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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-03
核心提示:不知大家有沒有這樣的感慨:工作中做到盡忠職守,兢兢業(yè)業(yè)相對(duì)容易,可要從中體會(huì)快樂(lè),獲得認(rèn)同,贏得晉升空間卻不是僅憑勤勞二字便可為之。如何謀得上級(jí)青睞,如何籠絡(luò)人際關(guān)系,如何在講演中脫穎而出,如何在會(huì)議上收放自如,別著急,答案立刻一一揭曉。 1 Show res


    1 Show respect.Your boss is responsible for your work and the work of your colleagues. That can be a significant burden. Try to understand the business from your boss's perspective. 尊重上司,站在他的角度去理解問(wèn)題。

    2 Don't be afraid of your boss. Some supervisors can be intimidating, but remember, your boss needs you. Your performance is often key to the success of your boss. 不要懼怕你的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。即使他很強(qiáng)勢(shì),他還是希望你為他分憂。

    3 Don't try to hide problems.First, try to solve the problem. If you can't and the problem becomes serious, let your supervisor know as soon as possible. 碰到你無(wú)法解決的事情要及時(shí)向上司匯報(bào),不要讓其他人把你的問(wèn)題匯報(bào)給上司。

    4 Give honest feedback. Of course, temper your honesty with diplomacy. Choose your words wisely and use a gentle tone. Both should promote and contribute to an environment of mutual respect. 對(duì)上司講真話。當(dāng)然,你要小心措辭。

    5 Maintain your boundaries. Getting too cozy too soon may lead to trouble. Not to mention that many bosses like to keep a professional veil between themselves and their employees.和上司過(guò)快地表現(xiàn)得很親近可能會(huì)有麻煩,所以還是保持一定的距離比較好。

    6 Manage your anger. This doesn't mean you have to sit and stew when you're angry. But learn how to communicate your anger appropriately. 在上司面前發(fā)火只會(huì)說(shuō)明你缺乏自控能力。你要學(xué)會(huì)合理地化解郁氣。

    7 Learn to translate boss language. If it's not too much trouble means Do it, and the sooner the better. 你要學(xué)會(huì)“翻譯”上司的話語(yǔ),當(dāng)上司說(shuō)“如果這不是太麻煩的話”,他的實(shí)際意思是“做吧,盡快去做”。

    8 Embrace your strengths and face your shortcomings. Recognize your own talents and nurture them. Ask your supervisor for advice to help you grow in areas where you're weak. Take his or her advice and make an honest effort to improve. 發(fā)揚(yáng)優(yōu)點(diǎn),改正缺點(diǎn)。


關(guān)鍵詞: 上司 相處
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