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邊學(xué)英語邊做美食--How to cook perfect chocolate fondants

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-02-17  來源:英國衛(wèi)報
核心提示:情人節(jié)剛過,啃了不少硬邦邦巧克力的你是否想給牙齒放個假?為它們做一個甜美溫柔的SPA?美味可口的巧克力方旦糖, 來自英國的西點高手的秘方~
Like the best romantic entanglements a good chocolate fondant is hot and intense with a meltingly soft centre. How do you ensure success?

廢話不多 我們開始動手吧~
2份量(Makes 2)

60g unsalted butter, cut into dice, plus extra to grease
1 tbsp cocoa powder
60g dark chocolate, broken into pieces
1 egg and 1 egg yolk
60g caster sugar
1 tbsp plain flour

1. Pre-heat the oven to 200C if cooking immediately, and put a baking tray on the middle shelf. Butter the inside of 2 small ramekins or pudding moulds, and then put the cocoa in one and turn it to coat the inside, holding it over the second mould to catch any that escapes. Do the same with the other mould.

2. Put the butter and chocolate into a heatproof bowl set over, but not touching, a pan of simmering water and stir occasionally until melted. Allow to cool slightly.

3. Vigorously whisk together the egg, yolk, sugar and a pinch of salt until pale and fluffy. Gently fold in the melted chocolate and butter, and then the flour. Spoon into the prepared moulds, stopping just shy of the top – at this point the mixture can be refrigerated until needed, or even frozen, as the puddings will not wait around once cooked.

4. Put on to a hot baking tray and cook for 12 minutes (14 if from cold, 16 if frozen) until the tops are set and coming away from the sides of the moulds. Leave to rest for 30 seconds and then serve in the ramekins or turn out on to plates if you're feeling confident – they're great with clotted cream or plain ice cream.

怎么樣 足夠誘人吧? 自己動手試試吧~~~


關(guān)鍵詞: DIY 巧克力 甜點
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