1. Wash your hair at least every other day (washing in the morning prevents going out with the grease of last night). A girl loves a boy who smells nice, and cares about his image. Besides, greasy hair is not a good look on anybody, even if they look like Brad Pitt. By taking care of your hair, you at least show that you're interested in your appearance and care enough about yourself to take good care of yourself.
2. Make sure you have good hygiene.
o Brush twice a day, and floss once a day
o Wear deodorant every day. Body odor is not an attractive smell, and nobody around you enjoys it. It's a simple routine that can reap large benefits in your friendships, relationships, and with strangers!
o If your face is clean shaven, shave regularly. Stubble, when it's not intentionally there, promotes a look of unkempt.
o Wash your face every day. This helps to clear up whiteheads/blackheads, as well. However, if you are a teenager, acne is quite normal, and occurs quite often. It will be hard for you to stop getting acne. If you have a severe problem with acne, your regular doctor can most likely refer you to a good dermatologist.
3. Wear a nice cologne. It is truly amazing how it attracts attention. Don't bathe in it, though, or it'll do the opposite of the intention.
4. Be confident in yourself. Girls love guys who are confident, and confidence is also the key to getting ahead in the business world. Unless you believe in yourself, you can't sell yourself, so less people will believe in you. Remember, though, that there is a line between confidence and arrogance. Arrogance is not sexy.
5. Wear nice clothes. The style of clothes that you wear doesn't matter, because you're expressing your personality. Whatever you choose to wear, though, should be clean and ironed (if appropriate). Also do not wear pants that show a lot of boxer. This is not sexy. It is gross to almost all girls. If you are going to wear jeans, make sure they are not too baggy. This does not look good.
6. Be funny! A girl loves a guy who can genuinely make her laugh. If you notice she is being turned off by your sense of humor (which you will be able to tell by her body language) then stop. Give her space.
7. Smile because girls love smiles. It makes them feel beautiful.
· If a girl does not give you a response, don't take it to heart -- remain cool and think of your future with a new girl.
· Different time frames for hair-washing apply to different people. If your hair is dirty and greasy between times when you wash it, make it a habit to wash it more often. Likewise, if you don't need to wash your hair every other day, don't feel like you have to anyway.
· Gain confidence in yourself by doing things like exercise, running a half marathon, building something, or playing an instrument. These things will give you confidence and it will show and attract others to you.
· If you're trying to get a girlfriend talk to them. Say "hi" and start a conversation. She will most likely talk to you if you start a conversation.
· Girls like boys that pay attention to everybody, not just your clique.
· Look at the girl in that other clique. The one you sit next to in Science. She might just be cool and she probably likes you too.
· Walk past her slowly but not too slow or she will think you have problems.
· A small touch on the arm, shoulder, or head can give a girl chills if she likes you. You definitely notice the attention.
· Remember to check out the whole grade. There are some girls out there that are awesome and just aren't so popular. They would love some attention. And they don't expect so much so you can be more relaxed.
· Being aloof at the appropriate times can work wonders. Don't bathe a girl in attention - this is not sexy and you'll probably suffocate her. Being laid back will show everyone that you value yourself and that is sexy.
· Realize that being truly sexy to someone often has little to do with how you look or smell. Being truly sexy comes through love and a relationship, which should never be based on physical characteristics.
· There is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Girls hate arrogance
· Both girls and guy - nobody feels comfortable with a partner who is also uncomfortable. The girl will think it's her fault, when it's not.
· Bragging about your looks is not hot. Paris Hilton is not hot because she brags about her looks but Jennifer Lopez is hot because she doesn't.
· Girls tend to stick together so don't be mean to one girl and expect another girl to love you.
· A lot of this "girls do and girls don't" stuff is generally good, but remember that every girl is going to be different.
Things You'll Need
· Shampoo
· Comb
· Deodorant
· Toothbrush
· Floss
· Soap
· Niceness
· A smile
· clean clothes
· confidence
· nice pair of denim