“I have class tonight, so let’s go to a matinée instead.”
A matinée is a showing of a movie in the daytime – usually in the afternoon. Matinées are often cheaper than shows at night
Matinée 是一種在白天播放的電影 - 通常是在下午,Matinée 通常票價會比晚間場的電影便宜一些。
2. What? 這個電影還是限制級的?
“What’s it rated?”
Many countries have a system for rating movies – evaluating how appropriate the movie is for various ages. This is the movie rating system in the United States:
許多國家都有一個電影的評級體系 – 關(guān)于評估一部電影是否適合各個年齡層的體系。 以下就是美國的電影評級體系:
•G –General Audience = Appropriate for all ages
G級(大眾級)- 全部觀眾=適應(yīng)全年齡觀看
•PG –Parental Guidance Suggested = May contain some mild violence and implied sexual activity
P級(普通級)- 建議家長陪同= 電影可能包含輕微暴力和暗示性的裸露畫面
•PG13 –Parents Strongly Cautioned = Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13 years old (moderate violence, strong language, sexual situations)
PG13(需要對13歲以下的孩子進行限制觀看)- 父母需特別注意= 一些鏡頭可能不適合13歲以下的孩子觀看(少量暴力,以及臟話和裸露場景)
•R –Restricted = Kids under 17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, because the film has strong violence, sex, drug use, and/or very crude language.
R級 (限制級)- 限制級= 對于17歲以下的孩子必須由家長陪同觀看,電影中會包含大量的暴力,性,吸食不健康的東西或者是臟話的場景。
•NC-17 –Adults only = Extremely explicit violence or sex, extreme horror, etc
NC17(17歲以下禁止觀看)-僅限成人觀看= 包含非常大量以及直白的暴力,性,恐怖鏡頭等等。
3. 哎呀,我和你說,這個電影超級6的!我給你安利下!
(1)“The first movie was a hit, but the sequel bombed.”
Describing a movie is a “hit” means it’s popular and successful. A sequel is another movie that continues the story or theme of a previous movie – for example, Toy Story 2 is the sequel to Toy Story. If you say a movie “bombed,” it means it was a failure; it was not popular or successful.
說一個電影是一個“hit”,就是說他非常的火以及成功。“sequel”就是續(xù)集,承接上一部劇情的主題并且衍生的故事。 比如,玩具總動員2就是玩具總動員1的續(xù)集。 形容一部電影“bombed”,表達的就是電影不火,不受歡迎或者不成功。
(2)“I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!”
看電影的時候我的整個心都是懸著的! (電影太帶勁兒)
This is an idiomatic expression that means the movie was very interesting and exciting; you were so involved with the movie that you sat on the edge (the front part) of your seat to get closer to the action.
(3)“The special effects were breathtaking, but the acting left something to be desired.”
Special effects are the effects created by computers, and acting is the performance of the actors and actresses. If you say something is breathtaking, it means it was amazing and incredible. The expression “left something to be desired” means it was not very good; you wish it had been better.
“Special effect”(特效)就是電腦創(chuàng)作出來的效果,“Acting”是演員們的表現(xiàn)力。形容一件事很“breathtaking”,就是說他很贊,特別棒。 “left something to be desired”是 不怎么好,不盡如人意的意思。
(4)“Have you seen the trailer for the final part of the trilogy?”
A trailer is a 2-3 minute video summary of a movie, showing a few scenes that will interest people in seeing the entire movie. A trilogy is a series of 3 movies (like Lord of the Rings).