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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-11-02
核心提示:Are constant hunger pangs driving you to distraction? Is your mind focused on your next snack rather than the task at hand? For some people, hunger pangs arise from stress, boredom or from restricting calories too much; but in some cases an overly d

    Are constant hunger pangs driving you to distraction? Is your mind focused on your next snack rather than the task at hand? For some people, hunger pangs arise from stress, boredom or from restricting calories too much; but in some cases an overly demanding appetite can come from an underlying medical problem such as diabetes or thyroid disease. That's why it's important to see your doctor to rule out medical conditions that can cause an increased appetite. Once you have a clean bill of health, you can concentrate on getting those annoying hunger pangs under control.

    To Curb Hunger Pangs, Make Sure You're Eating Enough

    First, it's important to make sure you're eating enough calories and that you're eating something substantial before heading out the door in the morning. Studies have shown that people who skimp on breakfast are more likely to gain weight because they consume more calories later in the day. Begin the day with a breakfast that's high in fiber and protein to help keep the hunger pangs at bay until lunch time. A bowl of hot oatmeal and a hard-boiled egg is a filling and nutritious option.

    To confirm that you're not skimping on calories, use an online site to calculate your calorie requirements based on your height, build, and activity label – then make sure you're getting them. Excessive calorie restriction will only backfire on you – causing you to overeat out of hunger and inevitably slowing down your metabolism.

    To Curb Hunger Pangs, Enjoy a Stick of Gum

    Some people drink coffee in an attempt to curb hunger pangs, but this can quickly lead to an unhealthy caffeine addiction. A new study published on shows that one of the best ways to keep hunger pangs under control is to chew sugar-free gum. Subjects were given sugarless gum to chew for twenty minutes before and after eating a meal, and their blood sugar levels and resting metabolic rate were measured at regular intervals. The researchers found that the subjects who chewed gum burned five percent more calories than they normally would and reported a greater sense of satiety. According to the researchers, the jaw motion associated with chewing gum sends a message to the brain that the need for food is being met (based on the chewing motion) and that no more food is needed. Popping a stick of gum after a meal also helps to prevent boredom – another common cause of overeating.

    Stop the Hunger Pangs with Movement

    Another effective way to curb hunger pangs is to take a short walk when the urge to explore the refrigerator hits. Studies show that aerobic exercise reduces appetite. Plus, it burns calories too! Keep a food diary for a few weeks and try to get a feel for what motivates you to snack. Is it stress, boredom, or real hunger? A food diary will also make you more aware of how often you're nibbling.

    Don't Stop the Hunger Pangs This Way

    Whatever you do, don't curb hunger pangs by taking diet pills or weight loss supplements. Pills rarely work and they can have dangerous side effects. Reach for a stick of gum and take a walk instead.






    一些人喝咖啡來(lái)抑制饑餓感,但是這可能很快會(huì)導(dǎo)致不健康的咖啡因上癮。在foodquality.com上發(fā)表的一項(xiàng)研究表明控制饑餓感最好的方式之一是嚼口香糖。受試者在餐前和餐后嚼口香糖二十分鐘,他們的血糖水平及靜息代謝率會(huì)定時(shí)測(cè)量。研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)嚼口香糖的受試者比平常多消耗5%的卡路里并有更強(qiáng)的飽腹感。根據(jù)研究者, 與嚼口香糖有關(guān)的下頜運(yùn)動(dòng)向大腦傳遞了食物需求得到滿足的信息(基于咀嚼運(yùn)動(dòng))并且不再有進(jìn)食需求。飯后吹吹口香糖同樣抑制無(wú)聊感--暴飲暴食的另一個(gè)普遍誘因。





關(guān)鍵詞: 饑餓感
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