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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2008-03-07
核心提示:Tangerine peel could help in the fight against certain cancers, researchers said on Wednesday. Human cancer cells, which contain an enzyme called P450 CYP1B1, were destroyed by a compound contained in tangerine peel, Salvestrol Q40, scientists at Le

    Tangerine peel could help in the fight against certain cancers, researchers said on Wednesday. Human cancer cells, which contain an enzyme called P450 CYP1B1, were destroyed by a compound contained in tangerine peel, Salvestrol Q40, scientists at Leicester School of Pharmacy found.

    The findings may offer a new approach to uncovering a treatment for cancers such as breast, lung, prostrate and ovarian cancer, the scientists said. Medicinal chemist Dr. Hoon L. Tan said: "It is very exciting to find a compound in food that can target cancers specifically. "Salvestrols may offer a new mechanism of dietary anti-cancer action.

    蜜桔果皮可以防治多種癌癥。據(jù)悉,人類癌癥細(xì)胞中包含了一種被稱為P450 CYP1B1的酵素,這種成分可以被蜜桔果皮中所包含的化學(xué)物質(zhì)Salvestrol Q40破壞掉。該項(xiàng)研究成果是由來(lái)自蘭凱斯特大學(xué)的藥學(xué)院發(fā)現(xiàn)并對(duì)外公布的。



關(guān)鍵詞: 蜜桔 果皮 癌癥
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