴丸機
chain stitch ruffling machine 鏈式褶邊縫紉機
chain stitch shirring machine 鏈式抽褶縫紉機
chain stitcher 鏈式線跡縫紉機
chain stopper 止鏈器
chain stretcher 鏈式展幅機
chain tightener 鏈條扣緊器
chain tongs 鏈式管鉗
chain trolley conveyor 吊掛式鏈輸送機
chain tube wrench 鏈條細管鉗
chain twist 鏈式花線
chain winch 鏈式絞車
chain wrench 鏈式扳手
chain yarn 鏈式花線
chain 鏈條
chain-break worsted 套格子花呢
chain-grate boiler 鏈條鍋爐
chain-lifter 鏈式升運機
chain-link conveyer 鏈式輸送機
chain-plate conveyor 鏈板運輸機
chain-plate feeder 鏈板給料機
chain-road measuring-testing-checking instrument 鏈路測試檢驗器
chain-scraper conveyer 鏈板運輸機
chain-track tractor 履帶式拖拉機
chain-type cooling bed 鏈式冷床
chain-type electrode holder 鏈式電極夾持器
chain-type hydro-washing machine 鏈帶式噴水洗瓶機
chaine 經(jīng)紗
chainette 欽納特斜紋花呢
chainless mercerizing range 彎輥絲光機
chainomatic balance 鏈條天平
chainsel  精細麻布
chainwheel with crank 帶曲柄鏈輪
chainwheel 鏈輪
chair back set 椅背套
chair bed 坐臥兩用床
chair chute 座椅式降落傘
chair cover 椅套
chair cushion 椅墊
chair lace 椅用花邊
chair plate 座板
chair set 椅墊
chair 椅子
chairlift 椅式提升機
chaise lounge 睡椅
chaisel  細亞麻布
chakhi  恰基棉背緞
chakmak 恰克馬克綢
chalcanthite 膽礬
chalcedonite 玉髓
chalcedony 玉髓
chalcocitum 青蒙石
chalcogenide glass mid-infrared fiber 硫化物玻璃中紅外光纖
chalcogenide glass 硫系玻璃
chalina 絲瓜瓤
chalinet 印花薄型毛織物
chalk for billiard cue 臺球球竿用粉筆
chalk holder 粉筆盒
chalk line ball 粉線球
chalk mill 白粉磨
chalk overlay paper 白堊紙
chalk powder 白堊粉
chalk soil 白堊土
chalk stripe gabardine 白線條絲光華達呢
chalk stripe 深地細白條子布
chalk 粉筆
chalk-out machine 劃線機
challenge switch 呼叫開關
Challenger 挑戰(zhàn)者牌汽車
challenger 詢問器
challis  印花薄型毛織物
chalon 查隆薄呢
chalotas 高級細布
chalwar 寬大褲子
chamaecyparis pisifera 云松
chamber dryer 箱式干燥器
chamber furnace 箱式爐
chamber pot with cover 有蓋便器
chamber pot 便壺
chamber pump 箱式泵
chamber type electric furnace 箱式電爐
chamber type electric resistance furnace 箱式電阻爐
chamber-type cleaning machine 箱內(nèi)清潔機
Chambers cotton 康伯棉
Chambery 香百里味美思酒
chambord 尚博德喪服呢
chambray gingham 錢布雷條格細布
chambray 錢布雷布
chameleon fibre 光敏性變色纖維
chameleon glass block 變色眼鏡片
chameleon taffeta 三色閃光塔夫綢
chameleon 變色蜥蜴
chamfer cutter 倒角銑刀
chamfer plane 倒棱刨
chamfering gear shaper cutter 倒角插齒刀
chamfering hob 倒角滾刀
chamfering machine 倒角機
chamfering tool 倒角刀具
chamois horn 羚羊角
chamois leather 麂皮革
chamois skin jacket 麂皮夾克衫
chamois skin 麂皮
chamois suede fabric 充麂皮棉織物
chamois suede gloves 充麂皮手套
chamoisette 充麂皮針織手套布
chamotte brick 熟料耐火磚
chamotte 熟耐火土
champagne bottle 香檳酒瓶
champagne bucket 香檳酒桶
champagne glass 香檳酒杯
Champagne 香檳酒
champignon in brine 鹽水蘑菇
Champion Cluster cotton 香品大鈴棉
Champion silk 錢皮昂絲
chancery paper 辦公紙
chand-dar 織花羊絨披巾
chandar 棉布
chandelier 枝形吊燈
Chanel suit 恰奈耳套裝
chanel 恰奈耳式女服
change furnace 變換爐
change gear box 變速齒輪箱
change gear case 變速齒輪箱
change gear set 變速齒輪組
change gear shaft sleeve 變速齒輪軸套
change gear shaft 變速齒輪軸
change gear stud 變速齒輪雙端螺栓
change machine 找零錢機
change ring 交換圈
change speed gear box 變速齒輪箱
change speed gear lever 變速桿
change speed gear 變速輪
change speed motor 分級調(diào)速式電動機
change table 交換工作臺
change valve 換向閥
change wheel 變速輪
change-over switch 轉換開關
change-pole moter 變極電動機
changeable boring bar 可調(diào)整鏜桿
changeable colour revolving lamp for electric fan 電風扇自動變色旋轉燈
changeable satin 閃光緞
changeable silk 閃光綢
changeable storage 內(nèi)容可更換的存儲器
changeable taffeta 閃光塔夫綢
changeant 閃光織物
changeover valve 旋轉閥
changing colour enamal 變色釉
changium smyrnioide 明黨參
channel amplifier 信道放大器
channel audio mixer 頻道音頻混頻器
channel band-pass filter 信道帶通濾波器
channel bar 小槽鋼
channel demodulator 信道解調(diào)器
channel encoder 信道編碼器
channel extender 信道擴展器
channel filter 信道濾波器
channel for oiling 油槽
channel frequency converter 分路變頻器
channel group separating and combing equipment 分路并路機
channel indicator 信道指示器
channel iron 槽鐵
channel modulator 通道調(diào)制器
channel monitor 信道監(jiān)控器
channel selector 頻道轉換開關
channel shifter 信道移頻器
channel snow plough 挖槽除雪機
channel steel 槽鋼
channel stopper 溝道截斷環(huán)
channel switching equipment 信道交換機
channel terminal coder 信道終端編碼器
channel terminal decoder 信道終端解碼器
channel terminal equipment 信道終端設備
channel test unit 信道測試裝置
channel testing oscillator 通路測試振蕩器
channel tile 槽瓦
channel translator 信道變換器
channel type electron multiplier 槽式電子倍增器
channel vocoder 信道聲碼器
channel-opening machine 開槽機
channel-section glass 槽形玻璃
channel-subdivider 信道分路器
channeled plate 菱形網(wǎng)紋鋼板
channeled substrate buried heterostructure laser 溝道襯底隱埋異質(zhì)結構激光器
channeled substrate planar laser 溝道襯底平面激光器
channeler 鑿溝機
channeler-excavator 挖溝機
channeling cutter 銑槽刀
channeling machine 滾槽機
channeling machine 冷彎機
channelized transmitter 信道發(fā)射機
chantahi 錢塔希羊毛面紗
chaotic feedback generator 混沌反饋發(fā)生器
chaotic oscillator 混沌振蕩器
chaparral yucca 查帕拉爾韌皮纖維
chapelet 鏈斗式提升機
chaplet 念珠
Chapmata 眼牌手表
chaporast 查波拉斯特羊絨細呢
chappe silk cloth 絹絲織物
chappe silk yarn 絹絲
Chappi silk 查皮絲
character display equipment 字符顯示設備
character generator 字符發(fā)生器
character matrix plate 字模板
character reader 字符閱讀器
character recognition machine 字符識別機
character sequence decoder 字符序列解碼器
character switching equipment 字符交換設備
character video display interface 字符視頻顯示接口
character-oriented computer 面向字符計算機
charactron 顯字管
Charade 查拉德牌汽車
Charara cotton 恰拉拉棉
charcoal basin 炭盆
charcoal burner 炭爐
charcoal drawing 木炭畫
charcoal dust cake stove 木炭粉餅爐
charcoal electrode 炭電極
charcoal filter 木炭過濾器
charcoal gray cloth 炭灰色布
charcoal iron 木炭熨斗
charcoal pencil 炭筆
charcoal pot 炭鍋
charcoal powder for drawing 圖畫炭粉
charcoal stick for sketching 素描木炭筆
charcoal stick 木炭筆
charcoal stove 炭爐
charcoal tin-plate 厚錫層鍍錫薄鋼板
charcoal tray 炭盤
charcoal wire 超低碳鋼絲
charcoal 木炭
chard 君達菜
Chardonnet silk 夏爾多內(nèi)人造絲
charge amplifier 電荷放大器
charge cable 充氣電纜
charge cask 裝料容器
charge chute 裝料槽
charge distributor 布料器
charge exchange laser 電荷交換激光器
charge gauge 料位指示器
charge level detector 料面探測器
charge motor 充電馬達
charge neutralizer gun 電荷中和用電子槍
charge power supply 充電電源
charge pressure indicator 充氣壓力指示器
charge pump 進料泵
charge-mixing machine 爐料混合機
charge-over valve 超負荷閥
charge-resistance furnace 電荷電阻爐
charge-storage diode 電荷存儲二極管
charge-transfer laser 電荷轉移激光器
charged particle accelerator 帶電粒子加速器
charged particle accelerometer 帶電粒子加速度計
charged particle detector 帶電粒子探測器
charged particle energy analyzer 帶電粒子能量分析儀
charged particle energy spectrometer 帶電粒子能譜儀
charged particle scintillation spectrometer 帶電粒子閃爍能譜儀
charged particle spectrograph 帶電粒子譜儀
chargeometer 硫酸比重計
charger 充電器
charging and drawing crane 裝卸吊車
charging car 裝料車
charging carriage 裝料小車
charging compressor 充氣壓縮機
charging conveyer 裝煤輸送機
charging crane 裝料吊車
charging gantry crane 高架裝料吊車
charging generator 充電發(fā)電機
charging hopper 裝料斗
charging indicator 充電指示器
charging machine 裝料機
charging pump 進料泵
charging rack for miner's lamp 礦燈充電架
charging rack 充電架
charging set 充電機
charging stand for miner's lamp 礦燈充電臺
Chariot 戰(zhàn)車牌汽車
Charisma 查里斯馬聚丙烯單絲和短纖維及薄膜纖維
charkana 查卡納格布
charkas 手紡車
Charlie 彩妮牌香水
charm locket 裝飾品的小金盒或小扣
charm paper 紅錢紙
charm 小裝飾品
charmanette satin 查門特斜紋綢
charmante satin 查門特絲斜紋綢
charmeen 查米恩呢
charmelaine cloth 查梅蘭女式呢
charmeuse cotton 棉緞
charmeuse petticoat 縐綢襯裙
charmeuse 查米尤斯縐緞
charmoise 夏木瓦茲雜交綿羊毛
charmoy 夏穆艾棱條綢
Charpy impact testing machine 夏氏沖擊試驗機
Charpy tester 擺錘式?jīng)_擊試驗機
Charpy's alloy 夏爾皮錫銅銻合金
chart drawing pen 鴨嘴直線筆
chart drawing set 繪圖儀器
chart file 病歷夾
chart for electro-cardiograph 心電圖儀用記錄圖紙
chart for electro-encephalograph 腦電圖儀用記錄圖紙
chart for space research instrumentation 空間研究儀表用記錄圖紙
chart paper 圖表紙
chart recorder 圖表記錄器
chartometer 測圖器
chartreuse colour cloth 草黃色布
Chartreuse 蕁麻利喬酒
charvet silk 斜棱紋領帶綢
chaser device 螺紋梳刀裝置
chaser die head 螺紋梳刀盤
chaser mill 干碾機
chaser 螺紋梳刀
Chaser 追趕者牌汽車
chasing  hammer 嵌花錘
chasing bar 攻絲裝置
chasing dial 亂扣盤螺紋指示盤
chasing lathe 螺紋車床
chasing tool 梳刀
Chasing Wildhorse syrup 野馬追糖漿
chassis dynamometer 框架測力計
chassis grease 底盤脂
chassis punch 機殼鑿孔機
chassis spring 底盤彈簧
chassis 底盤
chat 打包粗麻布
Chateau d'Yquem 依坤宮牌葡萄酒
Chateau Lafite-Rothschild 拉妃特·羅氏察德堡紅葡萄酒
Chateau Latour 拉杜堡紅葡萄酒
Chateau Margaux 瑪哥斯紅葡萄酒
Chateau Mouton-Rothschild 摩登·羅氏察德堡紅葡萄酒
Chateau Petrus 波得路堡紅葡萄酒
Chateau-Ausone 奧少尼堡紅葡萄酒
Chateau-Cheval-Blanc 白馬堡紅葡萄酒
Chateau-Haut-Brion 奧·伯李翁堡紅葡萄酒
Chateau-Yquem 藝甘姆堡白葡萄酒
Chatee 查蒂黃麻袋布
chauche 白玉
Chaulmoogratree 大風子
chaulmosulfone 喬莫砜
chausses 馬褲
chavacete 夏瓦塞特假捻法變形醋酯絲
chavanoz yarn 夏瓦諾茲變形絲
check bolt 防松螺栓
check canvas 小格刺繡十字布
check cord 平紋條格布
check detector 裂紋檢驗器
check fancy crepe 格花縐
check fancy suiting 格子花呢
check flaxon 仿亞麻棉織物
check gauge 檢驗儀表
check gingham 格子布
check indicator 檢查指示器
check light 校驗指示燈
check loom 格子布織機
check meter 檢驗儀
check mohair 馬海彩色格子呢
check muslin 凸紋格子薄紗
check nozzle 自動關閉噴嘴
check nut 防松螺母
check print flannelette pajamas 印染方格絨布睡衣
check rail 護軌
check raincoat with velvet trim 剪絨鑲飾方格布雨衣
check receiver 監(jiān)控接收機
check ring 擋圈
check rod 牽條
check screw 止動螺釘
check shirting 格子襯衫布
check signing machine 支票簽字機
check suit 小方格絨成套服裝
check suiting 方格西裝絨
check table-cloth 方格臺布
check valve 止回閥
check-back 背面格子雙層大衣料
check-cloth suitcase 格布箱
checkboard 棋盤
checked bed sheet 彩格床單
checked blanket 格子毛毯
checked cotton suitcase with leather edges 皮包邊格布箱
checked crepe jacquard 格花縐
checked crepe 點格縐
checked dimity 格子柳條布
checked gauze 格子綃
checked gingham frock 格子花布外衣
checked hessian 格子打包麻布
checked kabe crepe 格子璧縐
checked napkin 方格餐巾
checked plastic film raincoat 方格塑膠片雨衣
checked plush 格子長毛絨
checked pongee 格子繭綢
checked satin 陰陽緞紋
checked shirt 方格襯衫
checked spun antung 井字格
checked taffeta 桑格絹
checked towel 彩格毛巾
checked tussah & noil poplin 格柞綿綢
checked tweed pongee 格花線綢
checked twill 陰陽斜紋
checker brick 格子磚
checker plate mill 網(wǎng)紋鋼板軋機
checker plate 網(wǎng)紋板
checker tile 空心格子磚
checker 檢驗器
checker-board pattern socks 棋盤式短襪
checker-board satin 棋盤式緞紋
checker-board shirt 棋盤布襯衫
checker-board stimulator 棋盤式刺激器
checker-board twill 棋盤式斜紋
checkered iron plate 花鐵板
checkered iron sheet 花鐵皮
checkered iron 花紋鋼
checkered lining 格子襯里布
checkered shirt 花格襯衫
checkered steel plate 花紋鋼板
checking apparatus 校正裝置
checkout console 檢驗臺
checkout data processor 校驗數(shù)據(jù)處理機
checkrow planter 方形點播機
checks 格子布
chedasti 條子棉地毯
Cheerful biscuit 歡樂餅干
cheese antenna 盒形天線
cheese biscuit 干酪餅干
cheese cloth 干酪包布
cheese dish 乳酪碟
cheese dyeing machine 筒子紗染色機
cheese ingot 八方鋼錠
cheese knife 奶酪刀
cheese machine 干酪機
cheese of paraffin 石蠟酪
cheese plate 干酪盤
cheese powder 干酪粉
cheese soda cracker 干酪蘇打餅干
cheese stick 干酪條
cheese tray 干酪盆
cheese 筒子紗
cheese-box antenna 拋物柱面天線
cheese-head bolt 圓頭螺栓
cheese-head screw 圓頭螺釘
chekmak 切克馬克綢
chelais 條格花紋邊細平布
chelate fibre 螯合纖維
chelate laser 螯合物激光器
chelating agent 螯合劑
chelatometric indicator 螯合指示劑
chelos 印花格子細布
Chem hoe 苯胺靈
Chem neb 代森錳殺菌劑
Chem pels C 亞砷酸鈉除草劑
Chem rice 敵稗除草劑
Chem Stor 乙丙混酸殺菌劑
Chem zineb 代森鋅殺菌劑
Chem-frost 硼氯混劑
Chem-O-Bam 代森銨殺菌劑
Chemform 鏈霉素
chemical & blended fabric 化纖織物
chemical agent 化學試劑
chemical analysis instrument 化學分析儀器
chemical and water quality stabilizer in oil field 油田化學藥劑及水質(zhì)穩(wěn)定劑
chemical apparatus 化學儀器
chemical applicator 化肥撒肥機
chemical blend 雙組分復合纖維
chemical capacitor 電解質(zhì)電容器
chemical cartridge respirator 化學藥筒防毒面具
chemical catalyst 化學催化劑
chemical ceramics 化學陶瓷
chemical chain reaction laser 化學鏈式激光器
chemical clarifier 化學澄清器
chemical condenser 電解質(zhì)電容器
chemical cotton 漂白棉籽絨
chemical detector 化學檢測器
chemical diffusion laser 化學擴散激光器
chemical dosimeter 化學劑量計
chemical fabric 化纖布
chemical fertilizer 化學肥料
chemical fiber paper 化學纖維紙
chemical fiber 化學纖維
chemical fibre blanket 化纖毛毯
chemical fibre carpet 化纖地毯
chemical fibre figured 化纖提花織物
chemical fibre knitwear 化纖針織品
chemical fibre pump 化纖泵
chemical filter paper 化學濾紙
chemical filter 化學濾器
chemical fire extinguisher 化學滅火器
chemical foaming stereo printing paste 化學發(fā)泡立體印花漿料
chemical for the separation of ore 分選礦石用化學制品
chemical fuel 化學燃料
chemical glass 化學玻璃
chemical gypsum 化學石膏
chemical hauler 化學拖車
chemical heat treatment vacuum furnace 真空化學熱處理爐
chemical industry furnace 化學工業(yè)爐
chemical ion pump 化學離子泵
chemical laser 化學激光器
chemical leather 合成革
chemical luminescence light source 化學發(fā)光光源
chemical manure fertilizing machine 化肥施肥機
chemical manure 化肥
chemical microscope 化學顯微鏡
chemical mixer 化學混合器
chemical oxygenerator 化學供氧器
chemical plating agent 化學鍍劑
chemical polishing agent 化學拋光劑
chemical porcelain 化學瓷器
chemical preservative 化學防腐劑
chemical products 化學產(chǎn)品
chemical promoter 化學促進劑
chemical pulp 化學紙漿
chemical pump 化工泵
chemical raw material 化工原料
chemical reactor 化學反應器
chemical reagent 化學試劑
chemical rectifier 電解整流器
chemical residue analyzer 化工殘渣分析儀
chemical scales 化學天平
chemical seed dresser 化學藥物拌種機
chemical stoneware 化工炻器
chemical stripper 化學涂層消除劑
chemical tank 化工槽罐
chemical technique and equipment for sesame kernel decolouring 芝麻仁化學脫色
chemical thermometer 化學溫度計
chemical transfer laser 化學轉移激光器
chemical weed killer 化學除草劑
chemical wood pulp 化學木漿
chemical yarn & fabric 化纖紗布
chemical-recovery coke oven 化學回收煉焦爐
chemically crosslinked rayon fibre 化學交聯(lián)的人造絲
chemically excited molecule laser 化學受激分子激光器
chemically modified cotton 化學變性棉
chemically modified fibre 化學變性纖維
chemically pumped molecule laser 化學抽運分子激光器
chemically-resistant glass 耐化學儀器玻璃
chemically-strengthened glass 化學鋼化玻璃
chemically-toughened glass 化學鋼化玻璃
chemicals resistant conveyor belt 耐化學品輸送帶
chemiloon 女式連褲內(nèi)衣
chemiluminescent NOx analyzer 化學發(fā)光式氮氧化物分析儀
chemise frock 女式無袖連衫裙
chemise 女式無袖襯衫
chemisette 女式無袖胸衣
chemisorptive fibre 化學吸著性纖維
Chemlon 琴綸聚酰胺纖維
chemocepter 化學感受器
chemode 化學剌激器
chemoelectrical transducer 化電換能器
Chemonite 亞砷銅銨
chemoreceptor 化學感受器
chemoserotherapy analyzer 血清化學治療分析儀
chemostat 恒化器
Chemox ceneral 戊硝酚除草劑
Chemox PE 二硝酚
chenchalok 香辣泡菜
chenille article 絨制品
chenille axminster 繩絨毯
chenille bed cover 繡絨床罩
chenille bedspread 雪尼爾花線床單
chenille bird and animal 絨鳥獸
chenille blanket 雪尼爾毯
chenille carpet 繩絨地毯
chenille cloth 繩絨織物
chenille cord 繩絨繡花線
chenille embroidery 雪尼爾刺繡
chenille products 絨制品
chenille shawl 繩絨披巾
chenille slippers 羊剪絨拖鞋
chenille spread 繩絨床單
chenille towel 緊密毛巾布
chenille velvet 繩絨線平絨
chenille yarn 繩絨線
chenille 繩絨線
chenille-weft loom 繩絨織機
chenodeoxycholic acid capsule 鵝去氧膽酸膠囊
chenodeoxycholic acid 鵝去氧膽酸
cheongsam 旗袍
Chepos valve tray 切普斯條形浮閥塔盤
chequered plate 網(wǎng)紋鋼板
cheripa cloth 切麗帕精紡花呢
chermeuse 休繆思縐
cherokee rose 金櫻子
Cherokee 切諾基牌吉普車
cherolee 印度條子平布
cherquemolle 絲麻粗布
cherry apple in syrup 糖水海棠
cherry brandy 櫻桃白蘭地酒
Cherry Cluster cotton 櫻桃小鈴棉
cherry cocktail 櫻桃雞尾酒
cherry essence 櫻桃香精
cherry gum 櫻桃膠
cherry in syrup 糖水櫻桃
cherry jam 櫻桃醬
cherry jelly 櫻桃軟糖
cherry nut 櫻桃核
cherry picker 動臂裝卸機
cherry plum 櫻桃李
cherry red pepper 五色椒
cherry wine 櫻桃酒
cherry wood pipe 櫻木煙斗
cherry 櫻桃
cherrywood smoke pipe 櫻木煙管
chert 隧石
chervil 細葉芹
Cheshire printers 柴郡高級印花坯布
Cheslon 切斯綸
chess 棋子
chessboard canvas 刺繡格子白帆布
chessboard 棋盤
chessman stonemill 棋子石磨
chest developer 拉力器
chest drying machine 箱式干燥機
chest expander 擴胸器
chest high boot-foot wader 高統(tǒng)橡膠防水靴
chest of drawers 五斗櫥
chest strap 胸帶
chest tape 胸圍尺
chest transmitter 胸掛送話器
chest type refrigerator 頂開門式冰箱
chest 柜
chest-on-chest 疊柜
chester 貼身或半貼身外套
chesterfield 軟領
chestnut colour cloth 栗色布
chestnut cream 栗子泥
chestnut for culinary use 菜用板栗
chestnut in syrup 糖水栗子
chestnut shell 板栗殼
chestnut tube 栗形電子管
chestnut wood extract 栗木栲膠
chestnut wood pulp 栗木紙漿
chestnut 栗子
Cheval 鈣殺畏殺蟲劑
cheval-glass 穿衣鏡
Chevas Legal 騎士王國兌和威士忌
Chevette 謝韋特牌汽車
chevilled silk 光絲
cheviot shirting 切維奧特襯衫布
cheviot tweed 切維奧特粗紡花呢
Cheviot wool 切維奧特羊毛
cheviot 粗紡厚呢
Chevisol 切維索爾有光粘膠長絲
Chevreau de soie 舍弗羅匹染羅緞
chevres 吉夫干酪
Chevrolet Astro 雪佛蘭之星牌汽車
Chevrolet Camaro 雪佛蘭卡馬羅牌汽車
Chevrolet 雪佛蘭牌汽車
Chevron 謝弗龍牌手表
chevrotain 鼷香鹿
Chevy 狩獵牌汽車
chewing gum 口香糖
chewing gum 香口膠
chewing sweet 口香糖
chewing tobacco 嚼煙
chewing toffee 軟質(zhì)太妃糖
chewy nougat 軟牛軋?zhí)?br />chi-chi 條子斜紋布
chick pea 鷹嘴豆
chick 小雞
chicken and ham 火煺雞
chicken breast 雞胸肉
chicken cooked sausage 熟雞肉香腸
chicken cracker 雞條
chicken cutlet in chilli sauce 棒棒雞
chicken essence preparation 雞精制品
chicken essence 雞精
chicken feather down 雞毛絨
chicken feather duster with bamboo handle 竹柄雞毛帚
chicken feather duster with rattan handle 藤柄雞毛帚
chicken feather 雞毛
chicken feeder 飼雞器
chicken feeding trough 雞食槽
chicken flesh glaze 雞皮釉
chicken giblets 雞雜碎
chicken gizzard 雞珍
chicken in piquant sauce 怪味雞
chicken in scallion sauce 蔥油雞
chicken in tomato sauce 茄汁雞
chicken instant noodle 雞味快食面
chicken liver paste 雞肝醬
chicken meat 雞肉
chicken neck 雞頸
chicken skin spread with shrimp paste 江南百花雞
chicken skin 雞皮
chicken spread 雞醬
chicken toe 雞爪
chicken wing and leg with brown sauce 貴妃雞
chicken wing 雞翅
chicken with black bean 豆豉雞
chicken with chestnut 栗子雞
chicken with chilli 麻辣雞
chicken with ginger and black bean sauce 姜蔥豆豉雞
chicken with mushroom 冬菇雞
chicken with orange flavor 陳皮雞
chicken with salted black bean juice 豉汁雞
chicken with sesame 芝麻雞
chicken with shrimp stuffing 江南百花雞
chicken with spicy salt 椒鹽雞
chicken wrapped in cellophane 紙包雞
chicken's gizzardskin 雞內(nèi)金
chicken-blood-coloured stone 雞血石
chicken-bone herb 雞骨草
chickling 雛雞
chicle 糖膠樹膠
chicory root 菊苣根
chicory 菊苣
chief axis 主軸
chiffon batiste 雪紡女式呢
chiffon crepe 雪紡縐綢
chiffon lace 絲繡雪紡薄綢
chiffon lamp shade 薄紗燈罩
chiffon net 雪紡網(wǎng)眼紗
chiffon silk hoses 薄絲紗襪
chiffon Swiss organdy 瑞士蟬翼紗
chiffon taffeta 雪紡塔夫綢
chiffon twist 雪紡捻絲
chiffon velvet 雪紡絲絨
chiffon 薄絹
chiffonelle 高支紗細布
chiffonette 蟬翼紗
Chifonese 雪紡尼斯醋酯纖維窗簾織物
chignon 假發(fā)髻
chikan 繡花細薄布
Chilan mill 智利式輥碾機
chilblain cure machine 凍瘡醫(yī)療機
Chilco 奇爾科牌手表
child orthopaedic operating table 兒童骨科手術臺
child's cap with pompon 帶絨球童帽
child's clothing 童服
child's cot 兒童床
child's cotton poplin mittens 小孩棉毛綢連指手套
child's cough syrup 小兒止咳糖漿
child's cycle 兒童腳踏車
child's dress gloves 童式日用手套
child's fever pill 小兒奇應丸
child's frock 兒童長外衫
child's hat 童帽
child's high chair 兒童高椅
child's leather coat 兒童皮衣
child's sheet set 兒童被套
child's shoes 童鞋
child's shoulder strap bag in calf-grained plastic 孩童掛肩式小皮紋理狀塑膠袋
child's sterling silver cup 童用標準銀杯
child's tricycle 兒童三輪車
child's trousers 童褲
child's umbrella with nickel plated shaft 鍍鎳梗童傘
child's umbrella with wooden shaft and handle 木梗木柄童傘
child's umbrella 童傘
child's vehicle 童車
childbirth mattress 分娩褥墊
children accordion 兒童手風琴
children cotton yarn thread socks 童棉紗線襪
children cysto urethroscope 兒科膀胱尿道窺測鏡
children electric motor 兒童電動摩托車
children electronic organ 兒童電子琴
children outer wear 兒童外衣
children piano 兒童鋼琴
children shoes embroidered on silk satin 錦緞繡花童鞋
children shoes 童鞋
children's 2-piece suit 童二件套裝
children's bath shampoo 兒童浴液
children's bed 兒童床
children's cart 童車
children's cloak 童披風
children's cold tablet 小兒感冒片
children's cough liquid 兒童止咳液
children's cough syrup 小兒止咳糖漿
children's dysentery tablet 小兒瀉痢片
children's embroidered shirt 童繡花襯衫
children's embroidered single jersey 汗布繡花童背心衫褲
children's fever powder 小兒萬應散
children's garment 童裝
children's hat 童帽
children's indigestion powder 一捻金
children's indigestion tablet 小兒消食片
children's jacket 童茄克衫
children's kimono 童浴衣
children's note paper 兒童信紙
children's pyjamas 童睡衣
children's quilted jacket and vest 童棉衣和背心
children's ramie cotton sun suit 麻棉童太陽服
children's restorative granule 小兒回春丹
children's shampoo 兒童香波
children's shirt with embroidery 童繡花襯衫
children's shirt 童襯衫
children's shoes 童鞋
children's short skirt 童短裙
children's single jersey long-sleeve robe 汗布印花長袖童睡袍
children's skirt 童裙
children's slide 兒童滑梯
children's stockings 童襪
children's toothpaste 兒童牙膏
children's vehicle 童車
children's wear 童裝
children-welfare tablet 小兒金丹片
Chile  辣椒
Chile saltpeter 智利硝石
chili patse 辣椒醬
chili sauce 辣醬油
chilim carpet 契林地毯
Chilkaht blanket 奇爾卡特山羊毛毯
chill car 冷藏車
chill oil 激冷油
chilled cast iron 冷硬鑄鐵
chilled roll 冷鑄軋輥
chilled spring wire 淬火彈簧鋼絲
chilled water jacketed tank 涼水夾套罐
chilli extract 辣椒精
chilli oil 辣椒油
chilli orange 辣椒橙
chilli paste 辣椒醬
chilli powder 辣椒粉
chilli red 辣椒紅
chilli rice crust 麻辣鍋巴
chilli sauce container with plastic cap 塑料蓋辣椒醬瓶
chilli seed 辣椒籽
chilli 辣椒
Chilli 奇利什色粗平布
chilling machine 冷凍機
chilling press 冷壓機
chilly 番椒
chilopod 蜈蚣
chimayo 奇馬約橫條紋毛毯
chime 編鐘
chimere 黑緞袍
chimney filter 濾管
chimney for locomotive 火車頭煙囪
chimney hood 煙囪帽
chimney paint 煙囪漆
chimney sweeping machine 掃煙囪機
chimney 燈罩
chimney-pot hat 高頂禮帽
chimp jacket 琴普茄克
China biscuit 中國餅干
China black tea 中國紅茶
China checks 靛藍格子布
china clay  powder 瓷土粉
china clay 瓷土
China cola 中華可樂
China crepe 中國縐
China educational computer 中華學習機
China fir 杉木
China grass cloth 中國夏布
China grass 苧麻
China hemp 中國大麻
China ink 中國墨
China jute 芙蓉麻
China mixed colour sheep wool 中國雜色綿羊毛
China mull 中國薄綢
China muslin 印花細布
China nettle 中國苧麻
China nutritious liquor 中國養(yǎng)生酒
China oak silkworm 柞蠶繭
China pat 中國黃麻
China picture-character paper 書畫紙
China pollen ginseng wine 花粉人參酒
China red wine 中國紅葡萄酒
China ribbon embroidery 中國繡花緞帶
China ribbon 中國絲緞帶
china root 土茯苓
China silk 中國生絲
China steam filature 中國廠絲
china stone 瓷石
China stripe cloth 中國條紋呢
China tea 中國茶
china tea-pot 瓷茶壺
China white wine 中國白葡萄酒
China wood oil 桐油
China {jien} rice 中國粘米
China {oolong} tea 中國烏龍茶
china 瓷器
Chinaberry bark 苦楝皮
chinaberry fruit 川楝子
Chinaberry seed 苦楝子
chinaroot greenbrier 菝葜
chinarue 石椒草
chinas 緞面棉帶
chinaware 瓷器
chinchilla machine 灰鼠呢面整理機
chinchilla plush 灰鼠呢面長毛絨織物
chinchilla rabbit skin hat for man 青紫藍兔皮男帽
chinchilla rabbit skin plate 青紫藍兔皮褥子
chinchilla rabbit skin 青紫藍兔皮
chinchilla 灰鼠毛皮
chine ribbon 印經(jīng)緞帶
chine silk 印色絲
chine velvet 印經(jīng)絲絨
chine yarn 印花紗線
chine 印經(jīng)平紋織物
Chinese alangium 八角楓
chinese alpine rush door mat 龍須草門墊
Chinese angelica extract tablet 當歸浸膏片
Chinese angelica root 當歸
Chinese angelica 當歸
Chinese anise 八角茴香
Chinese art metal 中國美術黃銅
Chinese artichoke 寶塔菜
Chinese artistic letter paper and envelope 仿古信箋信封
Chinese artistic wall tapestry 中國藝術掛毯
Chinese atractylodes 蒼術
Chinese bamboo flute 竹笛
Chinese bitter apricot kernel 中國苦杏仁
Chinese blue herring in oil 油浸青鱗魚
Chinese blue herring in tomato sauce 茄汁青鱗魚
Chinese blue 中國藍
Chinese brandy 中國白蘭地
Chinese bronze 中國青銅
Chinese brush writing paper 毛邊紙
Chinese buckwheat 蕎麥
Chinese bulbous onion 蕎頭
Chinese cabbage 大白菜
Chinese card 漢卡
Chinese carpet 中國地毯
Chinese caterpillar fungus 冬蟲夏草
Chinese character detector 漢字檢測器
Chinese character generator 漢字發(fā)生器
Chinese character library 漢字庫
Chinese character printer 漢字打印機
Chinese character terminal 漢字終端機
Chinese character translator 中文譯碼機
Chinese character type-setter 中文活字排版機
Chinese characters displaying and phonetics recognizing system 漢字顯示語音識別系統(tǒng)
Chinese cheese 豆腐乳
Chinese cherry apple 海棠
Chinese chess 中國象棋
Chinese chestnut 栗
Chinese chive 韭菜
Chinese cinnamon 肉桂
Chinese cinnamonoil 桂皮油
Chinese clarinet 嗩吶
Chinese clematis 威靈仙
Chinese costume 中式服裝
Chinese cotton 中國棉
Chinese crude bran 大糠粉
Chinese cymbidium 香蘭
Chinese cynomorium 鎖陽
Chinese date 棗
Chinese decoder 中文解碼器
Chinese dinner set 中餐具
Chinese dress 中式服裝
Chinese dry red wine 中國干紅葡萄酒
Chinese editing-phototypesetting system 漢字編輯排版系統(tǒng)
Chinese embroidery 中國刺繡
Chinese ephedra root 麻黃根
Chinese ephedra 麻黃
Chinese facsimile typewriter 中文電傳打字機
Chinese famous tea 中國名茶
Chinese fever vine 雞矢藤
Chinese flat-looped hooked rug 中國平針地毯
Chinese flowering cabbage 菜心
Chinese flowering crabapple 海棠
Chinese flowering quince 木瓜
Chinese galangal 莨姜
Chinese gall 五倍子
Chinese gelatin 明膠
Chinese ginseng and astragali wine 中國參芪酒
Chinese ginseng cola 中國人參可樂
Chinese ginseng port liquor 中國人參缽酒
Chinese globeflower 金蓮花
Chinese goldthread 黃連
Chinese gooseberry 獼猴桃
Chinese gown 旗袍
Chinese green ramie 中國青苧麻
Chinese grey duck down 中國灰鴨絨
Chinese grey duck feather 中國灰鴨毛
Chinese grey goose down 中國灰鵝絨
Chinese grey goose feather 中國灰鵝毛
Chinese grey goose 中國灰鵝
Chinese hand-spun yarn carpet 中國手紡線地毯
Chinese herb medicinal soap 中草藥香皂
Chinese herb medicine pillow for health care 中草藥保健枕
Chinese herb soap 中草藥皂
Chinese herring in brine 咸水鰳魚
Chinese herring in oil 油浸鰳魚
Chinese herring in tomato sauce 茄汁鰳魚
Chinese herring 鰳魚
Chinese holly leaf 枸骨葉
Chinese holly 四季青
Chinese honey locust  大皂角
Chinese honey orange 蜜桔
Chinese honey 盧柑
Chinese honeylocust spine 皂角刺
Chinese imitation antique carpet 中國仿古地毯
Chinese ink and wash 中國水墨畫
Chinese ink box 墨盒
Chinese ink painting 中國水墨畫
Chinese ink 墨汁
Chinese ink-liquid 墨汁
Chinese intelligence terminal 漢字智能終端
Chinese jute kelim 中國黃麻編織毯
Chinese jute 中國黃麻
Chinese kale 芥藍
Chinese kelim 中國編織毯
Chinese kenaf 中國紅麻
Chinese knotweed 火炭母
chinese lantern 彩色折紙燈籠
Chinese leek shoot 韭芽
Chinese leek 韭菜
Chinese light weight latex back full-cut carpet 中國輕量全片膠背地毯
Chinese linen 夏布
Chinese little greens 雞毛菜
Chinese littleleaf box wood carving 黃楊木刻
Chinese lobelia 半邊蓮
Chinese long wool carpet 中國長毛毯
Chinese lute table 琴桌
Chinese machine-made carpet 中國機織地毯
Chinese mackerel in oil 油浸鲅魚
Chinese mackerel in tomato sauce 茄汁鲅魚
Chinese mackerel 中華馬鮫
Chinese mahonia leaf 十大功勞葉
Chinese mat-rush 蒲席
Chinese medicinal plant 中藥材
Chinese medicinal toothpaste 中藥牙膏
Chinese medicine pill auto packing machine 中藥丸自動裝盒機
Chinese microcomputer system 中文微型電腦系列
Chinese mixed colour rabbit hair 中國雜色兔毛
Chinese mixed section sheepwool 中國混合綿羊毛
Chinese mixed sesameseed 中國雜芝麻
Chinese modern carpet 中國現(xiàn)代毯
Chinese mugwort leaf 艾葉
Chinese musical instruments 中國樂器
Chinese mustard 芥菜
Chinese nickel silver 中國鎳銀
Chinese notebook computer 中文筆記本計算機
Chinese oak silk 柞蠶絲
Chinese olive 青果
Chinese onion green 大蔥
Chinese pager 中文尋呼機
Chinese painting & calligraphy 中國書畫
Chinese painting colour 中國畫顏料
Chinese painting 國畫
Chinese palm kernel meal 棕櫚籽粉
Chinese paper 手工竹紙
Chinese pasque herb 白頭翁
Chinese pasque-flower root 白頭翁
Chinese pasque-flower 白頭翁
Chinese pear 砂梨
Chinese phoenix's eye fruit 鳳眼果
Chinese photinia leaf 石楠葉
Chinese pollen 中國花粉
Chinese polyphaga 地鱉蟲
Chinese port wine 中國缽酒
Chinese potato 紅薯
Chinese preserved egg 皮蛋
Chinese prickly ash 花椒
Chinese printer 中文打字機
Chinese pulsatilla 白頭翁
Chinese quince 木瓜
Chinese radish seed 萊菔子
Chinese radish 蘿卜
Chinese red ginseng tea 中國紅參茶
Chinese red ginseng 中國紅參
Chinese red panax ginseng extract 中國人參膏
Chinese red pine 馬尾松
Chinese red wine 中國紅葡萄酒
Chinese refreshment 中式茶點
Chinese rice bag 中國大米袋
Chinese rice pudding 八寶飯
Chinese rose flower 月季花
Chinese rose 月季
Chinese sage 石見穿
Chinese sapium 烏柏
Chinese sausage 臘腸
Chinese selecting board 漢字字盤
Chinese sesban 中國野大麻
Chinese silkvine bark 香加皮
Chinese silver 中國銀
Chinese silvergrass 芒草
Chinese small groundnut kernel 中國小粒花生仁
Chinese speculum metal 中國鏡用銅鋅合金
Chinese spicebush oil 香果脂
Chinese squash 南瓜
Chinese starjasmine 絡石藤
Chinese sturgeon 中華鱘
chinese style bed sheet 中式床單
Chinese style frock 旗袍
Chinese style garment 中式服裝
Chinese style hotdog sausage 中式熱狗腸
Chinese suit 中式套裝
Chinese super washed carpet 中國高級化學洗地毯
Chinese super woollen carpet 中國高級羊毛地毯
Chinese superfine groundnut oil 中國香味花生油
Chinese sweet apricot kernel 中國甜杏仁
Chinese sweet-potato 白薯
Chinese talc lump 中國滑石塊
Chinese tamarisk 西河柳
Chinese teasel root 大黃
Chinese teleprinter 中文電傳機
Chinese terminal 漢字終端機
Chinese thorowax 柴胡
Chinese toon 香椿
Chinese torreya seed 榧子
Chinese traditional furniture 中國傳統(tǒng)家具
Chinese trumptcreeper 凌霄花
Chinese tumion seed 榧子
Chinese tunic suit 中山裝
Chinese Turkestan 中國新疆地毯
Chinese typesetter 中文活字排版機
Chinese typesetting & laser printing tool 漢字排版激光打印工具
Chinese typewriter 中文打字機
Chinese vertical bamboo flute 簫
Chinese violet 紫花地丁
Chinese wampee leaf 黃皮葉
Chinese water chestnut 荸薺
Chinese water pipe 水煙筒
Chinese wax 白蠟
Chinese waxgourd peel 冬瓜皮
Chinese waxgourd seed 冬瓜子
Chinese waxgourd 冬瓜
Chinese wheat straw picture 麥秸畫
Chinese white duck down 中國白鴨絨
Chinese white duck feather 中國白鴨毛
Chinese white goose down 中國白鵝絨
Chinese white goose feather 中國白鵝毛
Chinese white rabbit hair 中國白兔毛
Chinese white ramie 中國白苧麻
Chinese white steam filature 白廠絲
Chinese white wine 中國白葡萄酒
Chinese white 中國白
Chinese wild onion 野白頭
Chinese wind pipe 笙
Chinese wine glass 中式酒杯
Chinese wolfberry 枸杞
Chinese woollen rug in Persian design 波斯圖案中國羊毛毯
Chinese word processor 漢字處理機
Chinese yam rhizome 淮山藥
Chinese yam 山藥
Chinese yellow azalea 鬧洋花
Chinese yellow soyabean 中國黃豆
Chinese {Jilin} wild ginseng 中國吉林野人參
Chinese {Kwangsi} kenaf 中國廣西洋麻
Chinese {see-mew} rice 中國絲苗米
Chinese {Shaku-do} bronze 中國謝庫多銅合金
Chinese-English typewriter 中英文打字機
Chinese-foreign language word processor 中外文文字處理機
Chinese-foreign typewriter 中外文打字機
Chinese-styled long gown 旗袍
Chinese-wear 中式服裝
Chini silk 奇尼絲
chinine 金雞納霜
chiniofon 喹碘方
chiniofonum 喹碘方
chinkuning 筋骨寧
chino cloth 絲光卡其軍服布
chinomethionat 滅螨猛
Chinon 企諾牌照相機
Chinook salmon 大鱗大麻哈魚
chinstrap 婦女頭巾
chinthionat 克殺螨
chints  摩擦軋光印花棉布
chintz braid 印花有光編帶
chintz drapery 花布簾
chintzah 上等廢絲
chioggia lace 契沃吉埃花邊
chiolite 錐冰晶石
chip blender 切片混合器
chip blower 牙孔吹潔器
chip breaker grinder 斷屑臺磨床
chip breaker 破屑機
chip capacitor 片式電容器
chip conveyer  切片輸送機
chip cutter 切片機
chip distributor 屑片撒布機
chip dryer 切片烘干機
chip guard 切屑防護器
chip machine 切片機
chip microcomputer-based VLP detecting instrument 單片機心室晚電位檢測儀
chip microprocessor 單片微處理器
chip monitor 芯片監(jiān)控器
chip of micro-computer 微型計算機芯片
chip pan 承屑盤
chip resistor 片狀電阻器
chip spreader 屑片撒布機
chip tray 切屑盤
chip 金屬屑
chipboard 刨花板
Chipco turf kleen 甲氯滴混劑
chipper with dust extractor 帶收塵器的碎片機
chipper 切片機
chipping chisel 平鏨
chipping hammer 鏨平錘
chique silk 奇克絲
chiquechique fibre 奇克奇克纖維
Chireix transmitter 希萊克發(fā)射機
chiriman  無光縐綢
chiripa 方形毯子
chisel bit 鑿形鉆頭
chisel for cold metal 冷鏨
chisel for warm metal 熱鏨
chisel for wood working 木工鑿
chisel plough 鑿式犁
chisel set 成套鑿子
chisel tool steel 鑿用工具鋼
chisel with fish tail end 魚尾鑿
chisel 鑿子
chisel-tooth saw 鑿齒鋸
chitin 殼多糖
chitosan gum 殼聚糖膠
chitosan 脫乙酰殼多糖
chitrak 奇特拉克棉經(jīng)絲緯織物
chitrang fibre 梧桐樹皮纖維
chitterling cleaning machine 豬腸清洗機
chitterling splitting machine 扯腸機
Chivas Regal Blended Scotch 頭等醇釀-蘇格蘭威士忌
chive 細香蔥
chlamys 男式優(yōu)質(zhì)呢短斗篷
chlidema squares 奇利德馬小方地毯
chlofenamic acid 氯滅酸抗風濕靈
chlomethoxynil 氯硝醚除草劑
Chlon 五氯酚木材防腐劑
Chlonitralid 貝螺殺
chlophenacemide 苯氯乙酰脲
chlophenamidine 苯氯甲脒
Chlopyrifos 毒死蜱
chlor kil 氯丹殺蟲劑
Chlor-O-Pie 氯化苦殺蟲劑
chloracetate 氯醋酸鹽
chloracetic acid 氯醋酸
chloracetyl 氯乙酰
chloracyzine 氯拉西嗪
Chloradion 氯鼠銅
Chloral chloroamide 胺氯混劑
chloral hydrate 水合氯醛
chloral 氯醛
chloral 三氯乙醛
chloralodol 氯醛己醇
chloralose 氯醛糖
chloralsalicylamide 氯醛柳胺
chloramben 草滅平
chlorambucil 苯丁酸氮芥
chloramine 氯胺
chloraminophenamide 氯米非那胺
chloramphenicol capsule 氯霉素膠丸
chloramphenicol ear drop 氯霉素滴耳水
chloramphenicol eye ointment 氯霉素眼藥膏
chloramphenicol palmitate 無味氯霉素
chloramphenicol suppository 氯霉素栓劑
chloramphenicol syrup 氯霉素糖漿
chloramphenicol 氯霉素
chloranil 四氯醌
chloranilic acid 氯冉酸
chloranlformethane 雙胺靈殺菌劑
chloranocryl 地快樂除草劑
chloranthus bouquet 百花珠蘭
chloranthus oil 珠蘭油
chloranthus tea 珠蘭花茶
chloranthus 珠蘭
Chlorasol 氯碳混劑
chlorate 氯酸鹽
chlorating agent 氯化劑
Chlorax 硼氯混劑
chlorazanil 氯拉扎尼
chlorazine 可樂津除草劑
chlorazodin 氯脒佐定
chlorazol azurine 氯唑天青
chlorazol black 氯唑黑
chlorazol blue 氯唑藍
chlorazol bordeaux 氯唑棗紅
chlorazol brown 氯唑棕
chlorazol fast dye 克羅臘素爾耐曬染料
chlorazol fast orange 氯唑堅牢橙
chlorazol green 氯唑綠
chlorazol rose 氯唑桃紅
chlorazol sky blue 氯唑天藍
chlorbenside 氯殺螨
chlorbenzoxamine 氯苯沙明
chlorbetamide 氯倍他胺
chlorbicyclene 冰片丹殺蟲劑
chlorbromuron 氯溴隆除草劑
chlorbycyclen 冰片丹殺蟲劑
chlorcyclizine 氯環(huán)嗪
chlordane 氯丹殺蟲劑
chlordecone 開蓬殺蟲劑
Chlordene 六氯殺蟲劑
chlordiazepoxide librium 利眠寧
chlordiazepoxide 氯氮卓
chlordimeform 殺蟲脒
chlordimeform-hydrochloride 殺蟲脒鹽酸鹽
chlordimorine 氯地嗎林
chlordrolone 氯雄酮
Chlorea 硼氯隆混劑
chlorethanol 氯乙醇
Chlorex 二氯乙醚
chlorfenac 伐草克
chlorfenethol 殺螨醇
chlorfenprop methyl 燕麥酯除草劑
chlorfenson 殺螨酯
chlorfensulphide 敵螨丹
chlorfenvinphos 毒蟲畏
chlorflurazole 氟咪殺除草劑
chlorflurecol methyl 氯甲丹
chlorflurecol 氯甲丹
chlorhexidine acetate 醋酸洗必泰
chlorhexidine hydrochloride 鹽酸洗必泰
chlorhexidine 洗必泰
chlorhydric acid 氫氯酸
chlorianted rubber red iron oxide anti-rust paint 氧化橡膠鐵紅厚漿型防銹漆
chloric acid 氯酸
chloride analyzer 氯化物分析儀
chloride electrolyte analyzer 氯電解質(zhì)分析儀
chloride glass 氯化物玻璃
chloride of lime 漂白粉
chloride paper 氯化銀相紙
chloride 氯化物
chlorinated diphenyl 氯化二苯
chlorinated lime 氯石灰
chlorinated naphthalene 氯化萘
chlorinated paraffin 氯化石蠟
chlorinated polyethylene 氯化聚乙烯
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride fibre 過氯乙烯纖維
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride solution adhesive 過氯乙烯膠液
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride 氯化聚氯乙烯
chlorinated resin 氯化樹脂
chlorinated rubber asphalt anti-rust paint 氯化橡膠瀝青防銹漆
chlorinated rubber bridge finish 氯化橡膠大橋面漆
chlorinated rubber enamel 氯化橡膠磁漆
chlorinated rubber fire retardant paint 氯化橡膠防火漆
chlorinated rubber micaceous iron oxide anti-rust paint 氯化橡膠云鐵防銹漆
chlorinated rubber paint 氯化橡膠漆
chlorinated rubber traffic paint 氯化橡膠路線漆
chlorinated rubber varnish 氯化橡膠清漆
chlorinated rubber 氯化橡膠
chlorinated wax 氯化蠟
chlorinated wool 氯化防縮羊毛
chlorinator with injector 噴射氯化器
chlorinator 加氮殺菌機
chlorindin 氯代靛素
chlorine bottle 氯氣瓶
chlorine comparator 氯比較儀
chlorine cylinder 氯氣瓶
chlorine dioxide disinfectant generator 二氧化氯消毒劑發(fā)生器
chlorine dioxide generator 二氧化氯發(fā)生器
chlorine dioxide 二氧化氯
chlorine gas 氯氣
chlorine hydride 氯化氫
chlorine liquid 液氯
chlorine rare earth 氯化烯土
chlorine solvent 氯溶劑
chlorine still 氯氣發(fā)生器
chlorine-resist resin 耐氯樹脂
chloriodized oil 氯碘油
chlorisondamine chloride 松達氯銨
chlorite slate 亞氯酸鹽石板瓦
chlorite 綠泥石
chlormacil 喃啶草
chlormadinone 氯地孕酮
chlormephos 氯甲磷殺蟲劑
chlormequat chloride 矮壯素
chlormequat 矮壯素陽離子
chlormerodrin 氯汞君
chlormethine 氮芥
chlormezanone 芬那露
chlormidazole 氯米達唑
Chlormite 丙酯殺螨醇
chlornaphazine 萘氮芥
chloro anthraquinone 氯蒽醌
chloro-bromide paper 印放像紙
chloro-carbonate 氯甲酸鹽
chloro-carbonic acid 氯甲酸
chloro-carbonic ester 氯甲酸酯
chloro-ester 含氯酯
chloro-iso-octane 氯代異辛烷
chloro-silicane 氯硅烷
chloro-sulfonated polyethylene anti-corrosive coating 氯磺化聚乙烯防腐涂料
chloro-sulfonated polyethylene coating 氯磺化聚乙烯涂料
chloro-sulfonated polyethylene intermediate coating 氯磺化聚乙烯中間漆
chloro-sulfonated polyethylene putty 氯磺化聚乙烯膩子
chloro-sulfonated polyethylene rubber coating 氯磺化聚乙烯橡膠涂料
chloroacetal 氯乙縮醛
chloroacetamide 氯乙酰胺
chloroacetic acid 氯乙酸
chloroacetic chloride 氯乙酰氯
chloroacetic halide 氯乙酰鹵
chloroacetone 氯丙酮
chloroacetonitrile 氯乙腈
chloroacetophenone 氯乙酰苯
chloroacetyl chloride 氯乙酰氯
chloroacetylamino dye 氯乙酰胺染料
chloroacid amide 氯酰胺
chloroacid 氯代酸
chloroaluminium 氯化鋁酞花青
chloroaniline 氯苯胺
chlorobenzene 氯苯
chlorobenzoic acid 氯苯甲酸
chlorobenzol 氯苯
Chloroble Fort 二丹銅混劑
Chloroble M 代森錳殺菌劑
chlorobutadiene rubber 氯丁橡膠
chlorobutadiene 氯丁二烯
chlorobutane 氯丁烷
chlorobutanol 氯代丁醇
chlorocide 氯殺螨
chlorocresol 氯甲酚
chlorocyclohexane 氯代環(huán)已烷
chlorodibromide 二溴化氯
Chlorodifon 三氯殺螨砜
chlorodiphenyl 氯化二苯
chloroepoxy propane 環(huán)氧氯丙烷
chloroethane 氯乙烷
chloroethanol 氯乙醇
chloroether 含氯醚
chlorofluoride 氯氟化物
chlorofluorocarbon oil 氟氯油
chlorofluorocarbon polymer 含氯氟烴聚合物
chlorofluoromethane 氯氟烷
chloroform pure anaesthetic 氯仿麻醉藥
chloroform 氯仿
chloroformate 氯甲酸鹽
chloroformic acid 氯甲酸
chloroformic ester 氯甲酸酯
chloroformum pro narcosi 麻醉氯仿
chloroformyl 氯甲;
chloroguanidum hydrochloride 鹽酸氯胍
chloroguanidum 氯胍
chlorohafnate 氯鉿酸鹽
chloroheptane 氯庚烷
chlorohexane 氯乙烷
chlorohydrine rubber 氯醇橡膠
chlorohydrine 氯乙醇
chlorohydrocarbon 含氯烴
chloromethane 氯代甲烷
chloromethyl toluene 氯甲基甲苯
Chloromite 丙酯殺螨醇
Chloromycetin 氯霉素
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